The Behrend beacon. (Erie, Pa.) 1998-current, February 13, 2009, Image 3

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    Friday, February 13, 2009
C-Compass aims to prevent underage drinking among local college students
continued from front page
consuming alcohol if under the
legal age
Mercyhurst and Gannon's tech
niques include the latter along
with alcohol and drug screening
programs,which sometimes
include tines to violators.
The recent things Behrend has
been kung to fulfill the C-
Compass goal is the acceptance
of a grant. Behrend accepted an
$1 1,500 grant from the
Pennsylvania Liquor Control
Board (PLCB) in 2006 which
was used toward furthering the
etibrts of C-Compass. The grant
was used toward a CORE
Housing ordinance limits three students to each house
continued from front page
zoning laws. In order to support a
livable and sustainable communi
ty, housing diversity is ideal
when passing new ordinances.
The Plan refers to a past tendency
to separate single-family homes
from higher-ii-nsity homes, like
apartment complexes and town
houses. - While exclusive zoning
is appropriate in some situations,
it is now recognized that it has
some drawbacks, and it not
always the best approach to use.-
In the section about homeown
ership versus renting, Edinboro is
compared to Clarion in terms of
its residence demographic.
Clarion is another borough
with a university and a high per-
Obama Commerce
Secretary nominee
Hampshire Senator Judd
Gregg has withdrawn his
nomination as Commerce
Secretary for the Obama
The Senator cited differ-
ences of opinion as reason for
his departure. "It has become
apparent during this process
that this will not work for me
as I have found that on issues
such as the stimulus package
and the Census, there are
irresolvable conflicts for me,"
he said.
The withdrawal marks the
second time the Obama
Cabinet's commerce secretary
position has been empty this
month. Had Gregg accepted
the position, he would have
been the third Republican in
the Obama Cabinet.
The White House's press
secretary, Robert Gibbs,
attempted to prevent back-
Gender and Pedagogy
in Smith Chapel
9:00 a.m. to 9:50 a.m.
International and
Lifespan Issues
in Smith Chapel
10:00 a.m. to 10:50 a.m
Gender Conference
Keynote Talk
in Smith Chapel
11:00 a.m. to 11:55 a.m
Community Focus -
Serving Women and
Girls in Erie
in Smith Chapel
Institute's alcohol and drug sur
vey to determine students' percep
tions about and behaviors related
to alcohol use, a renewed social
norms campaign based on the
survey results, an extra police
officer during late hours, and an
Alco-Sensor FST for the police
at F3ehrend, according to the C-
Compass website.
The Family Educational
Rights and Privacy Act
(FERPA), revised on Dec 8 of
2008, protects the privacy of par
ents and students by requiring
prior consent fmm the individual
before any personal information
about that individual is released.
So why is C-Compass able to
centage of student rentals.
However, the similarities do not
carry into the legislation of the
two boroughs. Instead of just one
out of three districts that support
student housing, the borough
allows students to live in two out
of three districts. Clarion also
allows as many as four students
to live together in a house as
opposed to three or fewer.
Harborcreek Township, another
area with a high concentration of
student rentals, takes a different
approach. Instead of the three
standard zoning districts for three
different kinds of homes,
Harborcreek includes a fourth dis
trict for college students. This
district "is to provide an area
within the Township where the
lash from the announcement
by downplaying its pre-
dictability. Gibbs claimed that
Gregg initially approached
the administration about the
position. "He was very clear
throughout the interviewing
process that despite past dis
agreements about policies, he
would support, embrace, and
move forward with the
President's agenda," said
Source: The New York Times
George W. Bush to give
first speech since leav
ing office
CANADA - On March 17,
former President George W.
Bush is scheduled to speak in
Alberta, Canada at an event
described as "a conversation
with George W. Bush,"
according to invitations.
The firm that is organizing
the event has hosted similar
speeches with Rudy Giuliani,
Bill Clinton and others, all of
Student Roundtable:
Gender and Sexuality
on the Behrend
in Smith Chapel
2:45 p.m. to 3:45 p.m
Topics of Controversy
in Gender Studies
in Smith Chapel
2:45 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.
Clearing Up Mysteries:
Faculty and Students
Discuss Gender in
Philosophy and
in Smith Chapel
4:00 p.m. to 5:15 p.m.
legally exchange student intbr
mation between each other with
out consent?
"We only disclose information
in extreme cases." says Meeghan
Hollis. a Behrend representative
of C-Compass. She explains that
the information is shared only to
keep students sate, such as "if a
student's health is at risk or if the
student is putting others at risk.-
The 2008 revision of FERPA
lists exceptions that allow infor
mation to be shared in programs
like C-Compass. As stated in
section 99.36 of the revision.
"An educational agency or insti
tution may disclose personally
identifiable information from an
residents and commercial develop
ment can be mixed to accommo
date the needs of Penn State-Erie
Behrend College students. This
area is to encourage the housing
of students around the immediate
area of the campus and not in the
established residential district."
