Page Two Editorial Opinion movies and Pop Culture-or " Good-bye Devil, Hello Robert Redford." I think it may be safe now to speak briefly about the staggering effects certain movies and other forms of mass media have had and are continuing to have on the American people. The "Exorcist" craze is over now, the Acadamy Awards succeeding in exorcising the last demon from the American people. But promoters are quickly trying to fill the, vacancy with Robert Redford and his two current hit films "The Sting" and "The Great Gatsby". They will no doubt succeed. Most hit films are followed by some kind , commercial= cash for example, Mary Poppins coloring books or the Easy Rider poster. In some cases, a film is followed by a craze, some aspect of the film is picked up by the people and then exploited by the Letter To The Editor Dear Editor, I've asked the Behrend Collegian Editor to hold this letter from being a cause of a major article and to handle it as a `Letter to the Editor' because I choose to demonstrate that I do believe the students do read the Collegian. I sincerely hope the students will continue to support this publication. I have chosen not to seek re election to the office of President. I must apologize to those who have supported me. I'm sure they are as suprised by this letter as everyone else who knows me. I'm choosing not to run for the office because of the uncertainty as to my future here at Behrend. This decision has been probably - one - Of - my - hardest; ' I 'have to swallow a lot of pride. I feel that rhave succeeded in keeping up with the future of students at Behrend. It's true I have been here a long time, so naturally I've seen a lot just by my own nature. I have always been criticized and I've always Nehrenti Tollegiatt Mfg frees Asseriattan of Cautauntimath Campuses Editor-in-Chief Undo Johnson Managing Editor Georgean Gay►dosh Photographers: Mich;ael Mark, Gary Stewart Business Manager: Alan Shrout Circulation Manager: Jayne Switala Cartoonist: Jack King Staff: Sue Skiba, Debbie Ries, Bud Ore, Gary Schonthaler, Gay Marie Cantania, Caesar Jones, Lynne Phillips, Bruce Pizzini Layout Staff: Nancy Lindholm Mailing Address- Behrend Campus, Station Road, Erie, Pa. 16510 Office- Student Offices, Reed Union Building Office Hours: 9:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday Phone: 899-3101 Ext.23B. Opinions expressed by the editors and staff of the Behrend Collegian are not necessarily those of the University Administration. faculty, or the student body. Published every Thursday throughout the Fall, Winter, and Spring Terms, with exclusions for holidays and term breaks. Tne editorials appearing in this newspaper will be • opinionated and therefore subject to criticism. All letters that are typewritten of 200 words or less, and submitted to the newspaper staff will be printed with the exception of those that are repetitions or in poor taste. The staff reserves the right to correct capitalists. The lat e st example of this has been the fervor that has followed "The Exorcist" since its release. Within a few weeks, every paper and periodical in the country was talking about this film. The churches condemned it, critics loved and hated it, people loved and hated it. Some people never even saw the film, but everyone knew about it. The same is about to happen with the film "The Great Ga ts by " Designers are predicting a return to "gatsby" era clothes so we may be seeing flappers again, who knows. Of course, crazes, fads, what ever you want to call them, have been around for a long time and are actually an important facet of American culture. But why? Why do Americans become so involved with things like hula hoofing, flying saucers, or demonology? It would seem that in America there are more important things to Chiricuzio Chooses Not To Run been able to handle it. My own ego and pride have kept me in organizations and in the position where I am most vulnerable to this type of communication. The position of President has been a difficult one. Not by my inexperience as an involved student but by the degree of its own nature. I've succeeded with most of my campaign platform and there is still time for me to finish. I will follow through and be as expectant as when I began. As to the future of Behrend and its students; Behrend is ob viously growing, such growth is slow but I've seen how four years has made a difference. I en courage those who can stay at Behrend_„ to ,do so because the mood of the students is set by those who understand the nature of Behrend. When I speak of Behrend I speak of its Administration, staff (God knows when we will understand the faculty and they us) and even its physical attributes. I am con viced this is the case to observe. Member of Editorial Policy or (L.. ate portions of all letters for publication purposes. All letters must be signed, but names will be withheld upon request. Term standing, major, and hometown must be included. Signed columns represent the view of the author only and do not reflect the Editorial policy of the Behrend Collegian. by Jeff Matson Executive Editor Executive Editor Jeffrey Matson Sports Editor Jim Concelman Behrend Collegian worry about. I think this is the essence of the problem, there are so many other things to worry about in this country,- that people need something to divert their attention from the problems. When you really think about it, is the grotesque possession of a young girl by a devil any more horrifying than living in a country that seems to slowly be destroying itself through pollution and misuse of natural' materials? Is a nostalgic look backward a perhaps needed escape from the tensions of day to clay Ainerican life. I don't think there is any sickness or wrong in the "craze". I do think people would become crazy if they were deprived of their "crazes" and other forms of release. The only part that is upsetting is to see the commercial exploitation that so often accompanies the crazes, but that is America for you; you even want to escape from the escapes. You presently have those students who care about Behrend and have the ability to help its future growth; they succeed after me. I wish to make a personal appeal on behalf of Brian Ferris. He has the ability to succeed as President of the S.GA., but only if the students support him. The other is Joey Kennedy, newly elect President of the Student Union Board; Bruce Zimmerman is the advisor. Under his guidance and with her energy this organization will become quite the entertainment force. These are the future leaders of Behrend, support them. Most Sincerely, Michael A. Chiricuzio Vote! Dear Editor: Over the past year I have served on the Student Govern ment Association as Freshman Commuter Representative. In this capacity I have learned much from the people connected with the SGA, and just how ef fective the SGA is in solving problems that arise. I also have become aware that there is a distinct separation between dormitory students and com