The capitolist. (Middletown, Pa.) 1969-1973, February 04, 1971, Image 3
A RAP WITH OUR PRES.. Tnterviewer-Ro Scanlon Ro: “How about giving us a rundown on what happened at the last SGA meeting...” Lee: “There are four events which occurred at last week’s SGA meeting that I would like to mention. First, there was no quorum... Ten senators must be present to conduct official business. On Wednesday, we did not have more than nine at any one time. Second, the SGA will send a letter to Mr. Mueller, Director of Food and Housing of the University, urging him to give top priority to the reduction of sound in the two residence halls. This is a supportive effort in behalf of the more comprehensive report done by an ad-hoc group of dorm students. Then, the SGA endorsed the reorganization of the Organization of Student Government Associations, that’s the OSGA...which occurred at Beaver Campus on January 16th. OSGA will become a less-structured branch campus organization to deal with common problems among these campuses. Fourth...the Student Court announced its decision concerning the Constitutional question regarding the appointment power of the SGA President. Ro: “What was the outcome of the decision?” Lee: “The Court ruled that a 2/3 consent of the SGA Senate is necessary to legalize all appointments.” Ro: “Is there anything happening within the next few weeks that students should be interested in?” Lee: “There will be an election to fill the several vacancies in the SGA...and I encourage all interested students to run for office.” Ro: “Can anyone run?” Lee: “Yes, the only prerequisite is a willingness to work for the good of Capitol Campus...and its students”. Ro: ‘‘How are the committees going?” Lee: “We’re doing okay with the committees that have enough man-power. But I can’t emphasize enough that we’re in need of students, especially juniors to volunteer for committee work. Here’s the chance for those who are dissatisfied with Capitol to do something about it.” HELP WANTED 5 PART-TIME POSITIONS FOR WOMEN CALL 652-3431 AROUND THE CAMPUS. . . YEARBOOK PICTURES The schedule for yearbook pictures is as follows: Feb. 8, 8:00 p.m. to 9 p.m.; Feb. 10, 7:00 p.m. to 9 p.m. and Feb. 11, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The pictures to be taken will be group pictures of all clubs and organizations on campus. The girls are asked to wear dresses and the boys are asked to wear a suit and tie. If any club is not contacted by February 8, for time scheduling, please inform the yearbook editor, Bill Fre?pian at 944-6126. Please cooperate HOT LINE 944-1033 Ro: “Would you like to say something especially relevant to the campus community, to sum up this week’s ‘Rap With Our Pres’?” Lee: “How about run for on the handbook or on cultural planning, or re-evaluate the student rules committees, or others, to get familiar with what we are facing...ln four words, not four letters: GET YOUR ASS INVOLVED!” Poly—Sci Program to Begin Registration for area residents for the 1971 Political Science Institute is now open. Classes in practical politics, and area and state issues are offered at no charge and on a nonpartisan basis. Chairman of the Institute is Stephen R. Reed, President of the Dauphin County Young Democrats, the sponsoring organization. The first classes begin March 2nd and continue every Tuesday and Thursday of that month to completion March 30th. The general topic will be “practical politics” and in-depth presentations will be made on a host of governmental and political matters and issues. Each class will be spent on a subtopic of “practical politics” and the Institute’s classes will run year-round with each course lasting a month. Independent work study programs and high school and college students are especially urged to participate. Extra credit can be assigned to existing institutional classes. Speakers involved in governmental agencies and political office will serve as the instructors on the subtopical areas. Contributions of effort and talent for the Institute are accepted. Registration forms may be obtained by writing Reed at 217 Pine Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101. Classes will be held in East Hall, Room 212, Harrisburg Area Community College, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7 to 9 p.m. starting March 2nd, for the first course to be offered in the area. The Institute fulfills a need to give people the facts about how their political parties and government function, and how they can become better informed and more involved. It is strictly a public service venture. HOWlE—Groovin' at Tuesday's dance, which featured Locust Grove, Hollow Axis, and Hard Times. THE CAPITOLIST THE DOCTOR’S BAG... by Arnold Werner, M.D, copyright 1970 College Press Service January 1971 Address letters to Dr. Arnold Werner, Box 974, East Lansing, Michigan 48823. QUESTION: