The Behrend beacon. (Erie, Pa.) 1998-current, November 16, 2010, Image 10
Deathly Hallows: Beginning of the continued from Back Page Heavily based off the infor mation revealed in the previ ous Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, Potter in his spare time takes lessons with Albus Dumbledore to educate himself in Voldemort's enig matic youth. Through these lessons, Potter learns that Voldemort has obtained im mortality by splitting his soul multiple times and hiding the fragments in items called hor cruxes. Setting the premise for the final installments, Potter and his friends embark on a mission to destroy all seven horcuxes and simultaneously attempting to prevent Volde mort from his alternative goal for immortality by obtaining the three Deathly Hallows: the resurrection stone, elder wand, and invisibility cloak. All the while the characters struggle with destruction, death, and the unavoidable corruption Voldemort has brought upon the governing bodies and other supernatu ral factions within the wizard ing world. All in all, the multiple di rectors have done an accept able job in keeping the Harry Potter films congruent with their respected novels. Rowl ing's novels are riddled with vast amounts of illustrative paradigms to help the reader Cudi Cuts New Album After listening to the new Kid Cudi album, Man on the Moon II: The Legend of Mr. Rager, it's obvious that the artist wasn't on par with his earlier release. In contrast, the amount of people featured on this album lends to a more enjoyable Cudi, in a sense answering the question of how he can collaborate. Often times on Mr. Rager, he gives away the chorus of his songs to the selected featured arist: Cee-Lo Green, Mary J. Blige, Kanye West, Cage, St. Vincent, Chip Tha Ripper, or Nicole Way. Another success for this album was the bonus track, "Maybe", as it reverts to Star & Evro continued from Back Page Mouthing words, swaying gently, and a few even shedding tears at a few songs, it was a touching seen to behold. Star performed for an hour, playing original pieces. He switched off playing the keyboard and guitar and singing. He took suggestions from his loyal fans as well as to which of his songs he should play for them, and even had everyone laughing with his renditions of 'The Bed Intruder Song'. Being very hands on with the audience, not only made him more human, and added another aspect to his music. None of his songs sounded the same, and with each he performed, you could see the passion he exerted into it, and the joy he received from expressing himself through the art. After the main show, and after most of the equipment had been packed up and fans were leaving, he did a special song he promised a fan. Off stage, guitar in hand, all those left standing watched in awe. This commitment to his fans is what makes him unique that he attempts to make a personal connection. Ac cording to Star, "it's a truth to myself, an hon esty that my music comes from me, not selling out." Star originally was part of a rock band called Stage that he started with friends. After one hit album and a tour, he left the band to fully understand the world she has created. Any exclu sions that have been made in the previous films are satis factory in the sense that they do not detract from the plot or storyline significantly. The premiere of Harry Pot ter and the Deathly Hallows marks the beginning of the end for the series. Though many might find this finale to be bittersweet, Potter will live on through film and ink for the years to come. All one has to do is pop in a DVD or revisit the book self to be submerged once more in the magical wizarding world of Harry Potter. ~. -~ .~, :; ERIE SHOW - Where: Cinemark Tinseltown 17 When: November 19th 12:40 PM 3:50 PM 7:00 PM 10:10 PM the somewhat happier styles of his previous album. As most can admit, themaybe" at the end of an immensely dark album rings hopeful. In the song, he talks about finding an end to "the ma niac" in himself and walking on the moon. The addition simply felt like it reverted to the more fluent, faster styles of End of Day, his previous album. NATE CARTER showcase editor The track "Scott Mescudi vs The World", literally an autobio graphical track, emphasizes his depression melodramatically. He refers to his life as a "dark journey" and a "clusterfuck of darkness and evil." The song redeems itself, however, be cause it features Cee-Lo Green of Gnarls Barkley. There's also a song called "Marijuana", obvi- End start his solo indie career. When asked if he ever regretted leaving Stage, he responded "I always dreamed of being a Rock Star in a band called stage, I always pictured being on Roll ing Stone." Despite that though he also added, "I can't change the past, and I'm happy where I am." The transition from rock star hopeful to indie artist wasn't overnight either. In his transitional album "Songs from the eye of an elephant" you can get a real sense of all of the emotion and raw feeling being experienced at the time. The LEB did a great job having Star come entertain students. With the great turnout, and the number of fans who were eager to have him back again, it's likely Behrend will see this Indie wonder yet again. Saturday night, after a long drive, Evro a band that has been together for six faithful years sat down to eat before the show. Coming all the way from Philadelphia to entertain us, the alternative, all original band was energetic and ready to go. As they took stage, the energy from the stage flowed outward. With Brian Vail on Bass, Janelle Korkus offering up Vocals, Chris DeFusco going away on the drums, and Matt Gordon on the Guitar it was a sight to behold. Evro, the band that got their name from 'Chev rolet' when the rest of the letters fell off the truck, made an impact on Saturday night to those who attended the performance. The hour filled with almost non-stop soul churning original pieces kept the attention of the audience and delivered. Nobody knew quite what to expect coming from this obscure group, but as Korkus sang out, and the band followed, Bruno's was stunned into silence. The passion they have for their music could not only be seen, but be felt in the air. DeFusco pounded away, the determination and pure ously emphasizing his use of it, but there should be a line drawn somewHe're befweeri lyricizing about weed and actually making it the name of a song. It comes off as the artist dedicating his success partially to the drug, essentially it makes the song tacky before it's even played. In "Don't Play This Song", he talks about how his mother's "sloppy drunkenness" effected his child hood and now his own drunken ness affects his current relation ships. In the chorus with Mary J. Blige, he tells his audience that they might as well not listen to him if they want to know "what he sounds like when he's not on drugs." Cudi describes his depression further in "Maniac". Within the song: "I am the maniac, I am the fool" who "love[s] the dark, maybe we can make it darker." "Mr. Rager" outlines how the world beats Cudi down, but he's "on his way to heaven." In "Trapped in My Mind," he raps about how he's stuck in his mind and "embraces the darkness". Needless to say, these lyrics become less of a fresh sound and more of an artist falling into a trend which is almost never good. Artists are artists to chal lenge themselves and move in original new ways. They should never stick with something too much. In this case, Cudi beats his listeners over the head with his depression, which lends more to thinking his depression is more gimmicky than valid. enjoyment connected those watching the per formance and created an intimacy between the band and audience. Gordon and Vail held their own, focusing on their respective instru ments, almost as if every note were a precious treasure that couldn't be wasted. In the end, it was a pure triumph for the original band as those who filled Bruno's applauded them. Being an all-original band, and writing all their own songs, the members of Evro claim the creative process "Is a collaborative effort all the way." Music has always been entwined in the lives of the group members, and is what brought them together. From friends in school, to meeting band mates in the most random of places, eventually they wound up creating the sensational group they are now. Right now in regards to their career as a band Evro feels as if they are in limbo. "[We] want to get big, be famous, and if we could make some money from it while having fun, that would be great," said Gordon, the lead guitarist for Evro. Two of the best have performed there, and have left their mark. For those who have seen them they will certainly remember the mind boggling performances for decades to come. If Behrend is lucky, not only will we see these wonderful acts again, but have the chance to watch them in a bigger venue as well. Culture