Friday, February 6, 2009 The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. My mom has a facebook By Jennifer Juncosa perspectives ethtor jdjso6 I The other day, I had a short break between two classes and decided to spend it on Facebook, like most students. I decided to "stalk" one of my broth ers. He deosn't tell me anything, so my only source of information is to check out his Facebook every now and then. I wasn't surprised to see things like 'Christopher created an event' and 'so and-so wrote on Chirstopher's wall.' Then I stumbled across 'Chirstopher is now friends with..." At first I didn't think anything of it. Then I realized it was my mom. Naturally, I called my mom immedi ately asking her to verify that she does have a Facebook. She said yes. Then I demanded why she hadn't Iriended' me. By Neil James Peters assistant arts editor On an average thy, college students are forced to put up with an absurd amount of crap. From exams that always seem to fall on the same date, through the ever-ominous finals, to classes that are so soul-crushingly difficult they are the mental equivalent of slamming your genitals in a drawer. This sad reality is something that we simply must accept. because we aren't getting any younger, and adulthood is practically banging down our thrmroom door. However, in these tried times of crap-tacular stress, it is rather pleasant to look back at a sim pler point in our lives. Remember when your only concern was getting up in time for your favorite Saturday morning cartoon or being a good enough kid to ensure a coal free stocking at Christmas? With those two Fellow Students, I am writing this letter to you, not as the Student Government Vice President, but as a student. A student just like you, who watches $74 get tacked on to my semester bill for the Student Activity Fee (SAF). I am a huge supporter of this fee, as it allows us to have all of the stu dent and club run programs at our cam pus that we see on a constant basis. This fee was originally created in the 90's at Penn State campuses that ensure funding of programs to enhance the col lege experience was formed with a set of guidelines to make sure that this addi tional fee to students was used conrectly. One of the major stipulations in the cre ation of this fee was that all money gen erated at a campus would stay at that campus. Recently, there was a resolution passed by the Council of Commonwealth Student Governments (CCSG) that directly violates this stipu lation. The resolution stated that Commonwealth Campuses were in Beacon Thumbs Up I \ I\ , 1 01 - Waffles - Plowed parking lots - Facebook - Cross-over events I spent the next few hours helping her pick a picture and help her update her information. Within a couple of minutes I had a million friend requests from my aunt, my mom's best friends, and even my grandma. Yes, my 75-year old grandma has a Facebook. According to, more than half of Facebook users are outside of college and the fastest growing demo graphic is those 30 years old and older. This is understandable, considering that my mom, her friends, and my aunts all have one. At first I was a little hesitant to allow my mom to friend my boyfriend and my friends, but after letting the idea sink in a little, I'm beginning to be ok with it. So what if my mom has a facebook? So what if your mom wants or has a facebook? The only reason they have one is probably because you won't tell Sex, drugs, and final exams exceptions, every other minute was pure, ignorant Hiss. No worries of tuition, loans or grades; just looking forward to the next fun thing. When you were a kid, the opportunities for fun were limitless. Give an imaginative child a paperclip and a leaf and he could entertain himself !Or hours. Invite over a friend who had the latest Spider-Man toy and it was the party of the century. Now it seems it is not considered a party unless someone has a near death experi ence with alcohol poisoning. Another thing that made life more stress free as a child was out lack of knowledge about sex. Yes, sex is awe some in scores of ways, hut don't tell me that it doesn't complicate the hell out of everyone's life. It is damn near impossible to just be friends with a girl, because the second she wears something sexy, the poor man gets blitzed by enough hormones to drown a Hungarian hooker. To top it all off, if the man is University Park wants more of our money favor of directly sending 1% of our SAF money straight to CCSG to support them. I am proud to say that in a 23-3 vote, both of your Behrend representa tives were in the 3 that opposed. While I support CCSG, I do not support this resolution for a number of reasons. First, as any club or student who has ever submitted a proposal to the SAF Committee knows, all funds allocated from the SAF must be passed by a com mittee of our peers. This 1% of our SAF would go through no such regula tion, and would come straight out of the money generated by our campus. This opens the door to a variety of outcomes. We need to seta precedent. If this 1% of SAF funds generated at campuses is allowed to be pushed to a University Park based organization, who says in the future their won't be any more of our funding taken for similar reasons? This could also open the door to allow the University to access our Facility Fee, a fee we passed just last year with the same stipulations of SAF in the past. Submission Guidelines: Letters should be limited to 350 words and commentaries 700 words. The more concise the submission, the less we will be forced to edit it for space concerns and the more likely we are to run it. The Beacon does not publish anonymous letters. Please include your major, faculty or administrition position, and semester standing. Deadline for any submission is 8 p.m. Wednesday afternoon for inclusion in the Friday issue. The Behrend Beacon reserves the right to edit any submissions prior to publication. Please keep complaints as specific as possible. Email submissions to or drop them off at the Beacon office. PERSPECTIVES them anything about your lite and they want to know what's going on. The next