'.'.Lt - It.rettit Qtaltrgiau - Volumn XXI 1 I No.ll Kochel Announces Plans For 6-Man Task Force To Formulate Behrend's Academic Future by Doug Leichliter Managing Editor Irvin H. Kochel, Director of the Behrend Campus, announced the formation of an academic planning task force for the Behrend Campus before the Faculty Senate at its meeting January 13. Kochel read part of a letter from John W. Oswald, President of the Pennsylvania State- University in which Oswald said, "I concur in your appraisal of the need to strengthen academic planning at the Behrend Campus and to buttress the campus for its changing role. . '.such a transition, however, will not be easily made nor can it be _ac complished without sound academic planning and a realistic reassessment of programs and priorities." Oswald's letter then proceeded to explain that he had appointed Dr. Stanley IkenbexrY, Senior Vice President for University Development and Relations, to work in conjunction with Kochel in forming a task' force to develop, ". . .an imaginative• but realistic academic plan." The task force is to be com posed of six members; three from the Behrend Campus, and three from University Park. Kochel will work closely with the task force and act as its executive officer: Dr. Ikenberry will serve as a "liason" with the office of the president. • The intended goals of the task force include: 1. Re-examine present programs now offered and suggest future priorities. 2. Project enrollment patterns, faculty and staff requirements through 1980. 3. Develop contingency plans that will permit the University to move towards its goals at . Behrend although physical development and resources may not be immediate. 4. Assess the adequacy of the organizational structure at Behrend. 5. Insure that the plans for physical facilities are in accord with academic development plans. 6. Exploit the potential for uniqueness at the Behrend -Campus. -7-. Insure the congruence of the Behrend academic plan with the total Penn State system and the Pennsylvania Master Plan. 8. Develop to the maximum the - supportive relationship between the Behrend Cam pus, the other commonwealth campuses, and the University Park Campus. Kochel said that in order to maintain proper balance among the members of the Behrend contingent he would ask for a faculty member from the sciences and one from the non sciences. He then asked that the Faculty Senate give him a name of a faculty member by January 27. This member may be either elected or appointed_ Kochel then said that he would appoint a- member from the opposite teaching field. Kochel finished by saying that hopefully the task force will begin to work in early February, with the possibility of a report by May. The three representatives from University Park will be named by Dr. Ikenberry after the Behrend members have been chosen. -All names will then be submitted to President Oswald. Dr. Richard Tomsic, Assistant Professor of - Psychology, noted that the Faculty has been working on the problem of academic planning and queried about the time permitted the task force as being too short, ex pecially considering the amount of work to be done. Kochel replied that the May date was his own, but said that it is hoped that the report will be done by May_ He referred to the data already collected by Dr. Ward Knockemus, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, at University Park during the past summer. Kochel said that he felt that enough data is readily available at Behrend and at University Park; further data collecting will only delay im plimentation of any plan. Kochel noted, "as far as I am concerned we have delayed two years already." Kotchel also noted that student imput will be required and in all sprobabiliiy sought by the task force. Dr. David P. Spalding, Assistant Dean of Graduate School, agreed with Tomsic, but went onto add the need for con tinous planning as "an ongoing function." Tomsic noted that speed is necessary. It was decided that nominations would be used for the faculty elected representatives, with ballots going out to the faculty by Monday or Tuesday and voting taking place on Wednesday of this week. Tomsic noted, "I think it would be better if the faculty as a whole decides." At the moment, nominations for the task force are Louis Balmer, Associate Professor of Chemistry; Michael Chiteman, Instructor in English; Hames Chmiel, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, John Hendrich, Assistant Professor of Engineering; Philip lobst,. Instructor in Philosophy; Dr. Edward Masteller, Assistant Professor of Biology; Dr. Richard Mester, Instructor in Philosophy; and Norman Pat terson, Associate Instructor of Education. ~.,... ; 17 '. -i:':: ,. -. ; 4 :'-' , ;:, 7i: : ' ,•' .: ~•„, 4" ;' ,.. ~-'^ •-,,, i t ''!.. ‘,..:: • ‘ .. ' 7 ` t .,.."