Friday, February 27, 2009 MARCUS YEA(iLEY The Behrcnd Beacon Dava Sobel Op) speaks about her thoughts on the planets to the packed cat'd in the RED( (below). THON continued from front page. around 5 a.m. and tried to sleep until noon the next day before the, started dancing. "At the beginning, they were still really shaken up from the accident," said Thomas. "But they did so well." Beck had tuner met the Dorer fain i until she reached t n ersit v Park and THON kicked off. Almost immediately, there was a hand of love and sup poll that made the entire experi ence worthwhile for Beck. "When the Undies were there. it wasn't as hard." she said. "I wanted to do it because it touches more people. It's something that's so small that I can give. but it means the world to these people. - One experience Beck recalls in particular came later in the week end. '`There was a point when I actuallN was afraid that I wasn't going to make it. - She said that a Chancellor continued from front page Burke has the final say on all of the decisions affecting the Behrend campus. He, also, has many organizations and/or CONTRIBUTED PHOTO Jack Burke plans to step down as chancellor in 20/0. dancer she didn't know came over and physically held her up until she felt she could keep going. Mayer said that to prepare for THON, the duicers had to start cutting sugar and caffeine out of their diets weeks belbre. They went to the gym regularly to get in shape, and the week leading up to the event loaded up on starches and carbohydrates. One of her CONTRIBUTED PHOTO A dinner was held ay a setukilf far Belau:ifs THON tkincery. departments that report to him every so often. As the Behrend campus is affiliated with University Park. Burke must report to University Park every Saturday. He finds the drive down to University Park the most effective time to think issues through. Burke is the rep- CAMPUS NEWS Sobel continued from front page dark spots and oranges and reds, took much of the artwork's emphasis. The planet Mercury reminded her of mythology. The planet Venus conjured up poetry. The way Sobel presented her thoughts on the planets got posi tive reactions from the students in attendance. It was very entertaining," said Jesse Boorman-Padgett, a junior majoring in biology. loved the artwork, especially the moon temple." favorite moments was Joe Patemo's surprise visit. knew about it no one Shearer hadn't been aware of THON until Mayer introduced it to her last year when they were living together as roommates. However, she says that her expe rience this year makes her want to he involved again next year. That's not to say it was an easy resentative of Behrend College to the surrounding community and the connection between Penn State Erie and its sponsors. Another duty Burke has here at Behrend is to raise an estimated $ll,OOO daily through fundrais ing efforts. Burke does have help from a collaboration of individu als on a team so raising this high sum of money is a more attain able goal. Burke helps raise money to fund scholarships tor students attending Behrend. Currently, Behrend is running a capitol campaign that brings in a large amount of money for the college. The final sum collected from the fundraiser often exceeds the initial target because of the various methods of successful fundraising. Some of Burke's most defining moments at Behrend were not specific moments at all. Burke takes pride in the fact that he was a part of improving and expand ing the Behrend campus to what it is today. Even though many predicted the downfall of the Behrend campus in the early 1980 s, Burke did not give up hope on our newly developed campus. Penn State Behrend had its ups and downs throughout the years, budget always being one of the major issues threatening its sur vival. One particular period of time proved rather strenuous for the Housing and Food Department. There was a major lack of housing for students attending Behrend. Waiting lists for housing often contained 500 or more names. It has always been a struggle to maintain an Fur the moon, Sohel showed a piece of artwork depicting a large shining moon casting glares on a stream flowing through a white flowered garden arid a wolf howl ing from a stone gazebo. She also shared a story that drew laughs from the audience. She said that the moon has always been associated with crazi ness. As evidence towards such thoughts, she mentioned how a friend of hers was given some moondust, crushed from rocks that came from the moon. She says that instead of making an amulet or some other heirloom to preserve the rare treasure, her friend ate the powder. The presentation then covered weekend. "By Sundly morning it's really hard. There's no posi tion you can he in that alleviates No one the pain. - It took Colvin four full days after the event before she started feeling fully recovered. She said that her ankles had finally reduced to their normal size after "swelling up like softballs.- Colvin said that she really started struggling around four a.m. on Sunday morning. "I was reading letters from my mother, and I was really down at that point.- Colvin said that she would par ticipate in THON again without even thinking about it. "You tOr get about the pain. - Spending time with the THON families was the priority of the evening for her, and it gave her energy more than anything else. "1 could have gone tOr a few more hours. It's a phenomenal cause, and it's so much tnn.- appropriate balance bet ween housing, parking, and academic As far as the retirement status for Burke, he does plan to retire on June 30. 2010. Even if a chancellor is not found for Behrend campus. Burke admits that he may not have the liberty to stay another year due to per sonal issues. He would prefer to stay as Chancellor of Penn State Behrend. however. Burke has served Behrend for 29 years. For 20 of those years, he served as an associate dean until the chancel lor (referred to as dean at the time) stepped down from the position to accept another posi tion as president of a Nevada College. Burke did not originally apply for the position, but rather the chancellor search team asked him to take on the position. Burke declined the position ini tially, but kindly accepted when no other applicants were found. The search tbr a new chancellor is not a complicated process; however, it sometimes requires a lot of patience in finding appli cants. Ads are posted in an aca demic newspaper called The Chronicle of Higher hhication during the beginning of the first semester. Next fall, a team will be appointed to start the search for our new chancellor. Sobel u.sell (ymim i.sioned (117WrO, plopd her piesenlalion elements of the other planets. Sohel says she thought of the planet Jupiter through astrology. Saturn through music, and Pluto through the idea of gaining entry into a world larger than itself. Her book is structured the same "Unlike my other hooks, this one did not have a continuous story since the planets have been known since ancient times . Sobel said. "And it also didn't have a single hero which creates a real creative problem .- She says she then thought about the planets in ways that are now what is traditionally thought of through astronomy. Fin• sonic. her kleas were Students. tout the Doors diectrd on the (loncer (luring the event Know your way around Photoshop? Have Mac and Computer Networking Experience? 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CALL TODAY FOR DETAILS! 814-868-4681 GRANADA.HOMESANDLAND.COM ih. a The Behrend Beacon I 5 \ 1 , 4(1:S 11„\61.EY Thc liclucnd Beacon elltlilL!111$2 1 thought, a, a whole, the af_ Icrent to por tra\ the ditkrent planets in her w.riting ‘ interesting. - said San(k2r._ a freshman plan- ning on in4joring in creatiNe Sobel is also the author of Ga/i/co\ Dautfhter. A Ihstorica/ Memoh of Science, //Oh. oh/ /MIT. a biography about Galileo Gable'. She also \\, rote Longitude: /he hue Sion o/ a Lone Genius Who Solved the Gmdest Scientific hoblem o/ His Lime. \khich k about John Harrison, a clockinaker aho CSIZIN ished the standults of longi tude and latitude. Resume by: Marketing Ma'or our Resume b covrimr•Fri ) pi 10-R)