December 13, 1979 The Irian Crisis: What To Do? By Mary Miseta Selected faculty members and students were asked to give their opinions about the Iranian crisis. In response to the following question: "Do you think that the U.S. should use military action in Iran? Explain your answer." • "Military force in Iran should be used as a last resort. They must either release the hostages or we should start attempting to do something besides justice of (the) military. The use of the military now is impractical, only because of the strategic location of Tehran. Fifty Americans are still alive in Iran, and the idea of sacrificing the fifty people's lives, plus other American military lives, to free wouldn't accomplish anything. The best route to go right now would be an ecomonic blockade. I've heard the argument that when the bombs start falling, people are going to lay down their hands. And in Islam, they would not go along with it, because it is an Islamic country." Capt. R.F. Schneider, Army ROTC "I would not initiate any military action unless there is harm coming to these hostages. If they're tried, and as a result of the trial, they're going to execute people, then I'd have to say that we would be justified in using military force. I would recom mend it. If these people are tried and shot, the people responsible should be taken. I feel they should be tried by the U.N., or somebody." - Capt. Jeff Witherel, Army ROTC "My answer to the question would be no. We should not in tervene - militarily. Once we do that, we would have played our trumph card and we would no longer have any other options. We should use social and economic pressure to release the hostages before we start con sidering military action. That kind of thing is exactly what has gotten the Iranians suspicious of us to begin with. We do have a history of intervening militarily Behrend Prat Time: Saturday afternoon. Place: Behrend soccer field. Event: The First Annual Alpha Phi Delta, Behrend verses Gannon football game. Victors: Behrend Cubs, 12-6. This past Saturday, after a game delay an hour and a half, Behrend's first frat football game took place. Gannon had earlier accepted the invitation sent by Alpha Phi Delta's president, Pat Sedlak, for the battle, with the winners buying the losers two quarts of Jack Daniels. There would also be a beer blast that night at the Gannon frat house, sponsored by the losers. Around 2:30, approximately 40 guys gathered in the Erie Hall parking lot and the contest was on. The weather conditions couldn't have been worse, but all the more fun. Thirty-two degrees, A Night Out With The Nights The Behrend Collegian in the upcoming iSsties will be scouting _ out places to. go and things to see in the Erie area, as well as the state of New York. This week we discover and explore; "The Castle." _ _ _ So you say you've spent too many hours submerged in that nasty old Chemistry book? It's Fridaymight and if_ you-hear one more. Chemistry term you'll go bookers. You just have to go out and escape the realities of your 1.2 grade point average. Now you ask YAW -*We to. in internal affairs of other countries. That is exactly what the Iranians are accusing us of doing. They are accusing us of using military spies on their country. That is their justification for what they are doing, which is a violation of international law." Prof. Dana Anderson, Psychology "If you mean whether we should, at the present time use military force on Iranian soil, the answer to that is probably, no. Because one: it would get the fifty hostages killed quickly; and two: the use of that kind of military force probably can't be justified on legal grounds at the present time. If the hostages are harmed, then that changes the balance of the situation. If you're talking about a more limited kind of military action, some kind of blockade, or a quarantine of vessels going to and from Iran, if the hostages aren't free in another two weeks time, I'd favor something like that. But military force in the form of some kind of landing in Iranian territory, or bombing the oil wells, I think would be over-reacting to the situation as much as what the Iranians have done is illegal and unpleasant to the U.S: I think military action at this time would do more harm than good." John Gamble Associate Prof. of Political Science "The answer is no, simply because I think that any military action is going to result in the loss of lives of about fifty people. I think what needs to be pursued currently is the diplomatic release of the hostages. I think that 'shortly the shah will either be asked to leave the U.S. and that would be the solution. Military action would be suc cessful, but it would result in deaths." Jim Weber, Political Science Dept. "No, I do not think that we should use military action in Iran at this point, if eter. The first sign of American military in tervention is quite likely to produce the deaths of all the hostages. We would lose the FB Game snowing pretty good, and a whipping wind sat the scene. But