Hthmtii Collegian Volume XXJV No. 4 Mr. Michael Small, addresses the Intra-University Council concerning the Faculty Senate Constitution. This committee met to discuss the future of Behrend-Gampus in its_journey toward a full-fledged four-year institution. Council Discusses Behrend The Intra-University Council of the Penn State University met at Uehrend, Tuesday, Oct. 24, in the KUl‘» lecture hall, to discuss the future of Uehrend Campus. This body of 2:'. men from the branch campuses and University Park spent the day reviewing the oresent situation at Uehrend and discussing the direction in which Uehrend will be heading in its transition to a four year college. Dr Kdward .Masteller. Assistant Professor of Biology, introduced the speakers. Mr Kochel. Campus Director, welcomed the group and ex pressed his hopes for Behrend’s future He stated that Uehrend is the most comprehensive of the branch campuses serving three counties Mr Fryer. Division of Coun seling. reviewed the present enrollment in each college at liehrend and explained the majors offered. Two liehrend students. Mike Joyce and lieckie La Plante discussed “Student Life at liehrend" during the meeting. •Joyce's main topic of discussion concerned the advantages students have by attending liehrend campus. He believes that a better college atmosphere is developed at a smaller school. One of the advantages he pointed out was the size of classes. Each class at liehrend is 1/3 the size of classes at University Park. The maximum class size at liehrend is 110 while those at main campus range up to illU. Although ugh the _faculty is somewhat limitecTdue to the fact that l’.ehrend does not offer all courses, the acessability of in structors is very favorable. It was also noted that over half of liehrend's faculty are recipients of doctorate degrees. ■Joyce gave note that Behrend's athletic teams receive little recognition other than the community and student interest. The sports are also somewhat limited creating a stigma to the athletic department. He feels that Behrend provides a good education for a small campus and encourages the student to want to belong to Behrend. but if Behrend changes to a four year school, student life will greatly expand. lieckie La Plante spoke about Behrend’s extracurricular ac tivities. These activities are available to both the dormitory and commuter students centered around the SUB along with student organizations. The SUB offers many op port unites to involve the students. Musical concerts, coffee houses, educational programs, cultural programs and recreational programs are provided. Miss La Plante noted the three major student organizations, SGA. .JRC, and the “Behrend Collegian." The SGA being the liason between student and faculty, the ■JRC coordinating the views of the students to the administration, and the Collegian bringing the major news to the campus students. The remaining student organizations were mentioned along with the accomplishments of summer encampment. The committee reviewed the Faculty Senate Constitution. This was followed by group tours of the campus. In the afternoon, Mr. Woener. librarian, discussed future course implementations at Behrend. I)r lobst concluded the af ternoon session with a report on the latest developments of the Task Force Audio-Visual Equipment Made Available at Behrend by Pauline Jackson Staff Writer The Improvement of Teaching Committee, with Dr. Robert Tauber as chairman, is con cerned with providing in-service programs and services to members of the Behrend faculty who concern themselves with the Improvement of Teaching. Services such as the ap pearance of guest speakers, in troduction of teaching methods or the self-evaluation of teaching, are all offered at a teacher’s request. The committee, which in cludes: Dr. Robert Tauber. Mr. Davis Giersch Instructor of Music, Debbie Horne, Instructor of English; Dr. Donald Leavers. Assistant Professor of Chemistry: Harold Neumann. Assistant Professor of Engineering; Herbert Lauffer, Professor of Physical Education; Louis Balmer. Associate Professor of Chemistry ; Robert Berry. Assistant Librarian; Dr. Robert Hostetler. Assistant Professor of Mathematics; and Thomas Doyle. Audio-Visual Supervisor, has recently unveiled the Visuals Preparation and Viewing room which is not only for the use of the teachers, but also for the students as well. Under the supervision of Tom Doyle, a teacher or student can Published by the Students of the Behrend Campus of the Pennsylvania State University Station Road, Erie, Pa. 16510 JRC Amends Constitution and Proposes Longer Visitation The Joint Residence Com ittee held three quick meetings lis week in an attempt to get the •ganizationon its feet. Michael Chiricuzio, acting (airman, opened the second eeting of the academic year /ednesday, Oct. 18, by proposing tmendments to the individual 'irm Constitutions as well as the tIC Constitution. Under the present system, the >or representatives elected by ne students select a chairman and a secretary-treasurer from among their ranks to serve on JRC. The amendment to the Dorm Constitution boosts the membership of JRC from six voting members to nine by splitting the old job of secretary treasurer into two individual positions. These three new members will join Michael Chiricuzio, Donnie Angevine. Marilyn Trusz. Ed (Burger) Neuburger, Molly Herzing. and Gale Kaye as the nucleus of JRC. SGA Meets With SGA held its weekly meeting which was short but covered varied items. The Constitutional Review committee reported that the following organizations have turned in a constitution: SGA, SUB. .IRC, the Black Student Union. ICARUS, and the COLLEGIAN. To be eligible for allocations ol money, all student organizations must file a con stitution with SGA. However, the