The Behrend beacon. (Erie, Pa.) 1998-current, February 13, 2009, Image 6

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    6 I The Behrend Beacon
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A look at the world of music, from'the obscure to the
obscene, the new and the old
Animal Collective's
Merriweather Post Pavillion
generating buzz
With a non-linear. e \perimental collaboration. Animal Collective
has a yen eclectic sound. They 're nearly indefinable genre
consisting of les splotched with a hit of indie rock. electronic
music. and folk. The entire collective from Baltimore consists of the
avant-garde musicians: ,\ve. Tare 1 David Partner). Deakin (Josh
Dihbl.Geolaeist I Brian Wail. and Panda Bear (Noah Lennox).
After Josh Dibh decided to take a hiatus horn the group in 2007. a
three member collective joined once again to create an album, dra\‘-
ing from Noah ',elm() 's samples to make Alerriweather Posi Pt/I'd
/ion. released on January 6th. 21109.
The opening song begins ss ith dissonant sounds and no connection.
slowly swirling ~iround to create a peaceful ambience. Ghostly vocals
begin ss ith is rics alluding to falling in lose kith a dancer. Claps and
natural sounds scatter across the song. eventually progressing to an
intense explosion of happy percussion hacked with colorful samples.
As the song draw s to a close, vou cant help hut feel a slight lucid
The co‘ er for Alerriweather Past Puri/lion is actually a famous
The ghastlS electronic churning from the previous track continues
on into the nest track, "Mv Girls, - obviously meant for continuous
play hack. The sound starts to glimmer in an unfamiliar way. spinning
until there's substance and the soca'', begin. A happy echoing \ erse
e entuall . s accompanies it. After a few repetitions it shills, the glim
mering is joined ss ith a soothing sv ish, and then a very diverse heat
riddled with percussion samples. This track sounds so happy and de
lis ers the apparent theme of the album: it's all about being happy and
has ing a fanuf . The song is about pros iding a humble home for "My
Girls.'' \\ nth ohs ions Isrics like, "\\ ith a little girl. and by my spouse.
1 \sant a proper house.''
Each song hi idges right into the next, conclusions becoming intro
ductions. ss ith themes shifting from anxiety about being a father to
the dads routine taking a soung child to the play ground. There's an
apparent happiness in each song. with cheerful and soinetimes Hers
weird samples. Its hard to not feel a shyness and anticipation of new
lose. or a joy of persisting lose from this album.
After l's e talked this album up you might say. "maybe he just like
these guys a lot: . Its not just me: all user Internet blocs and maga
tines critics base praised this album as Animal Collectise just seems
to he getting better. Big names in music publications including
Blender. Spin, The Rolling Stone, and even The Onion hale gis en
the album exceptional ratings.
With the near universal acclaim this album has been receiving.
reaching #2 on the U.S. Top Independent Albums and on the U.S.
Billboard 'lop 200. MTV even reached into the basket. Their "Butt
\korthv biog had a post \\ ith the music idea for "Mv Girls."
I'm not really sure what to think about the ackno‘‘ ledgement for
eatln Post Porillion. Could this he the best album of 2009
already'' ('an anything top this album with its diversity and genuine
emotion? Whatever happens. I suggest finding the video for "My
Girls - on YouTuhe: it's catchy and the video is interesting in its own
Food For Thought
"Any man who can drive
safely while kissing a
pretty girl is simply not
giving the kiss the atten-
tion it deserves. "
—Albert Einstein
_~ -
By Justin Pekular
contrlbuttli 11'/ 1t('1
IpS()SS p‘ti.ctiti
optical illusion
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Benjamin Button draws curious crowd
By Glenn Beswick
.stall . ;yr lie,'
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The Curious Case of Benjamin
Button, directed by David
Fischer. is a movie that presents
a truly magical experience.
It combines strong elements of
history beautifully tied in with
the wonder of fantasy fouild in a
DisneN movie. As I watched the
film its basic feeling reminded me
of an over-fantasized Forrest
Gump. both in Brad Pitt's lovable
character and in the film's ability
to make a commentary on society
and the issues that face us as we
"I was horn under unusual cir
cumstances,- Brad Pitt's first line
of the movie sets up the beautiful
yet• loosely adapted F. Scott
Fitzgerald story of a boy who was
horn okl and progresses through
life backwards. The screenplay.
written by Erik Roth. is set in
New Orleans. beginning with the
end of World War I and continues
up into the 21st century. The story
begins as Benjamin Button is or
phaned and raked by a surrogate
mother played by Taraji P. Hen
son. As Benjamin regresses
through life the viewer is given a
look into the happiness of life, the
fantasy of true love, and the im
mense sadness and inevitability
of death.
