Collegian Page 4 Survey Says.rn by Ed Miseta Collegian Staff Writer Ina survey conducted on campus in February, 64% of the students polled admitted to engaging in some type of cheating. 57% felt there was a general attitude on campus that cheating is o.k. as long as you don't get caught, and 45% said they have cheated on an exam at Bchrcnd. These results were obtained from 400 students who filled out the survey in the Gorge, the Library, and in various classrooms. The students were asked to respond to five questions with a 'yes' or 'no' answer. These results arc shown in table I. The biggest surprise to me was that while 73% felt that cheating is not acceptable in any situation, 64% of them still cheated, answering 'yes' to question four or live (or both). And while almost 70% felt it was not easy to cheat on exams, 45% =flatted to do it anyway. • I also asked the respondents if they were male or female, and whether they were a freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior. I used these results to further break down the -15% of students answering 'yes' to question four. 132 out of 274 The Lighter Si by Ed Miseta Collegian Staff Writer --If there's one thing I learned from doing the cheating survey, it's that students can be pretty creative in their methods. 'Sally' was probably the best. "What can I say," she said. "It's something that I just happen to be really good at." She then rattled off about ten different methods that she had used to cheat on exams. "Being a girl also makes it easier to lie to instructors," she i.,11(1. "Especially if you're good looking:, like me." She then went on to say, "1 don't particularly enjoy doing it, but it's so convenient, I just can't resist." Well that's nice to hear. She probably fakes her orgasms too. I mean, it's more convenient, right? --I also don't think it's very fair that students who are really good at cheating can get better grades than those who would like to cheat, but can't because they don't know how. I feel Behrend should start offering a course that would train students in the fine art of cheating. It could be called Management 311-A: Business Un-Ethics. In order to teach the students the newest and most effective techniques, the instructor could bring in, as special guests, people who are really good Spring Specials The Fantastic Difference That'll Make You Smile The original family haircutters. ..... : :...o.E.T.,:.iirti : E':.F4krifriksTic..,:pifFEßEN . .cF,.......i.: males, or 48%, admitted to cheating on an exam, as opposed to 42 out of 113, or 37% of the females. The breakdown by class standing is shown in table 2. These numbers arc disturbing, to say the least. This was a random survey, and may not be indicative of the whole population, but I feel it is fairly accurate. Many students cheat, it seems, without stopping to think about the consequences. A student who cheats during an exam may get a couple more questions right, but the act could cause him/her to fail the course, and probably be dismissed from the university. (see The Policies and Rules for Students, 49- -20: Academic Integrity). Another problem with cheating is that a student who does it once and gets away with it is much likely to do it again. A writer once wrote: "Lying is easy. Lying once is hard." The sane principle applies to cheating. And finally, a large number of students cheating can create an attitude among the students that cheating is o.k. This can lead still, more students to cheat which is a problem since the final letter grade of a student might be based on how he/she did relative to the other students in the class. at cheating, lying, and other types of un-ethical behavior. Possibly officers and detectives from the Eric Police Deparunent. --Talking to cheaters, I was able to make up a list of about thirty proven methods for cheating on papers, exams, lab reports, and programs. I was asked not to print it here, since that might encourage further cheating. The list is, however, on sale. Please see me for details. --The most ignorant person. I met was a girl (isn't it always a girl?) who filled out a survey in the Gorge. She was sitting at a table with about five other students. After filling hers out, she told everyone else at the table to check 'no' for all of the questions. "Why can't I be honest?" one of the guys asked. "Because," she said, "if everybody checks 'yes' then the university will clamp down on cheating, and we won't be able to do it anymore." Ah, women. Can't live with 'ern, can't shoot 'em. --On one of the 'trial' surveys that I gave out before the big one, respondents had a choice of 'yes', 'no', and 'don't care'. Ten students checked 'don't care' for one or more of the questions. I then asked those Perm 1---1 24.95 Special mom Adult Style Cut 7.95 Special COMPARE AT $ll.OO 1111-(IIIIIIlIIIII I I I I I I 1 I I l 1 I 1 I II BUFFALO *OAD In c lo.6lpar SU ElEt. Coupon Expires April 10th This problem can be alleviated only through a combined effort on the part of both students and faculty. Instructors must pursue a more aggressive anti-cheating policy. This can include watching students more closely, different versions of the same exam, collecting and redistributing blue books, and having upper level students help