Behrend collegian. (Erie, Pa.) 1971-1988, February 13, 1975, Image 4

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    Page Four
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# 7. )
Slat ewer
By Rosa Myers
Note: This is the tenth in a
series of weekly articles.
The Gemini personality is
diverse, sometimes erratic, but
often charming and witty.
Geminis remind me of rare
butterflies and birds. They flit
here and there, always busy with
something or someone and
forever elusive. When I look at a
Gemini or converse with one, I
am never quite sure if what I am
seeing and hearing is quite real. I
get the feeling that the Gemini is
going to dart away somewhere
without a moment's notice.
They are easily bored and
dislike routine. They would do
well in public relations, politics,
promotion, or any field which
requires meeting people and a
quick change of pace. Geminis
like people and are rarely in
troverted. Being with people
provides them with the chance to
refresh and stimulate their
minds. Socializing is high on the
list of Geminis' favorite ac
tivities. They can talk for hours
about anything.
Since Mercury rules this sun
sign there is a natural preoc
cupation with the mind and in
tellect. Geminis like to know how
people's minds work. Before they
become interested in you as any
type of partner they have to know
and understand how you think.
You can't survive too long around
most Geminis if you're mentally
lazy, dumb, or stupid.
Geminis often speak or study
another language besides their
own. They may also indulge in
creative writing. When it comes
to any type of communication
they can be quite talented. They
also have quick minds and can
King-size Talent
It took a while, but eventually
things got rolling at the Coffee
House last Friday when Ron
Borczon officially began putting
out the musical entertainment for
the evening.
Whether anyone noticed it or
not. . .the man was a truck. The
big twelve string that was being
played resembled a uke in the
hands of the big musician.
Appropriately enough, not only
the imposing figure on the stage
but the music as well commanded
almost immediate attention in the
room with the first pluck. Despite
the late start and the sucker-egg
of a piano he was forced to work
with, he remained almost in-
really hears enough nowadays. I
Although he couldn't oblige the
audience with some of the special
requests he compensated for this
by giving them some well known
Neil Young and Harry.. Chapin:
"Taxi"*as' a number par
ticularly well received by the
audience. Moving to the piano, he
played a few more songs but this
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By Todd Talkish
easily handle a wide range of
academic interests.
My only gripeS against Geminis
are those I have personally
witnessed. Sometimes Geminis
become "surface people"—
people who don't take time to
develop depth. Too many
Geminis have nothing to them and
I know that a lot of what I - see in
some Geminis is- a need to
disguise their true motives_ I'm
not really sure, but Geminis at
their worst can be superficial and
real deceivers.
They are not by nature af
fectionate people. Friendly, yes.
AffectiOnate, no. And then there
are the erratic mood changes
which can be confusing. Geminis
mood changes can often be
hurtful for those who love them
and want to be close.
Their love lives are usually
busy and varied. They can carry
on two or more love affairs
simultaneously and can end their
love affairs quite easily due to
their changeability. Gemini men
are inclined to be romantic. They
are great womanizers, but
eventually narrow down to one
woman. and grow to love. He
won't be especially faithful to his
wife, but this won't stop him from
being a tender, considerate, and
unselfish lover. As long as his
wife is able to hold his intellectual
interest he will be content to
remain with her, but if she begins
to bore him with her brain, her
views, or her conversation, it's
goodbye time.
Gemini women are fickle and
seldom find their great love early
in life. They enjoy their love
affairs, but when they decide to
marry, they can make excellent
was fortunately enough for him
as well as us, short lived because
of the poor tuning of the piano. So
without much further ado he
hopped back on the stage, and
played "Helpless" very ap
propriate, don't you think? The
audience was small so he
suggested that we all move into
some kind of little circle near the
front of the room and he took a
seat with us and began to clown
around with his guitar. Although
it would appear he was just
playing around, the music
nevertheless maintained a very
no-nonsense quality. Suddenly the
music and mood shifted to
something on a radically more
serious and thbughtful plane as
he polished off the evening with
,me very quiet songs like
Green Sleeves" and "Will the
ircle be Unbroken" and requests
I. repeats of "Blackbird" and
Idler favorites. He seemed to
njoy everyone there and I'm
ire everyone enjoyed them
'lves as much as he did.
April Ist isn't just April
Fool's Day. . it is also the
deadline for Financial Aid
applications. If you intend to
apply for Financial Aid for
the new academic year
(1975-76), you must stop in
the Dean of Students Office,
to pick up the necessary
now paying 10% commission
on all ad sales
Beh rend Collegian
wives. There is only one quirk:
Gemini women must make some
pretense of being free, but her
loved one must be able
.to see
beneath the surface and realize
that she is essentially dependent.
She must have outside interests
or she becomes bored and
Some Geminis at Bebrend are:
Gina Myeis, Chris Rillone, Gary
Stewart, Mike Hanley, Paul
Corbran, Nancy Meyer, Chester
Burkam, Mrs. Janet Wilson, Ms.
