Behrend collegian. (Erie, Pa.) 1971-1988, October 28, 1971, Image 5
October 28, 1971 rMost PSU Graduates Accept Jobs in Pa. University Park, Pa. Oct.— Sixty-three per cent of the 1970 , 71 graduates of The Pennsylvania State University who have taken jobs have accepted them in Pennsylvania. This is indicated in a survey of the graduates made by Dr. Norman Frisbey, associate director of placement and student aid at the University. The survey was based on in formation on future plans collected from a sample of seniors at the time of graduation excluding the College of Education and College of Health, Physical • Education, and Recreation. • It consisted of reports from 43 per cent, or 2,094 of the 4,900 graduates. In reporting the figures, Dr. Frisbey noted a continual in crease in the number of graduates who elect to remain in Dorm Staff Revisions University Park, Pa. - (LP.)- The director of residence hall programs at the Pennsylvania State University states that his office is emphasizing the new direction future residence hall staffing will take and deem phasizing the disappearance of the resident advisers. Charles Spence said his office is using the 'development approach' to residence hall staffing instead of the older idea of 'in loco parentis.' Students look for help through their peer culture, he said. "We need not take people who are part of this culture. It is more relevant to deal with students as developing people."- According to Lorraine O'Hara, associate director of residence hall programs, "many students today= only -see the resident ad viser to borrow the ping gong equipment and just going up to the floors to talk is artificial. Students tend to come here with more experience. They are more independent and in less need of a mother figure." Joe Paterno Holds Record Penn State coach Joe Paterno had the best winning percentage among the nation's major college coaches with at least five years as a head coach. Paterno has a 48- 10-1 record in his sixth season for an .822 winning percentage. He also has clinched Penn State's 33rd consecutive non losing season. The Nittany Lions lost more games than they won in 1938, when the record was 34-1. HOTLINE PERSONNEL NEEDED MIKE CARR FOR SCHOOL DIRECTOR PULL LEVER 178 NOVEMBER 2, 1971 Paperback Bookstores Stu dent• Reading Center The Last Whole Earth Catalogue limited supply Plaza 9 15 West Ninth Street Phone 455-0905 Open 10-9 Monday through Friday 10-5:30 Saturday West Erie Plaza Seven days a week 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Pennsylvania. His reports for five years ago, - 1966-67, showed 47 per cent remaining and this figure was increased to 50 per cent for each of the next two years, thence to 58 per cent, and to 63 per cent for the last year. Nearby states draw the largest number of remaining graduates, the report shows, with New York second with 7 per cent; followed by Ohio with 6 per cent; Maryland with 5 per cent; New Jersey with 4 per cent; and Virginia with 2 per cent. The Afro Opens in The Afro-Asian Festival will be held at the Nixon Theatre in Pittsburgh beginning Monday, November 15 through Sunday, November 21. The festival is one of the most unusual and exciting series ever to play in Pittsburgh. There will be five different companies performing with each company officially representing their respective government. Ticket prices are $6.00 for the orchestra and mezzanine, $3-4-5 for the balcony. There are speCial discount rates available to groups of 25 or more. The Ritual Acrobats of Persia will perform November 15-16. combining athletics. acrobatics. and ritual dance to the ac companiment of music in the tradition known as Zour Xaneh. or the I louse of Strength. The Senegalese National Dance Company will be featured at the matinee and evening shows on Novimber 17. Their dances and music are in evocation of the history• and contempory life of Senegal, with its mixture of old tribal traditions, later Arabic influences, and the 20th Centruy. The Dagar Brothers, per forming November 18. are the present representatives of one of HAM Concert November 8 The Harborcreek Association for Music (H.A.M.) will present its first concert of the season on Monday evening, November 8, beginning at 8:00 in the High School Auditorium. Appearing will be the Fredonia Jazz Ensemble from the State University of New York, Fredonia Campus. Tickets, will be available at the door, at Behrend _ Campus, Markham's Music, Bohman Music, and the Record Bar. $2.00 for adults and $l.OO for students. EDWARD - PARK'S s i ,,,,tedweaft 3 Locations K-MART PLAZA (East) Downtown, 702 State West Erie Plasa Behrend Collegian Dr. McDermott Appointed To Newly Established Post University Park, Pa., October 15 Dr. Robert E. McDermott, dean of the Graduate School