The capitolist. (Middletown, Pa.) 1969-1973, October 14, 1970, Image 4

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    BSU Plans Cultural Center
by Roger L. Hawkins
Ramon Harris, vice-president of vides for disadvantaged students. (N.0.W.)
the Black Student Union (BSU) Besides the two main objectives <phe Capitol Campus of The Penn
predicts more activities for the or- mentioned above, the organization S yi V ania State University is pleased
ganization. The Black Student U- also plans to be involved in commu- present the fourth in its annual
nion, a relatively new organization, nity efforts and the Sylvan Heights Artists and Lecture Series,
was established primarily to encour- project which consists of tutoring The 1970-71 series, planned by the
age minority group students to come and promoting healthy activity a- Capitol Campus Cultural Program
to Capitol Campus. mong deprived orphan children. m j ng Committee, is made up of sev-
The Black Student Union, as ex- . The upcoming social events sched- en programs,
plained to me by Ramon, is not es- ul ®, by the Black Student Union Each of the programs will be pre
sentially a social organization but a *? e Bingo, which took place on sen ted at 8 p.m. in the Campus
cultural organization. The new main luesday, Oct. 6,1970, in the student Auditorium, located in the Main
objectives of the Black Student U- ce .„ 15' . 1970, a dance Building.
nion are to provide for the founda- "JI** 1 ** . £* ven , j ® P ,m ' 1 a,m * The Public is most cordially invit
tiori of a Black Cultural Center and a]B ° In th? student center. e d to all of the programs in the
a scholarship fund. The black cul- Ramon has many objectives for series. There is no admission charge,
tural center will include African the future of the Black Student Parking is available in the lot behind
and Afro-American literature, an Union, but m order for his objectives the Main Building,
audio-visual section and a section de- to be a success he needs the coopera- Members of the Committee which
picting various types of African turn of the students. So he, speak- planned the 1970-71 Artists and Lec
sculpture. on the behalf of the Black Stu- ture Series include both students and
. . ~ .. .. - , . dent Union, would appreciate it if faculty members appointed last
AS fa j a L th o. q. ll P * f TT d i ? ou ’ l he st udents, would support and spring for a one-year term,
concerned, the Black Student Union feel free to call on the Black Student student members of the Commit
plans to provide scholarships in ad- Union for any problems you might tee are Larrv Gelbach Viririnia
dition to what the university pro- have, or just to make suggestions 8 Gutetast, Saric, Judy
T-. -wt in , T .. . . Reisman, and Bernard Schonbach.
Express Yoursell. •• Notices! Notices! Faculty members are Gerald Bierly,
~ . Lois Dixon, Irwin Richman, and Ed-
If you would like to express your- PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB! ward Trunk. Miss Carmen Vance,
self in writing on any topic that The photography club is in process Assistant Dean of Student Affairs,
would make interesting reading, we Q f developing! If you are interested coordinated the planning efforts,
of the Capitolist staff would be very j n taking pictures, developing or TI-GRACE ATKINSON
glad to receive and publish such ma- printing them, contact John Fanelly Monday, October 19, 1970
terial. Our aim is to make the paper at 947 A Kirtland or Dave Howells at Ti-Grace Atkinson has long been
more responsive and relevant to the 9488 Kirtland! in the forefront of the movement
Student Body on political issues, FURNITURE COMMITTEE for women. A founding member of
social issues, or whatever. We want CHOSEN the Feminists, originally the October
our Collective Capitolist to be a sue- Dr. John R. Grimm, Dean of Student 17th movement, she is a board mem
and we need only one ingredient Affairs, has announced the member- ber of the National Organization for
YOU. Our office is located in the 3 hjp of a committee to select the fur- Women (NOW). Formerly she
Placement Building and we meet nishings of the new student lounge served NOW as finance chairman
every Wednesday at 8:10 p.m. Please and ar t gallery, which will be located an d president of its New York chap
leave your name and phone number j n ro oms WlO7 to Will. Professor ter. Miss Atkinson is a
V 1 mailbox, across from student Oliver La Grone, Gregory Garth, the University of Pennsylvania and
Affairs, or with any member of our Carolyn Sims, Lois Brockington, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts
s t a f f - Jerry South, Dr. Grimm, and Miss an< * is a candidate for her doctorate
Carmen Vance will be. members of h? philosophy at Columbia Univer
this committee. In the near future, sity. The Feminist leader has writ
the committee will be meeting to se- £ en an d spoken about feminism and
lect the furniture for the lounge, human rights as it relates to women
Any students or faculty who have as a class, created documentary
recommendations should contact any films about women and appeared on
member of the committee! national television to promote her
support of the Feminist Movement.
The Capitolist will now be deliver
ed to the dorms and Meade Heights
from this issue on. Our Circulation
Managers, Louise Leopold and Tony
McGovern, feel that our readers are
important enough to warrant the
extra work. Return the favor by
reading the paper, and if you find it
interesting, provocative, or even dull
drop us a line at the Placement
Building. We are very open to im
provements and suggestions. Con
tact any member of our staff today.
PAX the staff
Help! Clubs Need Members
Capitol Campus presently consists terialize out ot thin air
of 23 student organizations. If each
person were to get involved with at Our clubs are versatile as well;
least one of these clubs, our campus we can change, rearrange or create
would be as dynamic as everyone D ew clubs for the sake of students,
wishes it would be. The institution ?? do not blame the school or organ
is what we make it. Participation is ization if you are unsatisfied—speak
the key to its success. If we all U P —£et something done.
TfYßfit didn't care or as much as tried to , Ideas, the planning, working out
JU “°\ ~ make activities we all have failed details leading to an event are a job;
(continued from page 1) and can blame ourselves for having however, quite gratifying too. On
Mr. Schulz said the part-time posi- a lousy campus. th® final day we stand very proud
tions made available by Chamber We need spirit; that comes not wh en we are complimented by others
members .include jobs such as secre- only in the joining and actual parti- s^ I enjoyed that” or “that was
tary, bookkeeper, bartender, school cipation, but in the attitude we hold. nice ? Party.” You can meet
bus driver, truck driver, mechanic, Anyone can easily say “it’s no good” new fiends and possibly amend
draftsman, cook, waitress, male or “it’s never going to work.” How ®? me °* d grievances during these
dancing teacher, file clerk, sales could it? This attitude is for the tlmes ‘ Extra curricular activities
clerk and approximately 40 addition- birds. We necd confidence which TheJ" as t . ? CholaS ?- C l
al ,iob categories. -r, , A , se events are the things which
He estimated that more than 50 “ mes 'J 1 th » troop. Everyone and make college memorable. So, the
percent of the undergraduate stu- everything is worth something, it’s sooner the better, get involved. Also,
dents enrolled at Capitol Campus will the value we put on the things we attend all the college functions as
be engaged in part-time work during do. If we work hard together we an indirect contribution Have some
the year. have a good thing. Nothing will ma- fun.
Ti-Grace Atkinson,
October 14, 1970