I have just begun smoking cigarettes. Whenever I light up, I get intestinal gas after a few puffs. Is this normal or abnormal? Also, can you give me a medical explanation for this phenomenon? ANSWER: There are two physical factors at work. Nicotine is a powerful stimulant to intestinal action, leading to the observation that a fat cigar is often followed by a bowel movement. It is also likely that you are swallowing air while puffing, aggravating the aforementioned pharmacologic wonder. While treading the fine line between accurate, medical comment and moralizing, I must say that you’ve got to be out of your mind to start smoking cigarettes. It is sad enough that there are so many millions of people who have been suckered into this self-destructive addiction through what at times seems like the selfish interests of an industry that panders death. QUESTION: I would like to know the principle behind those belts one can but to wrap around the waist and thighs to rid one’s self of inches of fat in a matter of days. With the guarantees that go along with them, they must work. ANSWER: The principle was stated years ago by P.T. Barnum: There’s a sucker born every minute. Gullible people are suggestible enough to pull in their paunches and impress themselves when they measure after using such a device. QUESTION: Please settle an argument my roommate and I are having. He claims that men first contracted venereal disease from sheep, which sailors used for there enjoyment during long, womanless voyages. However, I refuse to believe that anyone could get that horny. Can he possibly be right? ANSWER: About the venereal disease, he’sr wrong. About getting ‘‘that horny”—he’s right. The word for sexual contacts between humans and animals is sodomy (which can also refer to certain sexual practices among humans). Sheep inevitably seem to be mentioned when this practice is discussed. This is probably related to size, availability and the loneliness of being shepherd. While offensive to most people, such sexual practices are thought to be not uncommon. ARCHITECT CHOSEN An architect has been chosen and the money released by the General State Authority to build the proposed new Physical Education Building on Capitol Campus. It will be located between the Placement Building and the University Apartments on the same side of the road as the Placement Building (on the current Softball Field). TWYLA DANCES! Mrs. Twyla Brown, famed secretary in the Office of Student Affairs, will dance the Tarrentella in the Annual Amazing Talent Show! Amazing Talent Slum CM! -<eyV pi make the Amazing Talent Show a success. NED IRISH—WouId you believe he's a Humanist? Ned is building a stage for the Amazing Talent Show. BLAH, BLAH, by Lee A. Nell Last week I wrote that we all have a bitch to air. So air it, right? Wrong! Who cares? No one. We’ve been bitching for years and still the bombers fly. Meanwhile, “the most expensive moon flight” goes off with all flags flying. Terrific. I’m up to my ears in dialogue over world problems-what’s the best way to cure them; which ones do we cure first; or do we try at all? And I’m up to my ears explaining why I feel the way I do to some slob who can think only that his taxes are gbing to some “creep” on welfare. And I’ve had it listening to people telling me why I feel the way I do. TTie hell with it. Do we have an obligation to try at all? And if we try, will we end up as raving idiots? Rave, rave. Yippee. Fd like to hear one good reason why I should care if people are getting blown to hell in Viet Nam. I’m 1-Y and won’t be touched by a draft system which should make no difference to me. Why should I aim for some goal that may help to alleviate the problems of the poor? And surely, even if I do If you missed seeing us on campus call 800-424-8580 (toO free) IfICTA volunteers Vlo IA in service to America icticing for three weeks to BLAH... my best to wipe out racism, some other nut is going to work his ass off to “keep the blacks in their place.” And blah, blah, blah... Are we sitting in our academic ivory tower, discussing or learning-helping anything? Or when we get out are we going to be like the old man-chasing the dollar, or the rainbow. I’m not black, so Angela Davis can go to the gallows, and so can the Harrisburg Six-I’m not Catholic. Hell, 1 don’t even believe in god. Morality? That’s a joke. Any society that allows killing on TV but balks at showing public hair on the movie screen, can’t tell me about marriage and sex and the social graces. So I’m sorry that I told you all to bitch. No one listens. Many people here have already learned that. I’m down now and tend to agree. But I’m also stupid. So the next day or the next, I’ll be back up trying to do some vague thing that very, very few people are going to care or even know about. Well, c’est la vie. Some of us never learn. Tough. Page 3