Behrend collegian. (Erie, Pa.) 1971-1988, April 15, 1976, Image 2

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    Page Two 1
lb From the desk
n ii- - of the Editor
Back again, folks! I hope
you're all out there voting. But
don't expect me to predict a
winner. I have friends involved,
and besides, if you read their
statements on last week's front
page you should know how to
vote. Or were you too busy
gawking at that outrageous.
horrible. scandaloulsy immoral
photo on the bottom right-hand
Now the only questions that
remains is "What can we do for
an encore?"—You guessed it. In
compliance with the spirit of the
Title IX Sex-discrimination in
Education Law, I feel morally
obligated to give a few bold,
luscious co-eds streakers equal
space. Any takers on this offer?
Tom Armstrong's Swiftian
account of the country of Rendehb
might be a little controversial, so
we'll save it for a rainy day. One
good thing is that he attacks,
Establish new
Two scholarships, honoring Dr.
Norman F. Reber, of York,
retired editor of the Pennsylvania
Farmer, Harrisburg, have been
established at the Pennsylvania
State University by the Penn
sylvania Master Farmers
Each scholarship will provide
$2OO for a student enrolled in the
College of Agriculture. To
qualify, the student also must be
a Pennsylvania resident, in good
academic standing, and in need of
financial aid.
Dr. Reber, a native of Barks
County, is, a graduate of
ElizabethtoWn College with his
doctor of philosophy degree
conferred by the University of
Pennsylvania. •-•
A former teacher, he joined the
Pennsylvania Farmer staff in
1946 and served as editor of the
magazine from 1958 until his
retirement in 1974.
The Collegian
still has an opening for
Executive Editor.
Contact the
Behrend Collegian
during office hours
in the RUB
Bel ttlE , HE 0
everything pretty much equally.
All things considered, Tom is
doing pretty good. Besides, when
I was down in Philly over term
break, he introduced me to one
Miss Jane Curran. Last week I
received a letter from her in
which she wrote: "Could you
explain something are you editor
or what." Actually you see, I'm
You win some, you lose some.
Gail Peck will bring her layout
talent and experience down to the
Collegian office each and every
Tuesday night. No more 3:00 a.m.
layouts! At the - same time we lost
the services of our Advertising
Manager Ron Strike. Ron
sweated and toiled for two and a
half terms in search of those
elusive ads. We'll just have to
find people to take his place_ No
offense Ron but Gail is a helluva
lot prettier.
the Collegian
It is that time of year again,
people. Politics is in the air (not
to mention on billboards, buttons,
and bumper-stickers) and we
Behrendites must choose our
leaders in the ongoing SGA
Executive Board elections.
Up for election are the offices of
President, Vice-president,
Secretary, and Treasurer.
Take time
While all four offices should be
voted on with care, extra con
sideration should be given to
choosing our next Presidnet.
He must be a leader. He should
represent the entire student body
and get things done on its behalf.
He must also be tactful without
succumbing to outside pressures
in his relations with the ad-
Behrend Collegian
To the Editor:
Three men are in the race for
SGA President. Three men of
different personalities, three men
with different ideas. Only one will
end up the winner.
That one person can shape a
bigger and better Behrend
Community, or he can let the
college fall off into a nothing, a no
place. It all depends on the
personality of the individual and
his ideas. To be SGA president, it
takes an enormous amount of
drive, determination and per
sonal strength. It takes a man
who can give wholly of his time,
both school and leisure:
It will be up to you, the
students, to choose the course you
want this school to take .for the
next year. You may vote for a
candidate who promises all
things, but won't really spend the
time after elections; or you may
vote for a man who will give 100
per cent of his time and energy to
change the course of this school.
T. Clyde Kennedy is one can
didate who is totally upset with a
number of things here at
Behrend. He sees the problems
and has pledged himself to get
ting the problems solved. He is
one candidate who wants to make
Behrend a place that you can be
proud of. With T. Clyde, we could
change Behrend from just a
school to a community that both
commuter and resident students
can enjoy.
If you would like to make
Behrend a successful community
in which we can grow
academically, as well as socially
vote T. Clyde Kennedy a
man who knows what sacrifices
have to be made and will be able
SGA Election
Location in the RUB
today and Tomorrow
10:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
and also
Dobbins Hall
4:30 to 630 p.m.
ministration and faculty. Above
all, he must be a person of action
for the successful im
plementation of the student
It's up to you!
It is up to the individual voter to
decide which of three
Presidential candidates best fits ..
that description. Or else it can be
perverted into a popularity
We, the staff of the Behrend
Collegian, have presented you
with full coverage, including
front-page interviews. The
burden of responsibility rests
upon you, the electorate.
