Behrend collegian. (Erie, Pa.) 1971-1988, October 28, 1971, Image 4
Pa • e Four Byrd Flying High The Charlie Byrd Quintet presents an arousing concert at Erie Hall, October 20. Byrd's music centers around Jazz and Blues. Captivates Audience Impressive Concert Byrd With by Joe Campbell Guest Writer The Student Union Board of Behrend Campus pulled off one of the greatest feats of Behrend history on Wednesday, October 20. Five hundred people - probably more than that gathered in Erie Hall to see an amazing man do an amazing PROGRESSIVE REG. RECORDS OURS $4.98 $2.99- $5.98 $3.60 Paraphanlia Clothing, Leather Accessories Bean Bag Chairs $19.95 ATTUNED RECORD 406 W Bth 455-6571 < •- • - . • --,-.: -. . - :„,.:«•,,",-, 1 , ,-,..' , ~--<::: -, • r , ',.', i,'. ' .;:•.!:;^ ' 4 -:- '' ' , i";< • „,:. I: - - , ..:3' <:7,..-' , "'"..1... , „. - concert. Charlie Byrd, a veteran guitarist of 38 years, got on stage and proceeded to . tickle the imaginations of his—and only his—audience. He touched on many of the forms of music used for the Guitar—from con temporary to tra ditional to South American. Almost no musical stone was left unturned through the length (and breadth 7 of his concert. The quality of his back-up men was just as impressive. The two things that struck me most were the tightness of the band and the range of sounds they produced. Byrd has been doing concerts for about fifteen years, and club work for about twenty years. His musical instruction has ranged from studying originally with his father, then under Ravi Shankar, and the Academy of Chigano in Siena, Italy. His most significant statement Behrend Collegian Charlie Byrd plays one of his many guitar solos in last Wednesdays concert in Erie Hall. There was a large turnout from Behrend students as well as the Erie community. concerned the classifying of music. He seemed completely turned off by the terminology and semantics, which he felt only confused the real basic feeling of music., feeling that all real music comes from within, and is not a matter of living up to another man's terms. Mr. Daniel To Lecture The first lecture in the Behrend Campus' Library Lecture. Series will be conducted at 8 p.m. on November 10, in the Reed Union Building Lecture Hall. David Daniel, Instructor in History, will speak on "Martin Luther, A Man Who Changed History", Mr. Daniel has an interesting display on Lutheran Reformation in the Library in conjuction with his lecture. Transfer Students Approved by Goetz The following students have been approved by Kenneth Goetz, Administration Ass't. in Academic Affairs, for transfer to other campuses in the Penn State System: Larry C. Bayle (U.P.), Regis C. Becker (U.P. ), Ronald J. Bennett (York), Colleen E. Brunner (Beaver), Patrick C. Conte ( U.?. ), Larry Cornelius (U.P. ), Victoria Cox (U.P.). William Doran (U.P.), Cindy - Ellis ( U.P. ). Robert Franz (U.P.), Steven F. Greene (U.P.), Cheryl S. Gregory (U.P.), Susan FL Grumblatt (U.P.), Randi S. Haimovitz (U:P.). Marsha Hamm (U.P.), Margaret Jellison (Dußois). Marilyn Junk (U.P.). Robert W. Keay (U.P.), Joanne Landro (U.P.). John C. Kircher (U.P.), Roger A. Littlejohn (U.P.), Judy Lynsairage (U.P.), Christine Mabry (U.P.), John A. MacKinlay (U.P.), Sue McGarvey (U.P.), Barbara L. Mehl (U.P.), John A. Ryan October 28, 1971 (McKeesport). Ellen Poole (U.P.), Kathy Schroetter (U.P.). Frank Skowron (U.P.). Robert Skwaryk (U.P.). Sandy Slingsby (UP.). Mary Slowik (U.P.), Curtis Songer ( U.P. ), Sue Stebbins (U.?.). Barb Teufel (U.P.). John Tronibetta (U.P.). Dan Trusillo (U.P.), Robert E. Wailliams ( ). Margaret Zalas (U.P.), Goetz of the Academic Affairs Office has stated that, to the best of his knowledge. all of-the.above transfers have been -or would be approved by the receiving campus. Verification will come in the form of the official "Authorization to . Enroll"' Card sent out in December. Any of the above student transferring to University Park who will need University Housing and have not yet applied should see Mr. Goetz immediately. Handbooks Available Copies of the Behrend Campus Student Handbook and University Policies and Rules for Students are available for all up perclassmen and may be picked up in the Office of Student Affairs. These books serve as references to the rules and regulations of Penn State and the Behrend Campus and are therefore im portant for every student to have. The most ui Semester Meanin you'll ever, spend... could be the one on World Cam• us Afloat Sailing Feb. 1972 to Africa and the Orient Through a transfer format, more than 5,000 students from 450 campuses have participated for a semester in this unique program in inter national education. WCA will broaden your horizons, literally and figuratively . and give you a better chance to make it—meaningfully—in this changing world. You'll study at sea with an experienced cos mopolitan faculty, and then during port stops you'll study the world itself. You'll discover that no matter how foreign and far-away, you have a lot in common With people of other lands. WCA isn't as expensive as you might think; we've done our best to bring it within reach of most college students. Write today for free details. TEACHERS: Summer travel with credit for teach ers and administrators. • C.I. .gla4.►Prd . (I) ird NV t &II Write Today to: Chapman College, Box CC26, Orange, California 92666