Page Two Editorial Opinion As the snow falls and falls and falls here in Erie, it has almost all melted away in Washington. Of course, Nixon should have been more careful with his snow jobs and should not have used something that melted when the heat was on, like his vice president and entire staff. There's really little more to say about Nixon these days, I mean when more people in the United States believe in flying saucers than believe in the president, what can one say. Still, Nixon really only committed one foolish crime. He got caught. We all know that he is not the first person and will not be the last person to step out of line a little, he just happened to get caught, and he just happened to be president at the time. It could happen to you some day and then WQLN Broadcasts First Radio Series Premiere Broadcast I "The Nature and Sources of Presidential Authority : Domestic and International." Philip lobst, Preston Peightal, , Charles ftedenius, and Dennis Yena on the panel. Davis Giersch and Arno Selco moderating. Taped and aired October 31, 1973. Premier Broadcast II Edward Masteller, "Involving People of Erie in Solid Waste Recycling Project." Arno Selco moderating. Taped November 8 and aired n; ovein ler December An overview of the Behrend College. Irvin Kochel, John Claridge, Benjamin Lane, Robert Monahan, Michael Chiricuzio, and Iti;lliarn Kessler discuss the history of Behrend College. the academic programs offered sit Behrend College and the student life at Behrend Collegc. Davis lithrtnit (tollegian allyr limas Assuriation at ifirmtuuntuttatify Campuses Editor-in-Chief Lynne Phillips- Managing Editor Georgcan Gaydosh Photographers: Michael Mark, Gary Stuart Business Manager: Bruce Pizzini Circulation Manager: Jayne Switala Cartoonist: Jack King Staff: Sue Skiba, Debbie Ries, Bud Ore, Gary Schonthaler, Concelman, Lynn Alexander, Muriel Hykes, Leann Sherman, Marie Catania, Dave Lojewski, Nancy Lindholm. Layout Staff: Karen Burton Typists: Betsy Sterling, Jeanne Murray, Lee Weinberg Circulation Staff: Suzanne Walker Mailing Address- Behrend Campus, Station Road, Erie, Pa. 16510 Office- Student Offices, Reed Union Building Office Hours: 9:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday Phone: 899-3101 Ext. 238. Opinions expressed by the editors and staff of the Behrend Collegian are not necessarily those of the University Administration, faculty, or the student body. Published every Thursday throughout the Fall, Winter, and Spring Terms, with exclusions for holidays and term breaks. The editorials appearing in this newspaper will be opinionated and therefore subject to criticism. All letters that are typewritten of 200 words or less, and submitted to the newspaper staff will be printed with the exception of those that are .repetitions or in poor taste. The staff reserves the right to correct Nixon Jokes you'd feel pretty stupid yourself. Of course you're not likely to be quite as obvious as Nixon was and do something like walk through the lobby with a keg under your arm either. Yes, everything is out now, and if there's anything more, I doubt that anyone would even be in terested. The country has been drowning in Watergate long enough now and no one is really interested in doing any more damage than has already been done. There are of course the murmurings of impeachment which have been slowly rising to a shout, but even that is muffled by other problems like the energy crisis. However, when all the jokes have died away, when the final purge of this administration is December 14. "A Tribute to an Old Master, W.ll. Auden." Arno Seleo moderating. December 21. Campaign oratory from Grover Cleveland to Richard M. Nixon. With ac tual voice recordings. Arno Selco moderating. December' 8. Benjamin Lane and Davis Giersch present Christmas at Behrend. Moderator, Davis Giersch. January 11. Robert Baughinan and Gene Johnson present The New• Image of Safety and Security at Behrend College. Arno Selco moderating. Member of Sports Editor Jim Councelmon Editorial Policy or delete portions of all letters for publication purposes. All letters must be signed, but names will be withheld upon request. Term standing, major, and hometown must be included. Signed columns represent the view of the author only and do not reflect the Editorial policy of the Behrend Collegian. by Jeff Matson Executive Editot Behrend College's Every Friday Giersch and Arno Selco moderating. January 4. Warren liohwald, Ernest Pryer, Marianne Coschie, and Kathy Sargent present Focus on Women. Davis Giersch as moderator. January IS. Wayne Scott presents views on "Future Shock", on Executive Editor Jeffrey Matson News Editor Linda Johnson I3ehrend Collegian complete, Americans will be faced with a startling realization. Can we ever trust again? Can the White House ever regain the trust and faith of the American people after they have discovered what has gone on there over the last few years? We are now a nation that has seen its executive branch turned upside down, with many of its leading figures convicted or indicted for major crimes, with its vice president forced to leave his position because of his own illegal activities, and with a president who has fallen from the trust of the American people to point where Nk e may be witness to his impeachment for the crimes he has committed. This tends to sober up most of the joke tellers. Even me. Science Fiction and its values today, and on Popular Culture. January 23. William Mosso and John Hamilton present an overview, of Continuing Education services available at Behrend College with special emphasis on Management Development presented by Mr. Hamilton. February 1. Michael Simmons presents the role and influence of Popular Culture in American Society_ February 8. Cathy Sargent and students present interpretive readings of selected prose, poetry, and drama. February 15. Betsy Seanor moderates a panel of students that will discuss co-curricular activities and their value in a college education. February 22. Pat Holland presents radio in the '3os as part of the myth making media machine. March 1. Davis Giersch