that didn't stop our guys. In the first quarter, our Andy Dawson carried the ball for the first TD of the game. It remained 6-0 until the third quarter when Gannon tied it at six all. The fourth quarters action saw Behrend's own Brad Palmer carry the ball over the line to finish the game's scoring. That score remained the final 12-6. It was a good clean game and the only major injury, occurred when Gordy Snyder's nose connected with a Gannon player and some of his precious blood was spilled. The after-game partying went on as planned and everyone had a great time. It was a well-organized event and we hope to see the frat brothers get together again. do?" How about escaping to the days of old, to an old castle? The Middle Ages are just a drive away at the Castle. The Castle is an old mansion converted into an old King Arthur like edifice. The establishment is cleverly adorned with odd Medieval garb. Gracing the walls of the Castle are everything ranging from knights in shining armor to their colorful shields and lances. It seems like Sir Lancelot could walk up to the bar, order a - Dina Colida challenge a patron to a jousting match and nobody- would seem too sur .--13450.4. _The Ataleffthere isAmice. . s ,Bebrend .Col legion game anyway so why step in? Of course, the hostages are finally a symbol. They are to the rest of the world, and to us, a symbol of the ability of a solumn group of terrorists who control one of the major powers of the world. As soon as we intervene militarily, they're going to have forces aligned against one another. Iran will become very important, and also our allies will become very important. Clearly at this point, the powers of Iran are also looking for a way out and how they go about doing that is going to be a delicate issue. I would like to see this go to international courts of law, as soon as this is over, but right now we cannot succumb to black mail." Karen M. Campbell, Prof. of English Student's responses follow: "Since the release of the hostages is unlikely, war must be considered inevitable. Several deliberate acts of war have gone unpunished: the taking of the embassy, the seizing of the hostages and neglect of their basic human rights. Economic aggression is only a temporary solution. Much as I hate to say it, I have to advocate military ac tion when all else fails." Bridget Burns "If they take military action now, the Iranians will kill all of the hostages, so we shouldn't go in. But if they start killing and trying the hostages, then only should we go in and take action." Edward Spiffier "I think we should, because the Iranians have been making gestures to us, and they want to go to war with us. They have definitely made war moves, and I think we should take them up on it, and go to war with them. We should send the military over there, not because of the lives of the forty-nine, but because of pride for America." Denise Berdine "At one time I was for military change from discos and bright flashing lights. And speaking of disco, there is none. The Castle plays 100 per cent rock n roll. Weekdays the bar features the music of Wouf Buffalo, a renowned rocker station if there ever was one. Weekends you can find a D.J. also playing, strictly rock. So if you like rock and you like a good time, look into an evening at TEE CASTLE. ,( special than to Mike Hirsch who had a good time while digging up facts). The Castle, located on Webster .Road. between Braden and. action in Iran, but that was at the very beginning of the crisis. As soon as they took our hostages, we should have jumped in. Right now, I am a very firm believer in the political process of using international pressure and diplomacy to get back the hostages. I do not think that the hostages should be used against us if things go bad, other than diplomacy. But at the moment, just straight diplomacy, no war." Ed Bell "I do not think military action should be taken against Iran. I think that the Iranian government is falling apart, and that military action will not be "Merry Ch ristmas" Westfield in New York state. Less than an hours drive away from Behrend College. Hints cont. from p. 2 would be something nice and different for your houses leading conservative. Just remember the first rule about Christmas shopping, if you like it, but it then that way it will probably become yours anyway. Christmas is the season of giving, but receiving half your gifts back makgs the, season warmer. - necessary. The U.S. has backing of the European countries, and Kohmeni is losing his prestige among them." Tim Hartung "Use military action just to end the whole thing. They're trying to get away with things that they shouldn't be able to get away with. We will not submit to black mail. If we use military action, we will put an end to it. People might get hurt, but we have to demonstrate our power. I think along the line, that if somebody makes a mistake, punish them for their mistake. It is barbaric, but it should be done." Ricky Potts ••. • . Y ho esple e shi crow ,:; , 't