The capitolist. (Middletown, Pa.) 1969-1973, February 10, 1971, Image 1
the CAPITOLIST Vol. 3, No. 4- COMMUTING STUDENTS ORGANIZE There are 440 Commuting Students who attend Capitol Campus. These students have no voice in Student Government, although they comprise one-third of the student body. Bob Klugiewicz would like to see the Commuting Students become a powerful force at Capitol Campus, so he is trying to organize a group of Commuting Students. “We’re trying to get something together for commuting students. We’d like to have our voice in SGA, and we’d like to discuss problems that commuting students face.”, said Bob. Many commuting students hold jobs, and many of them have families. Direct involvement with SGA is STUDENTS SIGN PEACE TREATY SGA President Lee Levan and CAPITOLIST Editor Rosemary Scanlon ratified a Joint Treaty of Peace Between the People of the United States and the People of South Vietnam and North Vietnam. The document was drawn up by a delegation of eleven American students who traveled to Hanoi and met with official representatives of the North Vietnamese National Student JOINT TREATY OF PEACE BETWEEN THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES AND THE PEOPLE OF SOUTH VIETNAM AND NORTH VIETNAM Be it known that the American and Vietnamese people are not enemies. The war is carried out in the names of the people of the United States and South Vietnam but without our consent. It destroys the land and people of Vietnam. It drains America of its resources, its youth and its honor. We hereby agree to end the war on the following terms, so that both peoples can live under the joy of independence and can devote themselves to building a society based on human equality and respect for the earth. 1. The Americans agree to immediate and total withdrawal from Vietnam and publicly to set the date by which all American forces will be removed. The Vietnamese pledge that as soon as the U.S. Government publicly sets a date for total withdrawal: 2. They will enter discussions to secure the release of all American prisoners, including pilots captured while bombing North Vietnam. 3. There will be an immediate cease-fire between U.S. forces and those led by the Provisional Revolutionary Government of South Vietnam. 4. They will enter discussions of the procedures to guarantee the safety of all withdrawing troops. _ The Americans pledge to end the imposition of Tmeu-Ky-Khiem on the people of South Vietnam in order to insure their right to self-determination and so that all political prisoners can be released. 6. The Vietnamese pledge to form a provisional coalition government to organize democratic elections. All parties agree to respect the results of elections in which all South Vietnamese can participate freely without the presence of any foreign troops. 7. The South Vietnamese pledge to enter discussion of procedures to guarantee the safety and political freedom of those South Vietnamese who have collaborated with the U.S. or with the U S supported regime. 8. The Americans and Vietnamese agree to respect the independence, peace and neutrality of Laos and Cambodia in accord with the 1954 and 1962 Geneva conventions and not to interfere in the internal affairs of these two countries. 9. Upon these points of agreement, we pledge to end the war and resolve all other questions in the spirit of self-determination and mutual respect for the independence and political freedom of the people of Vietnam and the United States. By ratifying the agreement, we pledge to take whatever actions are appropriate to implement the terms of this joint Treaty and to insure its acceptance by the government of the United States. impossible. “We’re not a static force on campus. Many of us fluctuate back and forth between school and home.”, Bob explained. “We must form this organization to let people know we’re here. We would like a representative in SGA, but right now we don’t even know how many students who commute are involved in student organizations.” “Why can’t there be a Commuting Students’ Organization?”, Bob commented, “even in Orientation, when the Meade Heights people go to meetings to discuss their problems, the Comm-uters should have meetings t00...we must know that we are a part of Capitol Union and the South Vietnamese Liberation Student Union. Representatives from the three groups signed the Joint Declaration of Peace. Many organizations in the United States and Vietnam will be receiving copies of the Treaty for ratification. The following is a text of the Peace Treaty, as signed by the Capitol Campus students: (Printed by USNSA) "All The New* That Fit* .... We Print" CAPITOL CAMPUS - MIDDLETOWN, PA Campus. “An Organization of Commuting Students would defintely be an asset for Capitol.” Other commuting students who are involved in planning the organization are John Hummel, Daniel Seitz, Tom Zimmerman and Helen Martin. Beginning next week, the CAPITOLIST will include a Commuting Students’ Column as a regular feature. Soc. Sd. Work-Study Program Problem: Students cannot get work experience during school years and upon graduation or during summer breaks are unable to work in chosen area due to this lack of experience. After graduation, they are not familiar enough with actual procedures to be efficient or effective. Solution: 1. One term of senior year designated for work-study program. 