muting students. While dorm students seem to take an active part in all campus activities, commuters appear apathetic toward any on-campus events. This is the most im portant issue in my platform. As first vice-president I will try to do my best to see that there is a coming together of these two separate factions. To accomplish this would mean a rebirth at Behrend, not only creating new activities, but also providing a new sense of unity. My other platform issue deals with the strengthening of the SGA which is the key to campus The Big Wa Birth defects are forever unless you help. That is this year's theme for the Erie County Chapter of The March of Dimes. The walk is scheduled to leave the Tech Memorial High School Gym at 9 a.m. Sunday, April 28. What is the Big Walk? It is a total community .effort giving each person a chance to help in the fight against Birth Defects by participating in a 20 mile walk. After conquering polio, March of Dimes turned their efforts to fight the largest unmet health problem in - the world - that of Skip A Meal Fast To have A People On Wednesday, May Ist, students on colleges and high schools across America are organizing the FAST TO SAVE A PEOPLE. Co-sponsored by Oxfam-America and Project Relief, the FAST is aimed at helping the six to ten million people who face death from starvation as a result of the ongoing African drought, which has been called "the worst ecological disaster of the cen tury." The FAST unites a massive fundraising effort with an attempt to develop awareness of both the crisis situation in sub- Saharan Africa and impending food shortages in other parts of the world. On May Ist, students are urged to skip one or all of the day's meals and to donate the money thus saved to help the people of the drought-stricken area. Students will also solicit financial sponsors to underwrite their fast. Funds raised in this way will be used immediately for food, family planning and medical welfare. Through a viable SGA, Behrend students possess the means for expressing student concerns and for effecting changes democratically. If I'm elected, my objective will be to reinforce the already strong SGA by providing more represen tative input from all student organizations. Not only would the various campus organizations benefit from this voice, but so would, of course, the total student body. On these two issues I base my campaign, a vote for me, for first vice president, is a vote for heightened unity at Behrend. Thank you for your considered support. David Scypinski False Alarms Dear Editor; This letter is concerning the constant misuse of fire alarms in the dorms and the feeling of apathy that encounters people when the alarm is sounded. Last Thursday about 2 a.m. when a fire alarm in Lawrence was sounded, a totarof 3, yes, 3 in dividuals on our entire floot made any effort to get up and properly react. Everyone took it for granted that it was just another of many foolish pranks and considered it useless and unnecessary to do anything about it. These "practical jokers" fail to see the dangers they impose on others. For instance what would happen if a real fire occurred, the alarm was pulled and everyone ignored it thinking it was just another prank? Roslyn Monteverde Julia Baker Birth Defects. At first, they did not dare to mention "prevention" for they knew too little; but after a short time scientists made great strides in the field. That is wby help is needed now - to continue their progress. Any Bebrend student who is interested in walking for this cause should pick up a pledge card at the RUB desk and then contact possible sponsors. After the walk students should return to their sponsors and collect their pledges. More information may be found on the pledge card. April 18, 1974 assistance. In addition, they will be carefully channeled into such long-range projects as agricultural training programs, well drilling and water resource management, credit cooperatives to aid small farmers in the purchase of seeds, fertilizers, and insecticides; in short, to help build the kind of sound and sustainable agriculture so urgently needed in these developing nations. Even in the best of times the countries south of the Sahara desert are among the poorest in the world. Now in Mauritania, Senegal, Niger, Upper Volta, Mali, Chad, Sudan, and Ethiopia the rains have failed for six to eight years. Scientists estimate that, as a result .ofjhe drought, the Sahara is expanding into these countries at the un precedented rate of 30 miles per year. If the process is not halted soon, significant amounts of agricultural land will be per manently removed from production at a time of increasing world wide food scarcity. News coverage of the insidious disaster has been scanty. These countries have no oil, no strategic location, and now, no exportable agriculture. They are isolated from the larger world by distance, a forbidding climate, and a lack of adequate tran sportation routes. Despite well meaning governmental relief efforts, the need for food stuffs and agricultural development increases. Co-sponsors of the day-long fast are Oxfam-America and Project Relief. Oxfam-America with headquarters in Newton, Mass., is the American branch of the international Oxfam organization begun in Oxford, England during 11. The organization has 30 years . of experience in the field of international relief and long-term development assistance and has an exceptional record for efficient management of funds and careful planning and supervision of projects. Project - Relief,' located in Providence, R. 1., is a non-profit, tax-exempt charitable fund raising organization which was established in 1971 in response to the needs of Bengali refugees in India. The organization pays neither salaries nor rent and accepts only donated staff ser vices so that the greatest possible percentage of each dollar is used for direct relief. Project Relief is now focusing its energies on the African drought disaster. The FAST TO SAVE A PEOPLE has been endorsed by a number of prominent Americans, among them: Leonard Bernstein, Senator Joseph R. Biden, Julian Bond, Senator Edward W. Brooke, William F. Buckley Jr., Congressman James A. Burke, Marion Clawson, Henry Steele Commanger, Congressman Michael J. Harrington, Senator Floyd Haskell, Edward Higbee, Senator Harold E. Hughes, Senator Daniel K. Inouye, Senator George McGovern, Senator Edmund Muskie, Senator James B. Pearson, Senator Claiborne Pell, Elliot L. Richardson, Dr. Benjamin Spock, Congressman Gerry E. Studds, Alvin Toffler, Senator Lowell Weicker, Mayor Kevin White and Leonard Woodcock. Pros & Cons Las Vegas night... Easter Candy... The false fire alarm vandal. Lent is over!. . . The Monday morning blahs on Tuesday... Wednesday... Thursday... Referee Joyce puts Perry Guys in Penalty Box.. . Midterms... Baseball season... Cheap booki in the . library. . Tennis season... Collecting for the Cancer Sobiety... Golf Season... Only five more weeks left of classes...