Kiyoe Mizusawa.
c somertme_ )
--- Pop and Rock Nr
Sparks is one of the newest and
most unique bands to appear on
the mid-70's rock scene. Being as
new as they are, they are difficult
to classify. Basically they are an
attempt to translate fresh ideas
into rock music, a demonstration
that rock music need not adhere
to status-quo precepts to be
successful commercially. Sparks
plays relatively short, but im
peccably well-arranged songs.
There is an apparent emphasis
upon the generation of catchy
melodies, harmonious choruses
and intriguing lyrics.
Sparks is totally dominated by
the Mael brothers, Russel (lead
vocalist) and Ron (pianos. After
making two albums in the U.S.
"Sparks" and "A Woofer in
Tweeter's Clothing", with
another pair of brothers, Jim and
Earl Mankey, and Harley
Feinstein, they embarked on ,a.
tour of Britain, feeling somewhat
confident that their single
"Wondergirl" was on its way to
becoming a hit here at home.
However, their optimism was a
bit premature.
"Wondergirl" faired poorly on
the U.S. Charts and Sparks
played only a handful of gigs after
several months in Britain. They
came back to America, quit their
recording label, Bearsville, and
Black music, readings heard
By Ron Way.-r,-
"They are the songs of the soul
and soil." Spirituals. Poetry.
Readings. "Proud Voices." Last
Tuesday, the Behrend Black
Student Union (BSU I brought a
fine program to our campus.
mainly due to the excellent voices.
of the Interdenominational
Revival Choir from Holy Trinity
Church of God and Christ.
Although I'm not familiar with
gospel music, I was greatly
impressed by the dynamic way
the choir presented their
material. Their voices sang with
a sense of purpose and pride.
With expression and fantastic
strength, the group still sang with
qualities of tone, unity, and
clarity. The song, "Guide Me 0
Thou Great Jehovah" with Ray-
Witchard as the lead singer,
brought out the: best - in all of the
chorus' voices. Mr. Witchard was
particularly moving with a solo at
the beginning of the program
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By Tom Stanger
broke up. They were down but not
They returned to England and
reorganized, eventually, settling
with Adrian Fisher (guitar),
Dinky Diamond (drums), lan
Hampton (bass) and Trevor
White (guitar). They signed with
Island Records and produced yet
a third album "Kimono My
House", which has risen rapidly
on British charts.
Though "Kimono My House" is
their most successful venture
commercially I find it rather
disappointing in comparison with
their first album "Sparks", a
phenomenally witty and inventive
creation. But considering that
they have • undergone so many
changes in such a short period of
time, a little backsliding could
probably be expected.
If you have ever seen Sparks
Spring Arts Festival
• .
The 1975 production of the various artists and musicians, to
annual Behrend Campus Spring help in the construction of a stage
Arts Festival is now on its way to and the setting-up of lighting and
becoming a reality. Though still PA systems, as well as to provide
in the planning stages, two an input of ideas. Anyone who
meetings have been held to wants to help is urged to leave
discuss and organize the their name with the SGA office or
program. Volunteers are needed contact Jim Mahlon at 899-9079 or
to solicit the participation of the ' Alan Kirk at 899-1032.
entitled "Soon I will Be Done".
The presentation of spirituals
culminated in one of the most
widely known gospel songs, with
the audience most clearly excited
by this point.
The poems and readings were
done by members of the BSU
Gina Myers explained the im
portance of spirituals throughout
the years in a most prophetic
manner. Doug Jones and Deborah
Vector uniquely expressed the
two writings of Langston Hughes:
"Montage of a Dream Deferred"
and "Lenox Avenue Mural." Mr.
Jones again expressed in a most
distinctive fashion a poem by
Arnold Kemp entitled "Hello
Blackness." He also presented
with unusual inflection a reading
_ from _ Gordon . Parks'_
Learning Tree.' - along with-'
February 13, 1975
perform (they were recently
featured on one of those
nationally-televised rock-concert
affairs) then you probably are
aware of the problems they have
encountered as live performers.
A large segment of the vocals are
sung in falsetto, which, when not
unintelligible, tends to be nerve
Lead vocalist Russ Mael,
alternates between trembling in
psuedo-paranoia and
spasmodically jerking about the
stage, in such a way that could
easily frighten small children.
Pianist Ron Mael is a stone
wierdo. His manner and ap
pearance can be described as that
of an emaciated; catatonic Adolf
Hitler look-alike. It may well be
that these guys are just too wierd
to appeal to American Audiences.
And for that they would have to
be pretty damn wierd.
Pamela Gilmore. Ms. Gilmore
also read a poem by Gwendolyn
Brooks called "We Real .Cool"
which uncovered an interesting
A reception was held afterward
in the Quiet Lounge.