8 I The Behrend Beacon Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the tree exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to By Jennifer Juncosa /)(°(spectit('S editor . 1(006 I psu.edu Because Bruno's makes it way too easy for me to eat a whole pint of Ben & Jerry's ice cream in one sitting., I find that I am going to the gym regularly. My daily schedule gets me to the gym around 3 p.m. This year, there are more ellipticals and other machines. making the small room even smaller. The Student Facility Fee survey results have come hack, and most peo ple said that the weight room should he the first to get modified at the Junker Center. I am one of them. H yg iene It's not By Neil James Peters sue' triter njpsoB3(aysu.edu We all had to make sacrifices when we chose to came to college. Some of us chose to sacrifice sleep, others to sacrifice a job and steady income. However, one thing that should never be sacrificed is good hygiene. I don't care what you have to do or what your problem may be: if you are living on campus then there is no excuse for not taking care of your things and yourself. As students living in a residence hall, we have unlimited access to showers, washing machines and anything else that we might need. So if you choose to be a slob and let everything in your room go to hell, then that's your choice. Just remember that there is a whole halt of other people who have to put up with it, too. thaw been to nearly every living arrangement that Behrend has to oiler for one reason or another. And each time in traversing their corridors, there was always one room that stood out. It start ed with a faint lingering tinge of stag nant air. As my body became accus- tomed to the environment, the paint peeling odor seemed to worm its way into my own clothes and skin. When I finally managed to flee the premises, I felt like I would need a shower of bat tery acid to get clean. The Beacon is always looking for more writers. Want to get a front row seat to an event? Want to write about movies or music? Like to take pictures? All you have to do is email any of the editors or stop by the Beacon office in the basement of REED or submit articles online at thebehrendbeacon.com Michael Phelps shouldn't have to apologize By Joshua Wittmershaus str Writer j k N 0062 psu.edu In the 1998 Winter Olympics, a Canadian named Ross Rebagliati won the first gold mead for Olympic snow boarding. After he won, a drug test revealed traces of marijuana in his circu latory system, and he was stripped of his medal for some period of time. The medal was eventually returned to him on the basis that marijuana was not a "pertbrmance-enhancing - drug (whether Beacon Thumbs Up . ft ib. /4 1 / 4 I .... D ... ii... _ .... MN. _ .... 49, - Hugh Jackman - The Oscars - Tutoring Sessions - Garlic white pizza All I want is to be able to run in peace Guys will roll their eyes and girls will cheer and agree that there should he two gyms. I am all for a boy gym and a girl gym. When I am at the gym. I do not want to he hit on. Guys. it a girl is sweating, then leave her he: she is strictly business. However, if she is wearing the world's tightest pants and not breaking a sweat, then she probably , wants to be hit on. I dn't go to the gym hoping that a guy will pick me up: I go because I still have the appetite of a (liver hut I'm not burning the calories of a diver an\ - more. I am there for one reason only: to nm my three miles and leave. Sometimes I tOrtzet my iPod, hut the in college: that hard After my skin grew hack from my cheese grater scrubbing. I resolved to . discover the cause of such a terrible liv ing environment. Upon further investi gation into this mysterious [natter, I found that lingering stenches that haunt certain unfortunate halls are typically the result of unwashed athletic equip ment. From nasty-ass hockey gear to old sneakers that incubate in the closet, the root of this evil is simply the inability of the owner to use a freaking bar of soap. Now, I never played hockey. So I can't he exactly sure on how the equip ment works and how complicated the pads are. However, I did play football and they don't seem too different. I managed to keep my pads smelling Ns in ter fresh most of the time. I stepped into the shower and scrubbed them down with a washrag and let them air dry. So it's not impossible. As for dirty clothes and shoes, they made this kick , ass thing hack in the fillies called a washing machine. It's not that difficult to operate. If you can will on a TV, you sure as hell can use a washer and dyer. In conclusion, if any readers have poor hygiene and stink up the place. please take my advice and clean up your act. It's healthier fir everybody involved, and if it keeps stinking up the hall, your roommates might kill you. Just a heads up there. Have an opinion? Want to write about sports? it is actually performance enhancing or not is &batable, hut most would agree he deserves the trophy). Sound at all families - '' After pressure from sponsors and lawyers, Michael Phelps, world furious 14-gold-medal Olympian, issued a public apology after a British tabloid got their greasy hands on a poorly taken picture of him taking hits from a bong. Now he has been suspended from USA Swimming lOr three months and dropped by sponsor Kellogg Co. and almost laced charges by Richland County. South Carolina police. Submission Guidelines: • Letters should be limited to 350 words and commentaries 700 words. The more concise the submission, the less we will be forced to edit it for space concerns and the more likely we are to run it. The Beacon does not publish anonymous letters. Please include your major, faculty or administration position, and semester standing. Deadline for any submission is 8 p.m. Wednesday afternoon for inclusion in the Friday issue. The Behrend Beacon reserves the right to edit any submissions prior to publication. Please keep complaints as specific as possible. Email submissions to jdjso6l@psu.edu or drop them off at the Beacon' office. PERSPECTIVES The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances weight room has the radio playing. It would he great if I could hear it, hut the guys lifting block it