Behrend collegian. (Erie, Pa.) 1971-1988, October 14, 1971, Image 1
Tt..'..titttnit -.Tottgiztu Volume XXIII No. 3 Instructional Services Raises Problems; Claridge Yields To Necessary Changes Demands Met Mr. John R. Claridge, Assistant Director of Resident Instruction, outlines the changes made in the Instructional Services Department to a member of the Collegian staff. The changes were initiated by a list of grievances submitted to Claridge by the Instructional Services personnel. SGA Elections Oct. 2 Candidates Express I by Carolyn Beck Staff Reporter The Student Government Association Elections, to be held October 21 and - 22, will list three candidates for the office of Second Vice-President, and 28 candidates for the 15 available representative posts. The applicants for office are all eager and well qualified, and with very different opinions concerning Behrend's problems and future. Michael Joyce (5 - Pre Law - Erie) is a candidate for Second Vice-President. He is president of the Keystone Society and vice president of the Veterans on Campus club. Mike "wants to get interested in the activities. Last year I was on the sidelines, so I thought I would get into things." I think they're going to get the campus going, and I would like to get involved. Mike Tucker (1 - Journ - Warren) is also running for the Second Vice-Presidency seat. Mike hopes to work hard on extending the visitation policy, and improving the quality and quantity of the social activities at Behrend "especially on weekends." Mike also feels that the S.G.A. should not concern itself with community action. "It's not our responsibility to work in the community when there's so much to do here." Bill "Buggsy" Seigal (4 - For. - Pittsburgh) is a candidate for the Second Vice-Presidency who would work with the S.G.A. to reinforce the suggestions drawn up by "Summer Encampment '7l' . (Behrend Collegian No. 1, September 30, 1971) The 28 candidates for representatives on S.G.A. ex pressed their ideas, plans, and reasons for running for office:. Madeline Bednar (1 - Diet_ - Bridgeville) wants to "get in volved, meet people, and do for the school, and being elected to S.G.A. is a good way". Madeline, who has high school student council experience, thinks that more activities and dances would create a friendlier atmosphere and help alleviate apathy." Kim Anderson (4 - Corn Dev. - Erie) says : "I want to have the chance to work for Behrend. I want to help Al get students in volved. I don't think enough kids really care about Behrend. I think Al's ideas about working in the community are pretty good." Amy Bishop (1 - LA - Kennet Square) wholeheartedly supports working with and helping the Erie community. "After finding out what S.G.A. is doing here, I decided I would like to -get in volved in it." s A dministration Accepts Visitation I Privileges il See Page 3 Published by the Students of the Behrend Campus of the . Pennsylvania State University by Doug Leichliter Managing Editor - Problems and misun derstandings between the Office Resident Insttudtion and the personnel of the Instructional Services Department have been settled as of lgonday October 11, 1971. The dispute arose over problems in the handling of the Instructional Services Depart ment. The various problems involved included: —The number of hours allotted to the Instructional Services Department in which to carry out the duties of handling the Operation of the language lab, managing the department itself, repair of equipment, and showing the necessary films and other visual aids as required by the faculty. —The designations between the two • classifications of student workers employed by the department. These include the student operator who handles all audio-visual equipment ment and the student technician who is responsible for the operation and repair of the Video Tape Recorder and the repair of all audio-visual equipment. —The lack of tools necessary to repair the equipment in the Instructional Services Depart ment. —The proposed modification of a tape recorder in the language lab in order to make it compatible with the tapes being used, and the general lack of repair of all other equipment in the language lab at the moment. --The lack of a central distribution point for the Video Tape Recorder which 1-22; deas Henry Myers (El Ed. - Erie) points out that "I'm a member of the Black Student Union and we feel that we should have a representative in the Student Government Association." Keith Curren ( 7 - Gen. Sci. - Westdeer) "just decided to run. We might be able to get S.G.A. to do something this year." Allen Davis (1 - Hum. Dev. - Erie) emphasizes the need for unification. "The student body is not unified. There should be more involvment in social and educational activities. With this unification the S.G.A. could get things done a lot easier. Visitation, meal tickets, choice of classes, all these things need to be changed." Bruce Emeigh (1 - Pre Law - Wilkinsburg) sees the S.G.A. as a way to "get into the swing of things," and help Behrend and the students. He would like to see the S.G.A. eliminate the problem of nothing to do on campus. Maureen (Mantle) Fischer (1 - LA - Brackney) is running for S.G.A. representative because "I want to get into the politics at school, because I want to get into government politics af terwards.,, Larry Bayle (6 - Phil. - Erie) is seeking election as an S.GA. representative in order to "reinforce suggestions drawn up by "Summer Encampment '7l', especially in the area of a, system of checks and balances on the S.G.A. and the Administration. Reese Friedman (4 - Arch.