Behrend collegian. (Erie, Pa.) 1971-1988, December 08, 1988, Image 9
Volume I—No. 4* STUDENTS READY for CHRISTMAS SNO BALL Ideal Spot for Ski Club’s New Winter Ski Course on Behrend Campus v >*4 - r ‘ r r »*; jC ; ■/ V -iiX'Z '«^ "•--v .. '• '., >: x , - *"~™ •+*£, ”’ V ~ V-f- '• r-v '*" V -■ V. - ' •'•'■' - < '' ' ' ‘v<*'"y V’ «f>* 'v?' -■* v , < 1" V ; <•:•■-" / ' ~-~',.sv?'\ •:. ■• ' '- v Ski Club Gets Plans Underway Hey kids it looks like we might put Behrend on the map with our ski Club. Mr. Gottlund intends to include all winter sports in the club, and one snowy day he plans to have an ice carnaval. Sound like fun? Well it's going to be! The pro 'gram would start in thife afternoon with skiing and skating races and exibitions. In the evening a simple supper would be served followed by dancing in Bee. Hall. After dark the run and the pond are to be lit by flares so the races can be resumed. Mr. Gottlund also hopes to build fi huge fire beside the skating pond, and maybe even put a pot of chocolate on to brew. All the plans are still in the making, but they certainly sound wonder ful. ■ * At the beginning the ski club will be divided into groups accord ing to ability. Instructions will be given to each group seperately, thus making it possible for us all to be able to at least go down standing up before the season is over. If the skiing equipment is all brought at once through the col lege, there will be a considerable discount. The skis, poles, and bind ings should cost about 17 dollars. .For those who cannot buy equip ment right away, about ten pairs of skis should be available for renting. • This Club has a big enrollment now, but everyone is urged to 'join. It sounds like it is really go ing to turn our Center into a win ter playground. Five Earn High Midterm Grades • According to Mr. Ferguson, five students have made the highest imidterm grades with an average of ?. The honor students are Bavid Alexander, chemical engineer; Ja net Brown, medical technology; -Toros Simonian, mechanical en gineer; Harold Storrer, chemical ‘engineer, and Judith Thomas, edu ‘cation. Experience. That’s what employers look for, and that's what the Collegian offers you as a Writer, Advertising Rep. or Photographer. Experience look for and experience what we can give you. Add Commu 001 to experience you need. N ITTANy CU B * . Price Five Cents ' '* k /. ‘"■ \;'r t ?«*-*«; ,%«<:■'• vr;.;*r” ~ '■•'••*•' ** ■• - -•■ • : > '■ '■ •'' "i- *-" ' ' Thank You, Mr; Lamb . . ♦ Mr. Edward Lamb Publisher, The Erie Dispatch Herald Erie, Pennsylvania Dear Mr. Lamb, The students and faculty of Behrend Center, Penn State College, express their sincere appreciation and thanks to you for the generous donation to the Ski club for the purpose of purchasing equipment for of' this ' ization. Not only have you given financial aid but by excellent coverage, in the Dispatch Herald of our activities here at Behrend you have aroused interest and prompted assistance from other sources as well. We refer in particular to the article on the proposed ski run which, with your aid, has gained momentum and is now under construction. At present it appears that Behrend Center might well become the best equipped and most popular winter sport mecca in this area. May we extend to you a cordial invitation to cpme out, join us, and observe our pro gress at any time; the welcome mat is always out at Behrend. We would like you to feel that your time, effort, and money have been well invested in furthering education in Erie. Thanks again, Mr. Lamb. Behrend Campus - Will Have Ice . Skating Rink Sharpen your blades all you fol lowers of the flashing steel merry go-round. No, it’s not of fencing but of ice skating that I speak. Talking to Mr. Demp this morning and the agreeable phys. ed men tor revealed the little known fact that our ice skating surface is tak ing shape and should, shortly after Christmas, round into a very sat isfactory rink. In fact, if all the tentative plans are carried out, it might well be the most attractive thing of its kind in the Erie area. Skiing has somewhat overshadow ed its icy partner, so far, but as soon as the ice skating plans begin to materialize, the two will run neck and neck in popular appeal. In case you didn’t know, the rink is situated directly behind the classroom building and is approx imately 150 feet long and 75 to 100 feet wide. It has already been lev eled off and the main difficulty (Continued on Page 2) OFFICIAL ✓STUDENT PUBLICATION THURSDAY. DECEMBER 16, 1948 —Student Body Behrend Center of Erie Christmas Tea. Opens Festivities Last Sunday afternoon was the" realization' of joy anticipated by all women students, faculty and the wives of the faculty, when a tea was held by Mrs. Ferguson in her home, "The Cottage.” Candle light, pine boughs and a Christmas tree all contributed to the spirit of Christmas which prevailed there. Until everyone did away with the thought that it was much too pret ty to eat, a lolly-pop Christmas tree was the center of attraction. The delicious refreshments includ ed tea, marguerites, sand tarts, cho colate nut cookies and appropriate red and green mints. The tea was poured by Miss Davis and Miss Picker, while little Cornelia was the un-offeial sampler. This de lightful afternoon was the begin ning of Christmas festivities here at Behrend Center. BOOK STORE HOURS Friday 3:30-4:30 Monday