6i Behrend Beacon August 21, 2009 | www.thebehrendbeacon.com CAMPUS ARTS A rundown of the art events BY EVAN KOSER Welcome back to a brand new year here at Penn State Behrend. Many new and re turning students are probably wondering what exists in the world of music, theatre and art in general on campus. In the last year alone, stu dents have brought together cultures from all over the world, performed risque the atrical pieces, celebrated diver- Music at Noon: The Logan Series The Logan Series is an award winning feature of music performances. Now celebrating their nine teenth consecutive year of performances, the program boasts its ability in exposition of all audiences to a myriad of diversity that exists in music today. The Music at Noon series is free for all; listeners are “treated to dialogue and interaction with world-class musicians in an informal setting where lunches and casual attire are welcome,” says program head Dr. Gary Viebranz. The Creative Writer’s Speaker Series While students involved with the creative writing major offered on campus know that this event is a mandatory one, many students are still unaware that for a few weeks out of each semester, three individual and influential writers visit the Smith Chapel to display their work and share ideas. This fall, the series will [as it does semesterly] give audiences an opportunity to listen to writers in three major categories of creative writing: fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. For more information, please contact Mr. George Looney at goll(« psu.edu. The Rhythms of Life Series In September 2002, this series began with it’s first showing. Since then, the series has brought to Behrend a variety of cultural showcases, many of which students have never been exposed to. This series serves as an excellent opportunity for students and the rest of Erie’s community to get exposed to the cultures of the world. For a campus that boasts it’s ability to be diverse, this series does more than exemplify that; it brings the campus’ diversity into the limelight. This year, students can look forward to Argentinian tango music and dance, Latin jazz, and Native American music and dance. For more information, keep an eye out for advertisements or contact director of Educational Equity & Diversity Programs Andy Herrera at aahlO(« psu.edu. Behrend’s theatre program Ask any thespian on campus about the Studio Theatre, and they’ll all tell you one thing: “it’s inti mate." Yet, year after year, the program puts out at least two fantastic performances spanning a two-week run. Last year, Cabaret had the honor of being the first musical performance in the last few years under the direction of Chrystyna Dail, a still-fresh face among the faculty. While the col lege does not offer a major in theatre, these student productions exemplify the triumphs of Behrend’s actors and actresses. This year’s performance is an adaptation of Lewis Carroll's Alice stories called ALICE: Tales of a Curious Girl by Karen Hartman. Auditions are scheduled for September 9 and 10 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. with performances on November 12 to the 19. No preparation is necessary for the auditions and sign-ups for twenty minute time slots will be posted outside of Professor Dail’s office beginning September 1. _ . ... PRESENTING S the “(Behrencf Showc a presentation of the arts page featuring the works of studei Su/missions can include the folloujing : - -Hash -fiction/short stories and prose (s - poetry - photography/paintings/sketches* (toith photo S intent) ~cinematography (short expose detailing film or documentary) - choral > instrument expose detailing your asptration/ musical piece sity through musical perform ance and broaden the horizons of literally thousands of audi ence members collectively. At Behrend, the opportunities to express oneself exceeds the boundaries of the dorm room decor; they stretch past the stairs in front of Perry Hall, deep into the Gorge, and they permeate each and every build ing students may find them selves. With an open mind and a prospective attitude, students should always be aware of events and clubs on their cam pus that pertain to their specific interests. Luckily at Behrend, there’s a little something for everyone - no matter a stu dent’s taste, everyone is catered to. What follows is a compilation of upcoming events and show cases that take place here at Behrend in the world of art and entertainment. submissions are to Im aant to emkSllotpeu.edu or given to your professor for submission. Documents with text tbe sent already proofread TO THE AUTHOR’S DISCRETION. ’lmages must be sent in .Jpg or .tiff and will print Mack and whits. All content will bs dieplayed online; images in color will retain color online. rts :jg§llfi ,_.j