responsibility for doing that is entirely upon the individual organization, not SGA. The Black Student Union asked for $ 196.u0 to cover the cost of various planned events, the first to be a dance held in Erie so as to draw a larger crowd. Also, the Union wishes to sponsor a visit from State College by the Black Theatrical Company of Penn State. Finally, they need funds to send representatives to the dinner use any of the following services offered: They can view 16mm or Bmm films Adaptive Radiation, Sea, Natural Selection. Frog Anatomy. Electrochemical Cells, Arthropods, Radio Waves, Chemical Families and lonization Energy are among the 16mm films available at the present time in room 119 Behrend. If your interest is not in lonization Energy or any of the above, films of your choice can be ordered from the main campus from pamphlets in the areas of: Anthropology and Sociology. Home Economics. Music Education. Business and Industrial Skills. Film Study, Education and Biology, to name a few available after filling out an order form. A video tape recorder and camera can be used to tape television broadcasts, classes (in the case of teacher self evaluation) and athletic contests or events. The Leroy Lettering Set can be used for perfect let tering in a range of sizes for posters and signs. Slide projectors, film strip projectors, cassette recorders including a high speed cassette duplicator that will duplicate both sides of a 6u minute cassette in 3 minutes and 45 seconds, televisions, maps, charts, a film cartridge projector, a laminating machine. The second item on the agenda concerned amendments to the present JRC Constitution. Under its revised form, the JRC’s purpose will be to relate the views of resident students and provide for their well being while sponsoring and organizing various activities. The new constitution also relinquishes any disciplinary power that the JRC previously held. The revamped constitution also dissolves the position of chairman as head of JRC and replaces it with a co-chairmanship. The duties of this new position will be to preside at meetings and cast tie-breaking votes when necessary. An amendment was also made to set up a “Carry-Over Committee” in the spring term which would serve to get the JRC rolling faster once school begins again in the fall. The third meeting opened with Dean Lane November 5 to be addressed by Shirley Chisholm. Dean Lane spoke to -the members assembled. He men tioned the possibility of having leadership seminars for the SGA members as a way to better educate them in their role as student leaders. “The result being that SGA members should be able to get people to do the jobs assigned them,” commented Lane. Concerning the problem of unauthorized use of the SGA darkroom, it was noted that the locks have been changed and new keys issued to the proper people. New Audio Visual Room The new audio-visual room, located inßehrend 119 a video tape system, camera slide projectors, film strip projectors, and cassette recorders,-With. the exception of a few working materials, the use of all machines is free of charge. and overhead projectors are also available to students and teachers. It may benefit the students to know that with the exception of a few working materials (poster paper, overhead projector transparencies) the use of these machines is free of charge. So with a little imagination and time, it may be possible for a student to earn some extra credit by presenting prepared material on an overhead projector, movie projector or recorder. And the same applies to the teachers. The use of these machines makes a much more interesting class session. SUB 8 Autumn Weekend - Square Dance Road Ralley... See Page 4 Thursday, October 26, 1972 a reading of the amended constitutions which were both unanimously adopted by the JRC. A time schedule was set up for individual dorm meetings on Thursday, Oct. 19, in order to expose the revised documents to the resident students for their deciding vote on them. After wards the documents go to SGA for final approval. The last subject of the meeting concerned an attempt to establish 2-t hour visitation rights on weekends. It was decided that individual petitions would be handed out to the students, who would read the printed request for extended visitation and vote either yes, no, or indifferent. If a good majority of the students want the extended visitation rights, the JRC would then take the petitions along with the record of violations in the dorms this year to the Dean of Student Affairs. With strong, solid student support and a low violation record, the JRC would be able to presenira-tight case and win the three weekend trial period they are asking for; however, without complete student support. JRC will be virtually impotent.- After the special dorm meetings Thursday, where both the JRC and the Dorm Con stitutions were ratified by the students, the JRC held another short meeting. Pleased with student response to the amend ments and optimistic about the future of JRC and the year, the only order of business was to reproduce the revised documents and establish Tuesday, Oct. 24, as the date for the next meeting and the signing of the constitutions. The only cost payed is that of the Visuals Preparation and Viewing Room : if this service is not put to good use. it cannot exist. And its purpose is for the benefit of llehrend’s students and teachers. The Visuals Preparation and Viewing Room will have the hours of: Tuesdays and Thur sdays during the common hour at which time the room will be manned by Tom Doyle or unof ficially it can be used upon request in room 119. With the work of Dr. Tauber and the Improvement of Teaching Committee, this valuable service is being rendered and will con tinue only if it is utilized.