and Wed 2:30-4:30 Tuesday and Thurs 1:00-2:00 is what they is December 8,1988 get the Pugh Addresses Center Students Mr. David B. Pugh, administra tive head of all Penn State Centers, was the speaker at the student as sembly held Thursday, December 9, in the student lounge. Mr. Pugh traced the origin of the centers and gave a few of his own experiences in the early days of the Bradford and Warren Centers, which are now fifteen years old! Mr. Pugh, a very friendly, capable man and an interesting speaker, included in his "Fireside” talk some of the problems that may be encountered on the campus and how to best adjust ' ourselves to these diffi culties. He also cited Behrend Center as one of the best equipped and progressive centers in the state and lauded the initiative shown the opening and developing of some of the winter sports in the Erie area. Mr. Ferguson also gave a short talk on recent correspondence with Mrs. Behrend in which she. expressed the desire to have the library and two of the other rooms in the main, house returned to their original decoration and furnish ings. The' library could then serve as a club room to the various organizations of the school. Mrs. Behrend also requested that a wreath containing the different kinds of evergreens found on the estate be made and placed on Mr. Ernst- Behrend’s grave in the Wintergreen Gorge Cemetery. Mr. Ferguson named Tom Pierce, Bay Metz, and Lee Delle Donne to ful fill this request. An announcement of major im portance to the Ski Club and a boon to the school as a whole was that the Erie Dispatch Herald through the owner Mr. Charles Lamb has made a donation of one hundred dollars to the ski club, in which Mr. Lamb is very much in terested, for the purpose of pur chasing a rope for the ski tow. Free cigarettes and a cigarette case were also given away with the compliments of the Camel cig arette people. BEHREND COLLEGE DISCOUNT - FRENCH FRIES ANY sandwich & soft drink WE DO IT YOU’D DO IT " BURGER KING 4315 Buffalo 453-3774 Behrend Center —Pennsylvania State College Neil Charles’ Orchestra Plays The girls of Behrend Center had better get their best forraals rea dy to wear on December 16, 1948. The fellows have their suits all picked out, and they are even learning how to tie a bow-tie for the super-duper Christmas Dance. “The Dance of the Semester" will be held .at the Masonic Temple Ball room in Erie. Neil Charles and his orchestra will supply the music from 9-1. That’s right fellows, the dormitory girls have late permis sion. so you had better ask your date before someone gets to her first. Tickets may be ogtained for the nominal fee of $2.00 from any of the class officers, in the cafeteria, or at the Reception Desk. No tick ets will he on sale after December 14, so don’t delay. Refreshments will be served all evening. Come on guys and girls—buy your tick et now so that we may have 100% representation at “The SnowbalL” Ray Reed Is New Dramatics Club President On Monday, November 29, the Dramatic Club had ite first meet-; ing in the student lounge at'6 Pit Under the direction of Mr. Korean, a group of students organized the club and elected officers. Ray Reed was elected president, Marilyn Garden is the secretary. Nan Bier man was elected vice president, and the treasurer is Rita Jackson. The club decided to put on a play on December 15, and two more next semester. The play which will be given this month is John Gals worthy’s “Escape". Try outs were held on December 1. Student Council Recognizes Clubs Student Council has officially recognized the following clubs: Spanish Club, French Club, Glee Club, Dramatic Club, Sid Club, and German Club, also bowling ' league and Intermural Athletic Association. A committee consisting of Wes Ffirman, Gib Brownlie, Tom Pearce, and Ed Kittka were ap pointed to be in charge of the bud get for remainder of the year. The committee took into consideration the funds previously spent by the various activities, and based the final results according to which activities would benefit the great est number 'of students and have the largest participation.. Total funds available for the remainder of the year are $1514.02. Activities: Social . 558&.27 •Newspaper $391.15 Athletics and ski club $350.00 Lounge $lOO.OO Dramatics $75.00 Total $1504.42 The Student Council reserves the right to rearrange the budget as the Student Body fluctuates. I.D. CARD with the purchase of Must show Behrend Student I.D. card before ordering. Offer good until Look at Christmas Past Reproduced on the left is the front page of Behrend College’s newspa per from exactly 40 years ago. The Nittany Cub aver aged about 4 pages per issue that first year - not too bad considering that the student body consisted of only about 150 stu dents. A lot has changed since that first Christ mas edition of what was to later become the Colle gian. Today's student has one major advantage over the students of '4B. In those days, the paper cost a nickel. Back then, Mrs. Ferguson's tea was one of the social events of the sea son. But some things never change. Even then, ques tions about where to put the library and how to acco modate student clubs figured heavily on every one's mind. Finally, examine the page carefully. Even the dedicated crew at the Nit tany Cub made an occasional typo. Our thanks to Ben Lane for use of The Nittany Cub. January 1989. Rd. ■'.h 'i ■ 1