Science 4 Turkey feast causes Brow RYAN GULA science editor The sound of plates cling ing as they are loaded with our favorite foods. After we have finished the fourth helping of Thanksgiv ing dinner, we sit down to watch our favorite football team on TV. After consuming all that turkey, why are we so tired? Why do we struggle to make it through the fourth quarter or to eleven? According to many doc tors, we tend to eat more when we are surrounded by food. This is especially true during the holiday sea son, particularly Thanksgiv ing when much of the day is planned around a meal. Additionally, we instinc tively eat or feel a need to eat when we see others doing the same. Think about the last time you saw someone eating a Snickers and wishing you had one as well. We often accept food when offered it by others, simply because we have room for it, not because our body needs the energy it provides. Doctors argue that snack ing may actually be a better way of eating when compared to eating a large amount two or three times a day. Naturally, this is only true UP Professor stud ELIZABETH MASTELLER science writer Ever wake up in the morn ing to the incessant chirping of birds and wonder what they could possibly be talk ing about that is keeping you from falling back asleep? Dezhe Jin, an associate professor at Penn State in physics, studied the connec tions made between the nerve cells of a songbird's brain. Jin studied the bird while it chirps, and is working to relate the connection to hu mans, and how they learn languages. He especially fo cuses on the impact this has on young children. The research study was conducted using the zebra finch which performs only a single song of notes through its' lifetime. Scientists, with the use of advanced electrodes deter mined that a group of neu rons in the bird's brain was responsible for the singing, and if this group was not present, then the bird would be unable to sing. "Unlike dogs and cats, whose vocalizations are in nate and unlearned," Said Jin on the Penn State Eberly College of Science website, "songbirds learn a song in much the same way as hu mans learn a language through cultural transmis sion." when the foods we con sume as a snack are healthy and not just a candy bar. body isn't overwhelmed by having to digest a huge meal all at once. When we eat small recorded along with the brain activity to find that when cer tain neurons were triggered in the brain, a certain tone was produced by the bird. This confirmed that the birds think about their chirps and use them as a means of communication. "The sequential bursts of brain-cell activity represent the sequential notes on the same piece of music," Jin said on the website. The next step in the project is to look at different species, especially those that know more songs and study how their brain activity is simi lar or different to that of the finch. amounts frequently, the body can absorb what it needs slowly and we tend to ies birds to a better understanding of how humans learn language, but on a more basic level. "The zebra finch is a sim ple model because the bird perfects just one song during its lifetime," Jin said. "However, other species learn several distinct songs. They have a larger reper toire." Along with Jin, the re search was conducted by Mi chael A. Long and Michael S. Fee of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Mc- Govern Institute for Brain Re search. The publication is in the science journal Nature, and can be view at their website, Winner of the 1009 - 2010 Most Creative Pr SCHOOL PAGES OF THE BEHREND BEACON tired a. ward. So why exact do we find it hard stay awake wf When we eat, a large amount of food, blood moves toward our digestive tract to em State Behrend I A Stand Against 111 For MEN and WO - Gardasil vaccine prev- Cervical Cancer External Genital Warts Ttroat Cancer tart, Continue, or Finish series of tree for FREE Decemb 9:00-3: Health and Wellness -, (814) 8984217 https://healthandwellness. mess help it function and begin car rying the nutrients to parts of the body. This results in our slow ing down and feeling tired simply because our muscles lack their normal blood sup ply. This isn't a bad function however. When the body is tired, we are less likely to exert our selves by running or working out, which can interfere with the digestive process, making us sick. So the body is simply tell ing us to wait a little until our food has been processed. This is why Mom was right telling us to stay out of the pool for a little after we ate. It is much easier for us to get cramps since our muscles do not have access to as much blood as usual. As if all this was not enough, turkey has L-trypto phan, an amino acid that has documented sleep inducing effects. Tryptophan is also used in many different medi cines such as those treating depression, bipolar disorder, and those treating mood dis orders. So go ahead and eat all you want this Thanksgiving, but make sure you have a place to sleep afterwards. Continuing CI CS to