2. Term will be decided upon by the student. 3. Grade will be given by Dept, head and full credit received for entire term (12 credits). 4. Evaluations will be made by employer and faculty member. 5. Dept, will determine and make requirements as to: what is to be derived from work experience, how student will relate knowledge to PSU (written test, oral test, paper...). 6. PSU will place student in appropriate position in Harrisburg area. 7. This program should operate similarly to the present El. Ed. program in this senior year. 8. The student will or will not receive monetary payment for his services (not yet determined). 9. A student committee comprised of juniors and seniors in the Soc. Sci. curriculum will serve as the medium between students, faculty, and administration. If faculty committee fails to get program approved, then University Park officials will be approached by student committee. 10. Employer references may be placed in student’s file to be used later in job applications. (Optional). 11 . This program will introduce and encourage student into business world. 12. Student will have an opportunity to test what he feels is right for him. We would like and appreciate your support and suggestions. Please call either: 944-5197, 944-7807 or 944-7832. JUDO CLUB The Judo Club is meeting from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Newcomers are welcome! mazing Talent Shaw coming! FEBRUARY 15th-Is the date to remember. These students will present the Annual Capitol Campus Talent Show at 8:00 p.m. in the Auditorium. Prize Wining Cinematographer To Discuss Motion Pictnre Making Mr. Ira Laird, of Laird Productions will present a demonstration and lecture Thursday, February 18 at 7:00 p.m. on “How to Make Motion Pictures”. In addition to showing exerpts from some of his prize winning films Mr. Laird will explain the techniques used to make good motion pictures, including composition, editing, splicing, script writing, use of different lenses, sound tracts, and many other techniques which the professional uses to produce good films for your school projects or for your own enjoyment. In addition to being a still photographer, Mr. Laird is one of the few people in this area adept in cinematography. Laird Productions is the only prize winning organization of its kind in central Pennsylvania. Presently Mr. Laird is producing films for industry, advertising, television, and the trade shows. This Week’s Happenings TODAY —Open Pot in Student Affairs. TONIGHT -8:00 p.m. Chess at 835 Nelson Drive. FRIDAY-6:00 p.m. Mixed Bowling at Middletown Lanes, 8:00 p.m. Basketball at Messiah College, at the Main Street Gym. MONDAY-7:00 p.m. “Turned On Crisis”, Residence Hall Lounges, 8:00 p.m. Capitol Campus Talent Show in the Auditorium. TUESDAY—B:OO p.m. Naiomi Madgett and Oliver LaGrone, Poetry Readings, Out of the Black Experience, in the Auditorium. 9:00 p.m. Ski Club’s Dance at the Student Center. WEDNESDAY-“Turned On Crisis” 7:00 p.m. at the Residence Hall Lounges. 9:30 p.m. Mixed Bowling at Middletown Lanes. THURSDAY—Open Pot in Student Affairs. AMBULANCE SERVICE 944-6344 February 10, 1971 His films won more than a score of national and international prizes. Movie making is now in expanding use as a dynamic substitute for the drab term paper. Here is an opportunity to learn the fine points which can make your film project a really great movie. Mr. Laird, in addition to his motion picture interest, is presently Deputy Insurance Commissioner for companies with this State’s Insurance Department. He also teaches several courses in insurance here at the Capitol Campus. HOT UNE 944-1033 ELECTIONS There will be a special election to fill several vacancies currently existing on SGA on Tuesday, February 16th. The offices to be filled are Treasurer, Junior Business Senator, and Junior Senator at large. These are the results of three resignations. The election will be held in room W-104 from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. All students may vote for Treasurer; business curriculum juniors may vote for business Senator ; and all juniors may vote for Senator at large. The same groups will be qualified to run for these offices. Nominating Petitions for interested candidates may be obtained from Mrs. Brown in W-103 (Student Affairs) or from the election committee, Missy Rotundaro and Luann Berulis. Petitions must be returned to Mrs. Brown or the election committee no later than Friday, February 12th. ID cards will be necessary to vote. In the same election there will be two constitutional amendments to be voted upon. All students are eligible to vote on these amendments. If there are any questions, contact the election committee at 944-5662 or stop at the SGA office. Campaign signs may be posted immediately.