COURT DECIDES SGA POWER by Skip Lewis Does the Senate have the constitutional right of confirmation over Presidential appointments? This question, long a point of controversy between the Executive and Legislative branches of our Student Government, was finally laid to rest when the Senate decided to turn the matter over to the Student Court for deliberation, and a final decision on the intention of a somewhat vague constitution. Although only given the power of hearing and recommending action in cases of student misconduct, and then only if the student chooses to have his case heard by the Student Court, the Student Court was able to act in a decision-making capacity by virtue of the authority vested in the Student Court by the Senate, and on the good faith expressed in action as well as in deed by both the senate and executive board. The Honorable Chief Justice James Lewis, the Honorable Justice Leroy Howell, the Honorable Justice Karen Johnson, the Honorable Justice Dave Keller, the Honorable Justice Carol Sims, and the Honorable Justice Dennis Lonergan met in closed session on January 25th, to decide on constitutional intention. Cases representing both arguments were presented before the Justices by President Lee Levan, spokesman for the Executive Branch, and by Frank Dulisse, spokesman for the Senate. The test case which prompted the action of the Senate and consequently of the Student Court evolved around the position of the treasurer. Since the beginning of school, when the duly elected treasurer Lucien Cross resigned, there has been debate as to how the position should be filled in case of such an event. The Constitution was vague on the point, and many interpretations could be understandably obtained. Controversy subsided when President Levan appointed Patti Patterson and when the Senate gave her appointment what was termed a “vote of confidence”. WHOLESALE PRICES ON ALL AUTO PARTS 'low you don’t have to cut Jasses to buy your auto parts at vholesale prices. We are now >pen every evening until 9:00 >.m. Saturdays until 5:00 p.m. SOUTH UNION SUPPLY CO. 215 S. Union Street BRIDGESTONE SUZUKI KAUFFMAN’S CYCLE SALES AND SERVICE 623 SECOND STREET HIGHSPIRE, PA 17034 PHONE 939-2591 Opinions on the interpretation flared again when the Executive Branch gave Miss Patterson a “leave of abscence” for the Winter Term and appointed Steve Wesley as acting treasurer without asking for the confirmation by the Senate. The situation was made even more arguable by accusations of inefficiency on the part of Miss Patterson. So stood the situation when the Senate voted to have the Student Court hear and render a decision on the constitutional interpretation of Senate Confirmations of Executive Appointments. The text of the Student Court’s decision may be found in the Letters to the Editor column in this issue of the CAPITOLIST. PARKING (Continued from Page \ ) continuing education. During Fall Term there were 331 traffic violations issued. Many of these 331 violations were for failure to register the vehicle. Out of this 331 there were 72 appeals filed of which 46 were excused. The number of persons who paid fines was 156. Traffic fines collected are deposited in the Student Government account. During the Fall Term $319. was deposited from this source. In general, most pay $l. to $3. However, the fines based on the accumulation of violations has amounted to as high as $5O. for one student. One area of discontent seems to be centered around the issuance of moving violations. The last issue of the Capitolist reported that the Meade Heights Board has threatened to remove all speed limit signs and stop signs from Mead Heights if “Mr. Paul continues to enforce moving violations so rigidly.” The Vehicle Registrar reports that only three citations were issued during Fall Term that involved moving violations and only one of these was in Meade Heights. That can hardly be called rigid enforcement. There were approximately 120 university persons (students, faculty and staff) stopped for poor driving habits on campus and warned about the dangerous situation they were creating, not only for themselves but possibly for others. Also approximately eighty non-university personnel were stopped. Many take the position that because we are a university community we warrant special consideration under the law and that it is not necessary to enforce driving regulations on campus. Serious accidents can occur here; an experience two years ago proved that. No one is out to harass the students. One concern of the university is the protection of each student’s person and property. Persons who ignore the speed limits and signs on campus are a threat to your person and your property as well as to their own. AMBULANCE SERVICE 944-6344 THE CAPITOLIST Some Complaints by a Student Driven Insane by Chaucer M. J. Kane, Jr. I have a few words to dispel Some gripes inspired by Lee Nell. So here I submit for your view My rambling poetry, poor though true, My head aches with the pain of it; I apologize for this exhibit Of Midi-evil phrasing and display. ‘One’s head must follow,’ so some say, ‘The path that delivers him of peace.’ And after reading Chaucer I have ceased Students, forgive me but it all must out By motely meter and ragged rhyme. To ‘pitch my bitch’ here comes the time. As has been said in times of old, I buckle on my courage and make bold, The truth will follow freely as a bird Aloft on golden wing lets go a turd. To start with the environs here around Were made for a military-style town And not condusive to the noble pursuit Of honest, moral learning that is the root Of all our being here. But let that be We adapt as best we can, you see, And seem to find our knowledge in the books Of learned men and not in a building’s looks. I protest an ignoble deference That prohibits students from the chance To hear finer music and oratory That is entombed, as in a mortuary, In our library. We second-class citizens Are not permitted to take into our humble dens These records that the faculty can. I do protest for to a man Our equipment is much better. And if you find some fault within this letter You’ll find more fault with me. But, let me repeat my simple plea, ‘Let Students be as honored as Faculty For without us where would you be. Though you have not the integrity To allow our clumsy hands to play These records where we chose today, Tomorrow you’ll complain about our rock And jazz while you hoard the classic stock!’ Another thing before I depart I’m troubled to the very core of heart To find I reason for the fee We pay to add a course to three. Two dollars is not much, I do ordain, But what is it but a trifling pain In places where I will not dare to say? For an extra course one does not pay Tuition; but this trifling sum still stands Perhaps to feed the computer’s greedy hands, Or does it go to pay a well paid clerk Who begrudgingly does the boring work Not ‘Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam’ But enter you who have the sum! To speak in prose and utter rhymes instead. I bear this heavy burden into my bed Where wifey love is set in fine desire But rhyming thus extinguishes her fire. At last its done and now I go To try and expiate my woe. And if you wish to curse this verse Curse me too, for I am the worse; I fear the days are all but gone When I was wont to don Bell-bottom jeans and a shabby coat And say ‘Funky!’ For now I gloat In tattered rags of Monk’s visage And read aloud a biblical passage. And time to time I swear in Anglo-Saxon For never to grasp a wench with flaxen Hair with breasties round and full, I pine away in celibate disguise. And people tremble in my eyes For ghastly is the sight they see For Chaucer has been demise to me! POET’S CORNER ECOLOGY by Roger L. Hawkins Rising Birch tall meek and slender Towering over and making all surrender Your generosity will long be remembered Or will it? The many faces you have brightened Doors you have opened and cracks you have shut Put you no doubt amongst nature’s very best But as your competitors increasingly unfold Man and cities alike Trampling and infuriating you for cheaper and more Meaningless gains Your elegance diminishes Still somehow you preserve your existance The strength you maintain is imperishable No earthly bound creature can attain your veracity Only can they mutilate in a naive capacity Yes you continue to hold your head Far above the storms of man And take the last and final stand Into the priceless walls of vanity land LECTURE (Continued from Page 1 ) After her Berlin engagement, she assembled her first one-woman show, Female of the Species, which she presented at settlement houses, churches and schools. She followed this with Shout Freedom, another compilation of staged poetry, prose and excerpts from Gibran, Benet, Thurber, Edward Field, Alice Childress, Alan Paton and others. Shout Freedom won wide acceptance and acclaim on college campuses throughout the country. Walk Together Children, her newest compilation, had its origin in a church service at the St. Clements Church, New York City home of the American Place Theater. The overwhelming response encouraged Miss Burrows to expand the program and the 90-minute show opened on November 11, 1968, at Manhattan’s Greenwich Mews Theatre, to wide critical acclaim. Walk Together Children has recently been recorded by Spoken Arts. Miss Burrows explained her reasons for doing a one-woman show: “As a black actress whose talents have never been fully used in our theatre, I have turned to solo performances, not merely to find employment but also to gain a greater measure of artistic fulfillment and personal satisfaction. In creating the six completely different programs in my solo repertoire, I have tapped a rich vein from my own black culture and heritage.” The campus Cultural Programming Committee urges all students, faculty, staff and friends to attend this performance at 8:00 p.m. in the auditorium on February 8, 1971. Miss Burrows performance should be one of the highlights of this year’s series. Don’t be one of those who say the next day “I sure wish I had been there last night, I hear Miss Burrows was tremendous”. CLUB CHARTERS TO BE REVOKED Due to the apparent lack of student interest, the charters for the following student organizations may be revoked by the SGA: Delta Tau Kappa (Social Science Honor Society), Flying Club, Pnarque (Literary Magazine), Outing Club, and Sigma Delta Chi Sorority. If there is any student who wishes to revive any of these organizations or, who for any reason, does not believe that one or more of these charters should be revoked, please contact either Tom Black at 238-7479, any member of Student Government, or Dean South. PREGNANT? NEED HELP? YOUR QUESTIONS ON ABORTION CAN ONLY BE FULLY ANSWERED BY PROFESSIONALS CALL (215) 878-5800 24 hours 7 days FOR TOTALLY CON F ID ENTIAL INFORMATION. Ltgal Abortions Without Oolay Page 4