of the University of Arkansas, has been named provost of the Capitol Campus of The Penn sylvania State University. Dr. McDermott will assume the post on February 1, 1972. He is a former member of the Penn State faculty, having served from 1959 until 1969 when he resigned to take the Arkansas deanship. His appointment was recom Asian Festival Pittsburgh Nov. 15 the most famous families of musicians in India. They maintain the highest form of the Dhrupad. the most austere style of Indian singing. The National Dance Company of Morocco. devoted to the folklore of the diverse people of that country, will perform JRC Discussion Visitation was the main topic of discussion at the Joint Resident Council meeting Tuesday evening, Oct. 26. New sign-in sheets were drawn up which will be posted on the door outside the hall. The new sheets will require only the name of the guest and a place to check out. It is a very important for everyone to sign in, and it will be the duty of thi floor representatives to stress this. Another topic discussed was the movie `..`Chamber of Horrors!! to be shown in Perry Hall lobby Oct. 30, at 2:30 a.m. The ad mission will be .50c and cider and donuts will be sold. Cliff's Notes are great any time you need help in literature) We recommend buying early so that you can use them as you study the assigned play or novel and as a helpful review prior to exams. Get the Cliff's Notes you need today. You'll see why they're the preferred study aid of millions of students nationwide. (P.S.) If your dealer's out of a title, he can get another fast with Cliff's "Hot Line". ,v/..,, .Cliff§twita._ Nearly 200 titles— always available wherever books are sold. • Only Sl each Here! 4 mended by a search committee of the campus and was approved by the Board of Trustees Friday on nomination of University President *John W. Oswald and Dr. Paul M. Althouse, Provost of the University. "I consider the further development of the Capitol Campus one of- the University's highest priorities," Dr. Oswald said. "We want the campus to become more responsive in particular to the needs of the November 19-20. Berbers, Arabs and Blacks help form this truly national troupe whose exciting variety also include acrobats from Marrakech and the famous "Blue Men" of the Western Sahara. The Classical Khmer Dancers, November 21, matinee and evening, will mime and dance entertainments and prayers to the gods, dance for the sould of dead kings, and act out the legend of the goddess of water and the kidnapping of Seta by Ravana. For information on the festival call 281-6773 or write to The Nixon Theatre. 956 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa., 15222. AUSTRIAN SKI TRIP "IY $ 3 49.00! If classrooms, and books, and the old college grind are getting you down, maybe what you need is a nice inexpensive, adventure vacation. We know students aren't the richest people in the world, so we put together some special trips you'll be interested in. AUSTRIAN SKI TRIO Now taking reservations (throughout October). Jan. 2—Jan. 9, 1972. From Erie, complete pkg.: $349.00 ■ Round-trip air transportation from Erie Hotels 10 2 meals per day (continental breakfast; table d'hotel dinner daily) MI transfers M tips and taxes FREE SKI PASS FOR UNLIMITED USE ON ALL LIFTS IN THE . WILDSHONAV HIGH-VALLEY . . OR!! JUST LOAF AROUND EUROPE! All cities listed are round-trip from N.Y. City for anyone from 18-25 (inclusive) years of age. London $190.00 Amsterdam $200.00 Milan $199.00 Brussels $200.00 Rome $199.00 Athens $286.00 Frankfurt $210.00 Geneva Coppenhagen Oslo Stockholm Zurich $210.00 Luxembourg $165.00 $210.00 (via Iceland Airlines only) plus $3.00 federal tax $50.00 round-trip student fare, Erie/New York City ALL FARES CONFIRMED RESERVATION_ For reservations or further information see or call; Call Boston Store Ph. 453-5686 Harrisburg area. We expect that it will also develop strong associations with the Milton S. Hershey Medical Center in the development of health-related programs." In the newley-established post, Dr. McDermott will be the chief executive officer of the Capitol Campus and will report to the President through Dr. Althouse, Provost of the University. "Dr. McDermott established a an outstanding teacher and adminitrator at Penn State, and his work at the University of Arkansas has further broadened his experience." Dr. Althouse said. He came to the University as professor of forestry and head of the department of forest management, with a research specialty of forest ecology. He was appointed associate director of the School of Forestry in 1965 and associate dean of the Graduate School in 1966. Dairy -Store 3110 Station Road closest complete grocery store 9:00 a.m. to 11:00p.m INCLUDES TRAVEL Page Five Brookside 899-3971