presents a speech written by Leonard Bernstein and demonstrates Bernstein's points with specially selected musical pieces. March 8. Agnes Dinn and Mary Scott present poetry as a mode of communication. March 15. Arno Selco presents a reading with a student cast of Harold Pinter's radio play. "A Night Out." March 22. Mark Kissel and Cathy - Lipinski present music with commentary. March 29. Tom Stanger presents music with commentary. April 5. Salvador Parco and Students present results of research projects concerning "Living Together-Euthan asia, Adoption, Interracial Marriage." . April 12. Robert Tauber and students present importance of field experience in teacher training. April - 19. Dennis Yena presents Henry Kissinger's Foreign Policy After Viet Nam. April 26. Cynthia Kirshna presents Educational Opportunity Program at Behrend. May :1. Student Government Association presents Introduction to Spring Arts Week. May 10. Roger Sweeting and Behrend coaching staff present the role of athletic programs at Behrend. May 17. Richard Winslow presents "Hemingway the Man." May. 24. Dan Frankforter and a panel of visiting historians discuss politics and religion The first five programs are now on reserve in the library and can be borrowed and listened to for personal or class use. All future programs are tentative and may be changed. Poet's Corner 'A Message To My Friends' What is a friend? A friend is someone with whom you can Share your most personal secrets With the utmost of confidence That he will keep them to him self. A friend is someone who will open his ears To your problems, And though he may not have the most miraculous, Earth-shaking answers or advice, At least he's listening-showing he cares. A friend is someone who will almost always Pre-Law Students Notice of Assistance All pre-law students regardless of major or college, are urged to contact Dr. Charles Redenius in 106 Nick during preregistration for spring. term.- As pre-law advisor for Behrend, he has available in his office materials which will assist students in determining with respect to their abilities and interests the suitability of the law profession and the choice of a law school. Dr. Redenius recieves the Law School Admissions Council Newsletter, the Minority Group Newsletter, the Pre-Law !land book, and other items of interest from the Educational Testing Service. lie also receives an. nouncements and catalogues from law schools across the country. Copies of the Newsletter and announcements are posted on the bulletin board outside of his office. Detailed information about the Law School Admission Test, the Law School Data Assembly Service (a service that provides for a uniform application to a number of lau schools). financial Legal Services Behrend students can now receive academic credit for - Zion in one of the work expeii,nce programs of the Erie County Legal Services Association. The Association provides legal advice and legal representation of the poor in such areas as welfare law and organization, landlord tenant and housing problems. family law, civil rights, and consumer law. Students would be trained in fa. legal fundamentals in the area of law in which they work, c b) ,u terviewing techniques, tc hearing procedure techniques (where applicable), and (d) in vestigation. After such training, students will work in one of the above fields under the super.. vision of attorneys and professionals. Participants in the learning working experience would be expected to make .a commitment of 15-20 hours each week for two terms. (20 weeks). Interested students should contact Mr. Fran Conte at Erie County Legal Services Association, 9 North Park Row, or telephone, 453-5481 . or 456-4200 for more specifics on the various programs. On campus, Ms. Cynthia Barnett, Dr. Eleanor Hall, Ms. Kiyoe Mizusawa, Dr. Sal Panto, Dr.. Charles Redenius and Dr. Barry Weller can provide in CORRECTION The Dec. 13 issue of the Collegian printed an error concerning a student's ability to obtain a refund if they have withdrawn for the term. A refund can be ob tained up to the 4th week of the term, not the Bth week as printed. A student is entitled to a refund of a portion of his tuition if you withdraw from classes through the Ith week. January 17, 1974 Do a favor for a fellow crony, Provided, of course, that there is an occasional Reciprocation. A friendis there in time of need A friend makes you feel im portant. A friend is a blessing Therefore, I can say That my friends 'are the most precious blessings Ever bestowed upon me. Munch Take aid, and other related services is contained in the Law School Admission Bulletin, which is available from Dr. liedenius. In addition to these advising activities and materials, Dr. liedenius will introduce two courses this academic year that relate directly to the legal and judicial field. During winter term he is teaching Pol. Sci. 441, The Legal and Judicial Process. Pol. Sci. 447, Constitutional Law will be offered Spring term. This sequence will be repeated during the same terms for the next academic year. ►.A J $, ‘ Offer Credits formation about the procedures and requirements for receiving academic credit. Two Bchrend students, Vic Kopnitsky and Margaret limes are presentl, working in family law and welfare law espectively. They would be willing to share their experiences and give students the benefit of a student perspective. - The next opportunity for students to begin training and receive academic credit will be the latter part of January. Mr. Conte will inform Dr. Redenius of the specific dates shortly. Pros & Cons in house mother in Perry Dorm? ...snow ...trucking to classes in the dark ...snow ...slippery stairways ...snow ...J.D. Phantom striking the girls' dorms ...snow ...flash flood due to a leaky water fountain ...snow ...dripply icicles ...snow ...smoldering garbage dumpster ...snow ...taking a shower...- someone flushes the com mode ...snow ...girls varsity basketball team opens with VICTORY ...snow ..mysterious four-foot snowball in Niagara's doorway ...snow ...a cold sick tray ...snow ...walking into light after senenth period