Of course, if you don't vote at
all, you are leaving the choice up
to the others. So use your own
judgment...and vote !
varying viewpoints
to spend the time to make these
sacrifices. Can anyone else make
that statement with total
Larry Jackson
208 Lawrence
To the Editor,
I would like to compliment Mr.
Wayne for his critique on the
voting system used by the
Academy of Motion Picture Arts
and Sciences.
Yet I did notice that in his
review of the Academy Awards,
themselves he failed to even
mention that there were Best
Actress and Best Supporting
Actress categories. •
I'm sure this is an unintentional
oversight on Mr. Wayne's part,
yet I do wonder why the women
were left out.
Ms. Koschier, Counselor
Poor judgment
Dear Dan,
I would like to express my
disappointment in the judgement
used in printing the "streaking"
picture in last week's issue of the
Collegian. I feel that, in this case,
it was in poor taste.
My gripe is not with the picture
itself, although I think a posterior
view would have been much more
appropriate, but with the
justification of its printing. When
an occurrence such as that takes
place, on campus, it can be
considered as news. It is in my
opinion that there should have
been a news article ac
companying the picture. As it
stands (or runs) the picture alone
seems to be an example of sen
sationalism which can only prove
to serve a select few members of
the student body.
It is my hope that if any similar
event occur in the future, here at
Behrend, that you will have it
investigated more fully before it
is published. Also, that if those
persons involved are so intent on
exposing themselves to the
campus, that there faces not be
blotted out in the picture. If
permission is not given, why give
them the satisfaction of printing it
without faces? If people want to
see such things they can run down
Igehrtnit Tollettian
Janet Mazur
Managing Editor
Mike Warner
Business Manager
Executive Secretary: Carol Mantsch
Ad Manager: Ron Strike
Copy Editors: Amy Snyder
Business Staff: Judy Reed
Writers: Jay Schonthaler, Pamela Gilmore, Mary Jo Santilli, Brad
Phillips, Tom Armstrong, T. Clyde Kennedy, Paul Corbran, Betsy
Choder, Ai Calfo, Bob Wetmore
Photographers: Lynn Boone, Jeff Urraro, Dan Haley _
Cartoonists: Mike Pond, Phil Aron, Joe Kozek
Typists: Michele Crotty, Kathy Weiser
Mailing Address- Behrend College, Station Road, Erie, Pa. 16510
Office- Student Offices, Reed Union Building
Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday
Phone: 899-3101 Ext 238
Opinions expressed by the editors and staff-of the Behrend Collegian
are not necessarily those of the University Administration, faculty, or
the student body.
Published every Thursday throughout the Fall, Winter - , and Spring
Termg, with exclusions for holidays and term breaks.
The editorials appearing in this
newspaper will be opinionated
and therefore subject to
criticism. All letters that are
typewritten of 200 words or less,
and submitted to the newspaper
staff will be printed with the
exception of those that are
repetitions or in poor taste. The
staff 'reserves the right to correct
Member of
Or Press Assuriatton
of oliontmotuoraltip Olantopuors
Dan McKay
Editorial Policy
April 15, 1976
to the newstand and pick up a
copy of their favorite porno mag!
The student body should not be
unreasonably subjected to such
6th - Jour&
For the better
To The Editor,
There has been a noticeable
change recently in the Behrend
Collegian. For the first time since
we have been here the paper is
beginning to resemble a student
newspaper and not one seemingly
run by the strict guidance of the
These changes include the
articles of student interest and
the humorous photographs- For
the first time we are starting to
read the paper instead of wiping
our asses with it.
Congratulations on your new
style and we as students would
like to see this continue in the
3rd floor Lawrence
Really "poor"
Dearest Editor,
Concerning your recent en
deavor into the field of por
nographic publication. you did a
fine job. May I suggest. now that
the subject matter has changed.
that the name of the Behrend
Collegian be changed to
something more appropriate.
such as the Bare End Collegian or
Day McKay's porno pix with
obscene captions.
The Behrend Collegian is
published by the students of
Behrend College not just a few of
the "Elite". then don't you think
the paper should represent the
student body as a whole not just
one weirdo who got a few thrills
out of that picture and terrible
That picture and caption did not
represent my views and I know
there are a few others that don't
want their values prostituted to
such a level that we are ashamed
to show a newspaper that
represents US. Straighten up
Danny, there' are other ways to
promote interest in the
Ron Wayne
Entertainment Editor
Betsy Choler
Sports Editor
or delete portions of all letters for
publication purposes_
All letters must be signed, but
names will be withheld upon
request. Term standing, _major.
and hometown must be included.
Signed columns represent the
view of the author only and do not
necessarily reflect the Editorial
policy of the Behrend Collegian.