•'; '* , „ , ',-;,?...i.;-", '''s:„43' •. <. - ,:,', 4: ,. .,-,t7, , - ,..,: , ? - ",: , .:,,, , :-..,„. z—:,::::2 2 ,1', :''' -,Zz. , '' , , , f.. 1 :>::. - '.;', ,, , , , , ;.,';'-'2" 4 -..".,•' - , •,'-',::• . ti"Cs. Z 4 . ~,,-1,-;<•;;;L:F,::\Q';...*:?,.,. II,:•.;'-....:,,.-:,-,:-.•$,-.f.i •<'''',---2,...',.;:''i-.,,,,,,74:,:,1': „'.. - ^ ,'' .. - t‘ ;' II?' : . ' 7 4. k4" . -: - .. : '; ' ,,, , Z; S'' ' '';' : 4 " ' • ‘•'''' ‘7.. •-•,. , ' ''''-', ? ', 5 , ' fs.•:„''Z'.. ‘:;.,".....::'•:',,,,',';:' :;'' ' ' ,7 l' •.. - 4 ",' ,: 3 ,... 5 .zt ' ,•: 9 7 e: , ' 7: :- 's :''''';%•,; ; :. ' .'' ':, < ''-• s o' -.' '''' , ;^•,:','"'•'' - ..„; '4, -1 - . ' - '..... , - ' . :',„1„:::;•,,, ..-,.;. - -q, • .t f. N V 7i, If , : ~~ ~:: it's Only The Beginning The hopes of many that Old Man Winter had forgotten Behrend proved for nought as approximately 10-12 inches of the fluffy stuff was deposited on the campus last weekend. Skiers joyfully took to the slopes while others ruefully added more antifreeze to their cars and yet others grimly mushed to classes through the mush and sub-zero temperatures. Published by the Students of the Behrend Campus of the - Pennsylvania State University Station Road, Erie, Pa. 16510 , ...,.. ' . -,.... : -.., •-_ ;,..; .., .i., ~:$13?). i - 2 , .. , 1--i- 012 ' . ~,,,, -%.,..';" ir‘-..,,. ,f, ..... .._ ....,, , ,•. 4. 7 ,........,...„.,",. c ..,:•, _.,..:...... .....:4-_,, k i t..,. ... 2 4,... t, %,- ‘-'- - 7 , f.-::'"'„•:::,,,,'-ailtsiAr . 7 .216.-Vit _• . ,•• ' At-- , 4, 4 :4 , ;Z . ', ' ',., :', ' ' -'i :' - ': ' le > . 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Holderman, vice-president for Commonwealth Campuses. University President John W. Oswald recently appointed an Academic Planning Commission to comprehensively study the University and offer suggestions as a long range academic plan. Oswald charged the committee with finding how the University should be configured—as he calls it, the "emerging role of the University." -Holderman said that until the committee presents Oswald with their plan and it is approved by the University's Board of ‘:,.--'' - - ' l ', l4 l ,7 .SitAk'':.! : • • ,-: ...: , ,,,.,„ii.4:::••,. - := ,,, , , ;,;1.>„:, -,'3 r, ~L i • ..„.. ~,. 4 ,<• .=. ;,--, „,, -,.. s'..=.l. •; - ''.e.v.V 1, :,,, '-',:' ,-.(,- ... • „ .' ":. '-' •-, .' ',, ~, - ' '-'^•:.,, z,rt; ., ','" i'-: ';.,... ..,,, . i . , ,,:t% • ...,,.- • ''' ;-,,,, ..., :'• 'I ,'",.,... , 1 ~•.,.. ....,.;;. • ~.„,,....4•., •.. ... 4 ~ .., 4 '• -.lt' f ' ^l 4 i ' '''''''' ' ,">i - '''' ' .:11.: ' s '5: "-; . : k , ? Sl' e. ,, .. -4 ., i'?"t,, ;1 • . - • -^ < 14' ' ' • '.. .• '.-"-•,-,•, '.l-,,', . ' 'Z,..r '.' ,; " . • . V,'lVt.4. .. -i;', 7„ ‘ 4- , . a . .... 4. „ ', ; ;,, , -,•.'.; 4'S " ~: ', , f; • ek '-- z :4. n 1 NIP Trustees, the administration is not making any "formal" plans. "Right now," said Holderman, "the Behrend Campus at Erie is the only Commonwealth Campus offering four years in Science and Arts and Sciences." The first class will graduate next June at Behrend. The University now is required to submit to the State operational and capital budgets each year which cover five-year spans. "Included in the last capital request budget are a number of projects not yet approved." Hoiderman also said that under the Capital Funds Bill, the State Legislature approves a certain amount of money for contruction projects. The General State Authority (GSA) then designs, constructs • .•••• ; • - • • ' . A- • - , -f Thursday, January 20, 1972 s. • ` d% and finances the buildings, utilizing state funds. GSA borrows the funds and the State Legislature repays the money. The University, said Holder man, places "the highest priority on academic buildings." Classroom buildings provide the foundation for the Campuses with labs, faculty and administration offices, a library and classrooms. "It's sort of the bread and butter part of the operation." Beyond that, a physical education facility and a student center are planned. Dormitories are "a different matter," which Holderman said are classified "self-amortizing". Dormitories are a necessity at a four-year campus such as Behrend and seven _Campuses— Altoona, Beaver, Behrend, Hazleton, McKeesport, Mont Alto and Schuylkill—presently have residence halls. According to Hoiderman, plans have progressed well for im plementing the Commonwealth Campuses system. "This com mitment of local communities to their campuses has played and still is playing a vital role in the development of the system." He defined the role - of the University as a "catalyst" to put together funds for construction at the local Campuses. Funds in different proportions from private-givers, local donations, state appropriations and federal aid are "pooled" by the University and channeled into the local Campuses Cubs Take Two ISee Page 5 I=Mni!!
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