- - West Chester) hopes to help . (Continued on Page 3) necessitated moving the sensitive equipment from room to room. —Another complaint registered by the Instructional Services Department was the lack of a specialist to head the department and oversee repair. This position had been filled byMr. George L. Bortnick until this August when he resigned in favor of a teaching position at Northwestern High School. The position of Instruc tional Services Specialist is at present being filled by Susan Grumblatt, (sth, Parks Rec. Erie). The Instructional Services personnel submitted a letter of Crievances to Mr. John R. laridge, Assistant Director of Resident Instruction on October 7. Claridge reviewed the problems being discussed and answered Students Comment Audio-Visual Found Inadeq by Carol Turkington Asst Managing Editor An inquiry was conducted among students enrolled in the language labs- and TV courses following recent widespread dissatisfaction concerning the quality of education at Behrend. The following comments were made in reference to the language labs and the conditions found there: Mike Karle-(1-LA-Erie)-"Half these don't work-sounds are distorted. It's hard enough to learn a language, but it's worse when it's distorted. It should be run by the language department. Yes I'd go to another campus if I had a chance. I'm paying for this lab myself-and I'm not getting it." Gene Labowskie - (4 - PRE IVIED - Philadelphia) - "It's lousy. Ninety-eight per cent of them (units) don't work. Anything that works is better." Marv., Mellin- (4-EN(*-Lands- - downe)-"It was run poorly. A couple of times I had trouble finding units that worked. If they're used properly they can be ver; effective." Mike Gray - (1 - LA - Warren) - "Definitely education is inferior because of the language lab." Bette Greene-(ILA-Newcastle)- "I'm not going to get anything out of it. Maybe because I can't work the equipment right. I haven't had a booth that really works right." Margie Schlutz-( I-LA-Canons burg)-"There are a lot of problems with equipment. The kids there (technicians) try but . . Mary Karavolos-(1-LA-Pittsb urgh)-"I think the language lab would be very valuable but they're all messed up. The tapes are scratchy—about 8 out of 20 of the units are broken and there isn't room for all the class. The headphones don't work. . .the whole place is just all screwed up." The various TV courses (which include some Health, Engineering, G. Science; Art History, and Psychology courses) which are presently offered at Behrend have also received criticism. The . following responses were elicited by the question, "What did you think of your TV course?" Sue Schuwerk-(4-LE&G- Erie)- Thursday, October 14, 1971 with a letter of his own to the Instructional Services Depart ment on October 11. Claridge's letter outlined the changes to be made in the department. These changes included a clarification of the hours that the Instructional Services Department may log in carrying out their duties. They may now work up to 70 hours per week in operating the language lab, running audio-visual aids as the faculty demands, and repairing equipment. Anytime over the allotment must be submitted to Mr. Claridge's of fice for approval. The hours needed in managing the depart ment are to be kept separate. These changes are in effect until a regular person is hired to fill the position of Instructional Services (Continued on Page 3) Aids uate "It was a waste of time. It was a good class to sleep through because I didn't get anything out of it. I thought a lot of the tapes were outdated." Marilyn Gracon-(4-REHAB ED- McKeesport)-"They were old and so hilarious that you couldn't get the message. They did supply information but I don't think it was anything that you couldn't have gotten in class." Maureen Gattuso- (4-IFS-Pitt sburgh )-"It was the most boring class I ever had in my life. I know I would've learned more in a regular class It was terrible. If they could have it live it would be better." . Linda Juliano-(6-LA)Erie) "I thought it was really ridiculous.l had all the stuff before-and the person on the tapes treated us like we were juveniles. I didn't learn anything from the TV. It could be made more relevant by talking about subjects that everyone doesn't know about." SGA Approves New J RC The Student Government Association of the Behrend Campus passed the revised Joint Residence Council constitution in their meeting Wednesday, Oct. 7. The main revision eliminates the Board of Review, making the JRC the only judicial body for the infractions of dormitory regulations. "If we could get responsible people on the JRC," stated George Frola, (4-BA-Clairton), "this would gain more respect from the students." The Community Services Proposal (written by Bruce Behringer-(10-HUM DEV-Erie) was accepted by the SGA. It's main points include: 1. To coordinate efforts of people who want to work in the com munity. 2. To develop programs for greater community-campus development. (see page three for further in formation)