out. Between the small chatting and the grunting, the music is drowned out. Guys, it' you have to grunt that much each time you lift a weight, then it's probably too heap ‘. The benefit of having a girl gym and a bo‘ gym would he that while I have mustered enough confidence to get my butt to the 2VM, I wouldn't he sur- rounded by the people that made me so self-conscious in the first place. Nine times out of 10, while I run my miles, I have a guy next to me sprinting like that impresses me. I'm not wearing the Every year my friend and 1 watch•the Oscars and rank the men from one to 10. One means that they weren't look ing good and 10 meaning they were looking good. To make it more fun, we can only assign one 10 which means that there were a lot of 9.8 s and 9.95. We aren't ashamed to admit that we both find Hugh Jackman extremely attractive and when we found out that he was the host we simultaneously said "10." I have only cared about the ()sun for a couple years and belOre that I couldn't watch because it stayed on "past my bedtime. - The last Oscar y I can remem ber was the year that Billy Crystal host ed and he did the montage of the movies tor his opening, which he watched and had cameos in. Between then and now, 1 have seen Crystal, Chris Rock. Jon *MI6, tfAlen DeGeneres, and now Jackman. The last Owen hosted by multiple Michael Phelps should take some time to think about what he's apologiz ing for. While he is committing, a non violent crime, his fame has allowed an invasively taken photograph to drasti cally damage his image. Eight people have been arrested as a result of the publicity of his pot smoking. If the police are so adamant about justice on the obvious American hero, why don't they take a stroll over to Facebook and chronicle the thousands of pictures of teens and young adults smoking blunts and bonging beer? Perhaps our boys in Hugh By Jennifer Juncosa perspalives «filer jdjso6 I (a psu.edu tight pants The mat that I lay on to do my crunches is the size of the mat I slept on in kindergarten. The only place for a mat is under the cable crossover machine and when I lay on my back. I look up to see some guy standing over me. If we had our own gym then we wouldn't have that problem. Women conk! stretch and tk crunches without getting stepped on. If we had our own gym, then we could run while only being surrounded by our own sex, we could run and not get hit on. We could run and not worry about body parts jiggling too much. We could actually have an opportunity to at the Oscars the 59th OSCON in 1987. Most people would argue that Bob Hope was the best Oscar host, and they would be right. But recently. they haven't been so good or entertaining. After Hope, who hosted the Oscars 17 times, Crystal hosted the Oscars eight times. Other than that, Whoopie Goldberg has hosted four times. After attempting comedians, out of-work actors, and talk show hosts, the academy had chosen a successful, in-his prime, actor. I can admit that I was curious how he was going to pull it off. Even if he was had, the crowd would be won if he just stood there and smiled. But after show ing that you don't need money to have a great opening, he had me. He has been the best Oscar host in a long time. He was comical without trying too hard, he was easy on the eyes without trying too hard, and he did his job with out trying too hard. It seemed that it came easy to him. When you have a comedian host the Oscars, you have the problem that they want to stand on stage and show how funny they can be. Talk show hosts have the same problem SZE blue are just looking for a little camera love themselves. It has become apparent to me that one of the most pressing issues involving this is the effect this will have on his young fans. Stepford wives across the States scold Phelps in their blogs and express concern that their kids will think that him smoking dope is in cor relation, or even causal to his swim- ming success. I prefer to think of it this way: not only is he encouraging his fans to challenge the legal institutes and question the true "dangers" behind Friday, February 27, 2009 use the resistance machines t more beneficial for women anyway If men had their own gym, then they could sprint on the cardio machines all they want. The men wouldn't have to worry about who to hit on or who to leave alone. They could li)cus on their workout. If men had their own gym then they could have the machines that would be beneficial to them and they wouldn't have to worry about the space I will admit that I will never see a female-only gym at Behrend, hut at least make two rooms: one for earth() and one for weights. Spread it out. because they want to show how they can keep an audience interested. Having an actor host the Oscars was the hest move the Academy has made. but they can't be out-of-work actors because then they stay on stage to show that they still got it. Having Jackman was the best idea because he just did his job and did it well. His opening showed it all. He sang. he aimed, he made us laugh, and he looked fantastic doing it. He wasn't On stage often, but when he was, it was down to the point. He was given time to be creative and he used it well, tak ing that little time to make us laugh but keeping the show going. At first I thought that it would he unfortunate to have a famous and work ing actor host the Oscars because it shows that he dicln't k anything worth an Oscar but it makes sense. I have yet to see A ustndia, but it wasn't an Oscar movie and both Jackman and Nichole Kidman knew that. Jackman had the opportunity to fail miserably as a host but he walked away leaving us wanting to see more hosts like him. opening pot, but he is also providing inspiration for down-and-out stoners, showing them that just because they like to get lit doesn't mean they are never going to succeed. Michael Phelps shouldn't have to apologize to the public tbr his behavior. No one was hurt by his actions, and although he broke the law it is an act which should, if anything, strengthen his character. Beacon Thumbs Down ... •••6 I I •• I NP - Weather getting cold again - Co-ed gyms - Lack of hygiene - Lon-Capa
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