Brad Pitt's Oscar nominated
performance is greatly enhanced
He may not be
By Maureen Koffier
staff trite,
mid:so22(a psu .edu
Rule Number I I: he's just not
that into you if he's a selfish jerk,
a bully, or a really big freak.
Now there is something that
catches your eye and makes you
really think about men in general.
Ladies, does he make excuses
about taking you out, does he de
liberately end a date early be
cause he has an early meeting in
the morning? Do you sit by the
phone waiting for him to call? If
you answered yes to any of these
things. then you should go see the
mos ie. He's Just not That Into
The he's just not that into you
phenomenon came about in one
episode of Sex and the City. after
which there was a hook published
in 2004 dedicated to making
women realize that some men just
aren't that into you and you
should move on to better things. I
have personally read this book.
and single ladies, let me tell you,
this theory that men may just not
he that into you is a godsend. No
longer will you spend all day pin
ing over that man who you think
could "potentially be the next
love of your life. - After reading
the book, you will feel refreshed
and enlightened. So grab your
best gal pal. a huge box of pop
corn. and go down to Tinseltown
immediately to see the number
one box office smash hit, He's
Just Not That Into You.
Taking place in Baltimore,
there are several different stories
told that make you really think
about what love means.
Jennifer Aniston and Ben Af
fleck play Beth and Neil, a couple
who has been together, living in
an apartment and sharing memo
ries, for seven years. Beth wants
to get married, whereas Neil has
no intentions of ever getting mar
ried. Neil doesn't believe in mar
riage, which upsets Beth greatly.
You girls can all imagine that
Aniston's character goes through
a great deal of pain because she
really likes the idea of marriage.
Then comes the story of Gigi,
played by Ginnifer Goodwin.
Gigi is a young woman desper
ately wanting to date a man
named Conor, played by Kevin
Connolly. It turns out that Conor
just isn't that into Gigi, so Gigi
makes a pathetic attempt to drop
by a bar that Conor usually fre
quents. From there she runs into
the manager at the bar, Alex,
by the flawless special effects that
brilliantly show his life long jour
ney from 80 to an infant. I felt
Pitt's most resonating parts of the
film were in the beginning of the
movie when Benjamin was at his
oldest. His ability to convey the
enormous sense of curiosity and
enthusiasm trapped within this
seemingly mangled body of a
senior citizen was positively bril
liant. In the early scenes in which
he interacts with his life long love
Daisey(Cate Blanchett) one al
most forgets its Brad Pitt's be
neath the heavy makeup and CGI
effects. Benjamin Button's out
look on life is one of constant
contemplation. He has a passive
voice that narrates and allows for
a complex character development
of the influential people in his
Unlike most three-hour
movies, Benjamin Button uses its
time to perfection. The majesty of
this film could not he captured in
any less time nor could it be
drawn out any longer. The film
ing element of the movie is done
beautifully in sepia tones in order
to portray the reflective nature of
Benjamin's life that accom
plished so much but comes to an
end in the inevitable way we all
will one day. David Fletcher bril
liantly planned out this final prod
uct and the film is definitely a
contender for taking home multi
ple Oscars.
into you, but we are definitely
into the movie
played by Justin Long. Hilarity
ensues as Alex and Gigi grow
even closer
Next is the story about Anna,
Ben, and Janine, played by Scar
lett Johansson, Bradley Cooper.
and Jennifer Connelly. Anna is a
struggling singer who falls for
Ben, who just so happens to he
married to Janine. They have a
few friendly encounters before
each one begins to seriously flirt
with another, which can only lead
to had things.
Drew Barrymore also makes a
small appearance in this film,
playing a woman named Mary
He's Just Not That Into You maintains the opportunity to stay in theatres this Valentine's Dar weekend,
making it the perfect "date" movie.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button dominates the box office with
critical appeal and audience curiousity. Viewers may note similarity
in the novelty ()[ this movie in comparison to a classic like Forrest
who meets men on Myspace and
constantly gets screwed over by
I absolutely loved this film in
every way. It was funny. touch
ing, and charming. There were
parts that made the whole theater
echo in unison, "awwwwww."
However, this definitely has to he
labeled as a certified "chick
flick." This means, you either go
with your boyfriend and coo at
the screen for a good two hours,
or you just go with your best girl
friends and you can all melt in the
sappy goodness of this movie.
The acting I'd have to say is fairly
‘ .40 41 t
Friday, February 13,2009
average, but a lot of the stories are
very relatable. especially to
young women in their twenties
who have sworn off love for
good. This would make for a
great Valentine's Day date, along
with a dinner and roses. With an
all star cast, you cannot go wrong.
Even the manliest of men will
probably enjoy this movie...of
course he would never admit that
to you, ladies. So sit hack and
enjoy the many reasons why
America is falling in love with
He:s hot Not That Into }On.
E~ I~