common question would be 'what about the things you don't want your mom to see?' Well, what exactly do I not want my mom to see? It's becoming more and more common for employers to check a person's Facebook before hiring. If there is something on my Facebook that I don't want my mom to see then I probably don't want a future employer to see it either. My Facebook is clean. If anything, it makes the communica tion with my mom better. I can send her messages, write on her wall, and even chat with her the chat feature at the bot tom of the screen. My mom just wants to be able to see pictures of me and my friends or boyfriend and see what I am up to. My mom has a Facebook, I friended her, and I cbn't care. Poke! unfortunate enough to find himself out and about during on a warn day, then he's going to see so many low cut jeans and v-neck shirts, his brain will short out by lunch time. Sadly, women have it a thousand times worse that any man. For every insecure thought a man has, multiply that number exponentially and your answer is an accurate account of a women's average day. I'm sure it sucks to have to get dolled up just to run down to the communal bathroom, so is the unlikely event that you run into a boy you still look like a model. Also, as I stated before, men are constantly having their attention directed toward the oppo site sex. Women know this and feel compelled to dress accordingly, whether they want to or not:This constant worry of adequacy is enough to jack up any one's heart rate and cause a stress-induced coma. With all this insecurity, they should hand out anti-depressants and a And let's face it. University Park is already dipping into our IT fee, which is $212 a semester. Another reason that I am not in sup port of this resolution is because of the very nature which led up to its creation. It was circulated to the campuses in advance as any **big issue item - normal ly is. This resolution was thought up at a CCSG President's lunch drawn up before New Business came onto the agenda and passed at 4 p.m. the same day. We were never able to bring such a change back to the campus level, which is what we are suppose to be represent ing at CCSG meetings. Furthermore, there was no information given as to where this money would be spent towards. When asked for specifics, the representatives of the campuses were given a round-about answer which came out to mean nothing. This would gen erate $26,000 for CCSG, and, as far as I know, the only things that they need to cover are travel for Caucus Directors and the rental of the halls to hold meetings fifth of whisky at orientation Once again, it is nice to reflect on a simpler time where sex wasn't even an option. As children, we had no idea where babies came from or what those naked people on TV were thing, and we really didn't care. We just wanted to play Pokemon and be left alone.We all under stood what love was and for the most part, thanks to morally-driven Disney movies, thought people got married because their love was eternal and true. Now we understand all the ludicrous complications that weave themselves into what should be the most pure and wholesome of human emotions. As we age, we learn. We grow to understand the world around us with intricate understanding. However, many times what we learn is not something we'd like to know. Our once uncorrupt ed views become jaded and disillusioned as we gaze at a damaged world. And as we till in the blanks of old questions, in. It doesn't seem that they would need $26,000 on top of the money that CCSG already has coming from offices located at University Park. The money is another issue. While lc% seems like a relatively small num ber, it means that there will be an addi tional lc% of proposals for events at our campus which are not funded. It means that, since Behrend chooses to pay that top tier of the SAF, our students will be paying more for CCSG representation than other campuses that elect to pay lower tiers of that same fee ($64 or $54). It means that $6,660 will be leaving our campus every year, while some campus es will only see $4OO leaving. What benefits will we see at Behrend coming from this mandatory $6,660 allocation? In my opinion, I don't think we will. This is as close as you can get to taxing a Commonwealth Campus. We should not be penalized for having a Penn State name attached to us. I would like to remind you that there is no such thing as a "Main Campus." That, theoretically, The Behrend Beacon I MOM?! contributed by Jennifer Juncosa new ones flood in for every crevice. We try to answer these queries with our freshly aquired understanding, but in most cases these solutions only lead to even trickier problems. So, what are our options in these sticky situations? Simply listen to your inner child. As young children, our senses on humanity were never so pure and strong. Even before we were tought the laws of moral ity by our parents, we knew what was just and what was true. We understood that every person was different and had feelings. We understood that other peo ple hurt as we did and what it felt like to be bullied. So, now I ask you to occa sionally step back and assess these new and difficult situations in a different light. What would a child do.? More importantly, would you be able to look one in the eye and tell them the truth about what you just did? all Penn State Campuses are equal, even though we mysteriously see 30% of our tuition leave for University Park, for which their still has been no fiscal evi dence of what this 30% goes towards. We are already paying them kickbacks, so give CCSG some of those lost tuition dollars. I urge you, as the student body of Behrend, rise up and let your voices be heard. We need to put a stop to a major problem before it begins. Come to the SGA meeting Feb. II at 5 p.m. in Reed 114, seek out the senators you elected, or email Erin Kennedy (emkl9o) with your thoughts and opinions. The only way to stop this is to speak out at its injustice. Beacon Thumbs Down No - Salt rings on pants - Flu - Shin splints - Software updates For the Glory, Brad Kovalcik Behrend Student