The City of Erie is looking
into a similar student housing
zone. In a council meeting last
December, Council member
James Thompson requested a
committee to look into student
overlay housing zones. Katie
Diebel, Erie Zoning authority,
says that the new zoning has been
put on the back burner. Although
the council is looking into other
communities with the overlay
zones, no specific committee has
and Nationa News In Brie
By: Matthew Schwabenbauer,
All photos contributed.
which were paid sizable fees. enter orbit.
The newly formed George Source: BBC News
W. Bush presidential office in
Dallas offered no comment.
Source: Dallas Morning Nezvs
Russian and American
satellites collide in
OUTER SPACE - After a colli
sion between satellites owned
by the United States and
Russia, scientists have begun
looking for ways to monitor
the 17,000 devices in orbit
around the Earth. Support for
such a system is gaining
more and more attention due
to the number of devices in
orbit increasing almost regu-
The satellites that collided
during the impact were part
of a network of almost 66
satellites and were travelling
at thousands of miles per
Experts claim the event
was unusual, but likely to
occur again as more devices
Zili Misik, Band
in Bruno's
9:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m
LEB Weekly Movie -
Quantum of Solace
in Reed 117
10:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m
Spirit Against Cancer
Dance and Cheer
in Junker Center
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
education record to appropriate
parties, including parents of an
eligible student. in connection
with an emergency if knowledge
of the information is necessary to
protect the health or safety of the
student or other individuals. - The
article elaborates. "If the educa
tional agency or institution &ter
mines that there is an art iculable
and significant threat to the
health or safety of a student or
other individuals, it may disclose
information from education
records to any person whose
knowledge of the inhumation is
been formed. "It's kind of in
limbo right now, - says Diebel.
However. steps are being taken
to make some changes to the
city's zoning ordinance. Early in
December, Mercyhurst moved to
start building a new dffmitory on
E 38 Street. Due to the student
housing restrictions. the clorm
could not be built under the cur
rent legislation. The ordinance
forbids more than three unrelated
people living together in one
dwelling with a common cooking
area. The dorm is going to have
suite-style rooms with common
bathrooms and kitchens. The
council is now in the process of
redefining "dormitory, - and con
struction should commence as
Auditors discover thou
sands of U.S. weapons
have gone missing in
audit revealed thousands of
U.S. army weapons have
gone missing, officials fear
they may have ended up in
the hands of Taliban fighters.
The missing weapons were
part of a shipment of 242,000
weapons, which contained
rifles, machine guns, pistols,
rockets, grenade launchers
and mortars. Despite Defense
Department policies, no
inventory was maintained on
the weapons and as much as
1/3 of the shipment could be
The information about the
lost weapons was uncovered
when the Associated Press
obtained a report that was
issued after Kabul was
attacked on Wednesday by
LEB Weekly Movie -
Quantum of Solace
in Reed 117
10:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m
Baseball Clinics
in Junker Center
1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m
Sunday Night
in Junker Center
9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m
Monday Tuesday
High: 31°F High: 29°F
Low: 18°F Low: 20°F
Clouds with sun. Mostly cloudy.
Wednesday Thursday
High: 32°F High: 31°F
Low: 24°F Low: 24°F
Cloudy with a chance of Mostly cloudy with a
snow. chance of snow.
Interesting weather fact:
The U.S. leads the world with an average
of over 1,000 tornado reports a year.
Canada is a distant second \\ ith about
tornadoes repined.
Weaher format courtesy 4.sittdent meicombigiq Mau ;1/10.
"heavily armed militants."
According to Afghanistan
officials, the attackers were
armed with Kalashnikov
rifles, grenades, and vests
strapped with explosives. A
total of 28 people were killed
during the attack, including
the militants.
Source: BBC News
HIV patient free of the
disease after stem cell
GERMANY - A 42-year-old
HIV patient living in
Germany appears to be com
pletely free of the disease
after receiving a transplant of
Stem Cells, says a report pub
lished in the New England
Journal of Medicine.
The patient recieved the
transplant from a donor
which carried a gene muta
tion that gives the carrier nat
ural resistance to HIV.
The actual operation took
place over two years ago, but
no reports were published in
medical journals until this
week, due to the patient still
being free of the virus so long
after the transplant.
The operation was original
ly intended to treat the
patient's leukemia, but pick
ing an HIV resistant donor
was an intentional decision
MIS Basket Raffle
in Reed
8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m
MIS Basket Raffle
in Reed
8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m
IM Texas Holdem
in Reed
7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m
The Behrend Beacon I
on the part at the doctors
Source: CNN
FBI to investigate Super
Bowl porn debacle
investigating how attackers
were able to hack a cable tele
vision provider during the
Super Bowl and broadcast 30
seconds of a pornographic
m(A le
Comcast, the provider
which broadcasted the
pornographic images, has
been unable to locate the ori
gins of the attack, prompting
the need for federal investi
gators to gain interest in the
Source: Deadspin
Study claims friendli
ness linked to gene
new study claims that under
standing the feelings of oth
ers is a natural part of
humans. Upbringing and
environmental influence can
alter the behavior, but the
gene has typically been
found in people more prone
to friendly and helpful
behavior, says researchers
from the University of
Wisconsin and Oregon
Health and Science
LEB Weekly Movie -
in Reed 117
9:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m
LEB Weekly Movie -
in Reed 117
9:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m