The Behrend beacon. (Erie, Pa.) 1998-current, November 16, 2010, Image 1
PSB students involved in accidents Alcohol influence possible in separate weekend car crashes Two Penn State liehrend students were allegedly involved in multiple accidents on campus early Saturday morning, possibly dile to almlml. The Iva student, hose 'Limes were not released. \,.,( , w 01 serimv-IV in jured. The first tHA urred nn Old Station Road, pa , a the Junket - center. in the eat 1\ Th,lttlidaN. morn ing Thy noono ins ~11111 ,)( curved around tia• ~n campus in the banana parking lot Penns% l%ania Stale Police did not have a report on the incident and Penn State Bel), end Police and Safe ty have not \et released intormation in regards to these \\ reeks. Things at a local party went From euphoric to terrifying: in a matter ()I' minutes When the neighhots com plained about the (Acessi\ e and ir ritating noise level. .the police ap peared at the house and quickly quieted thing; dov,n, according to one partygoer . ..The cops came into the house. they knocked and vve let them in,.. said Ehomas tin undergrad uate Behrend student "they came in the front and hack I hen they gave us a little bit of lecture. they were pretty cool dhow it. ' One pallier drove towards campus in a black car. nearing the Junker before allegedly putting his car into an embankment. says Gillespie. The driver a ll ege dl y fl e d the scene and the car was impounded by authori ties, he said "Su he tanks that sign. backs up. goes up into the banana lot and slides right down h\ the suites, - said Gil lespie. "State 1)( >lice came ',lnd took him to jail fur the night. - Since there have been no public reports on the incidents. Gillespie's claims could not he verified as of press tulle Other witneses at the scene claimed that the dri\ er was travelling at - recklessl last - speeds. The party went downhill when the landlord of the house recie\ ed phone calls from surrounding neighbors. "We threw down a little too hard this weekend, - lillespie said. "When they were doing chants in the garage, I was standing in the doorway look ing down. Everyone started singing 'oi oi oi!' and I looked across the crowd and saw a dozen or more Four Lokos. "The house g()1 kinda fucked up that night." Pennsylvania State Police will re lease information on one or hoth of the accidents later this week. As of press time, Penn State Beh rend police also did not have a re lease available. This information may become available in the coming weeks. • Get a student , , conducted preview • i ''' „. of the seventh Harry . ft Potter movie, "The 4., Deathly Hallows" ' 1 1 TOBY KELLER MOVIES Page 12 produced by the students of Venn State Behrend since 1948 p What's okay to experiment wi ", 4 in bed? This week's "The Cra lets you in on some options (a ' prices). SEX Page 8 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2010 0(1(00 HUNTING • Check out the debut of Behrend's first ever hunting and fishing column by James Wade Page B 2