out in , large, introductory level classes. The students can also do their part in helping out. Dr. James Kurre, Assistant Professor of Economics, feels that a students witnessing any type of cheating (copying, plagiarism, etc.) should inform the instructor immediately. "In most cases it's not necessary that you give the person's name," he said. "Simply let the instructor know what has occurred so he/she can watch for it in the future." I'm sure most instructors would agree. Cheating on this campus is a., problem that must be dealt with now, before it gets any worse. Anyone wishing to express 0.1 opinion on the survey or on cheating in general is invited to write to The Collegian. I would; be interested in hearing your views. ten students if they thought there was a problem with people who,. checked 'don't care' on surveys. Two said 'yes', three said 'no', and five said they 'didn't care'. --I'm sad to report that seven students were caught copying off of their neighbor's survey. A note has been mailed to their parents and their names are being sent to the Miami Herald, for future reference. --Thirteen respondents failed to check either 'male' or 'female' . They must be those 'she-males' I've seen and read about in magazines. --There were also a few who failed to check either freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior. I guess I can understand that. They didn't know I would be asking that question, and therefore didn't have the answer written down on their -- Here arc two good stories that were related to me, by instructors. There was a student in one class whose exam score was in the low thirties. Comparing that exam against one of the other. answer keys produced a score in theypper eighties. "We should sit down and write a paper on this," wrote the instructor at the top of the student's paper. "The odds of it happening are probably a million to one." The Haircut Service Includes * Shampoo * Precision Cut * Style/Finish * No Hidden Extras Behrend Student Discount Additional 10% 4309 Buffalo.,Road Corner of Buffalo and Nagle lidads ' • ' next to Burger' King Mon. -Thurs. 8:30=8:30 Fri.- 8:30-1:00 "- Sat- 8:30 - 5:00 NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY student was then given an 'F for fine effort. ' Another professor told me the story of a student who took a cheat sheet full of formulas into an exam with him. The problem? He mistakenly stuck it inside the exam COMPARE AT $37.00 check made payable to the Collegian at the Rub desk. ,Pjease print your name, address, and phone number on the back of your ads. . _ • • - -Ads will be published at the discretion of the editors. Ads not published will be returned with payment. , 'QUESTION .- . NO 1) DO YOU THINK THERE IS A GENERAL:ATTITUDEE: 4 y A ' ON CAMPUS - 'THAT CHEATING. -7 IS OK AS LONG AS v ‘ l . ) f h, - 1 . - 37 0 --YOU DON'T GET CAUGHT? 2 DO YOU FEEL IT IS EASY TO CHEAT ON MOST - 6 'EXAMS AT THIS'UNIVERSITY? ' 3 I / 697 o a 3 DO YOU PERSONALLY BELIEVE CHEATING IS Wall -7 - 2 01 ACCEPTAB E IN OME SITUATIONS? i ~)/0 4) HAVE YOU EVER CHEATED ON AN EXAM AT EMMA BEHREND? - - 5) HAVE YOU EVER COMITTED ANY OTHER TYPE OF ACADEMIC DISHONESTY AT BEHREND? 42 % 5 - (COPY SOMEONES HOMEWORK, PLAGIARISM, 8 . INFORMATION FABRICATION,' ETC...) ANSWERED YES TO QUES. FOUR , FRESHMAN 25 OUT OF 78 = 3 270 SOPHOMORE 66 OUT OF 129 --= 51 7. JUNIOR 37 OUT OF 8 4 ----`T % sEtaoß 49 OUT OF 102 =4 6 Z Collegian -.. -',!r* *" .. •- . ..*;* - Cla.sifieds Personals 1. Kim S. Interested? Can we meet? Y.S.A. hey 706 Its National Bruce Week. Kim Sendek: Want to study Geo . Bliv? —The dreamer— Turn on the lights-I can't see MEM Hey Everybody Happy Shamrocks Da ! Wanted Wanted: Slim ,athletic,attractive, male gerbil seeks female counterpart to travel the open roads and share my new found freedom. I am fond of cycling , beer, and female midget rollerderby. Have skates will travel. Kinky biologically confused types need not applSi send photo c/o Office. Ads will cost $l.OO for 3 lines and 5.50 for - each additional line. There are 34 characters per line. Turn in your ads in a sealed envelope with cash or Table I Table 2 before turning it in. The professor had a surprise when he opened it up, and the student had a surprise when he got it back. I'm sure by now he has a fine career pumping gas at Kwik-Fill. opinifp --So just what does al mean anyway? I don't know you, but it tells , me that a Behrend students can look fo to a successful career in po Attorney General anyone? For Sole For Sale: Bird cages big and small. Call Bill or Deb. 454-3355 For Sale:Gourgeous Brooks Brothers Leather Loafers. Never Worn. size' 10 1/2. ask for 898-0106 For Sale: Citizens Band Radio. Solid, great reception,w/antenna. For more information call 898-0106 ask for Steve. For sale Twin size water bed with heater and pump $150.00 or best offer. 825-8873 Rick Miscellaneous Meeting All junior and senior Communications majors are required to attend an informational meeting at March 17 at the Brookside at 12:00 Other majors are also encouraged to attend.-D.B. Missing; Killer gerbil answers to the name Spike. White with brown patches. Fond of beer popcorn and female midget roller derbyists. Last seen- cycling on Jordan Road. Contact Jim - and Terry 899-0795