Beacon rallies at Bayfront Convention Center I. 11 II ',II I I 111 ,L KLEGA N MCGREGOR/The Behrend Beacon RiJ:; , ',1;0(1 (HO Piper Paiin trere on-.stage at the event. c\pccicd. Palin touched on ; di o f Ow sib: and NicCain to r. tinr touched on ahor lion and her pro-life ,;tance. I,lln ,ind I cm i,iuii an America ,•vin hie counts She ,il,l the ero II that \ Via. ZiP1)11);.tell i lig (il ICI\ 1%. " C anttokl ork I()r \ u. I rig. \\ ill \ou 1)11.1.' Rept&lican campaign has heard ri&liLulr for nut sloping in HC ;11C;1 to campaign. "After closed-doors event at Behrend sonl helievC inc. believe Joe Poden lildCn \aid that (Tharna not ivstd\ to Ile Pre\ident. ull he hc\ msunded more cer ium of thim.2 in hi\ life. - i c .11cerh predominantly Rtlin reiterating the '2,:11C1 \ \\ hat the \ i. pre , ctol \truggling hov the\ need t fi \ \ Lin:\ \indent Republican\ in in,.nds(nec Ich v hat Paint co‘ (I \troffid Fele\ ant. while -H(1,111, uninformed to the hi \- I( , ]ft happentrip vvtlndcred \ vveic not alerted or an event of \i(„milieance. lir\ -sten Jone\. a uraduate qt (1,111 lichiend. ,t\ purely - Sarah Palin cite here? I (h(111 . 1 \cc that an\ \\ here. That•s IHNI ,IIRI111)(1111112 "Sandi Paiin was here? I didn't see Dr. Robert SpeeL a political science professor at Behrend, v as unable to attend the event because he had classes to teach, hut provided a possible explana tion on why Palin chose to come to Behreild. "Well, it looked good through the media since it was at a new building devoted to business and technology," Speel said. "I think the main purpose was to energize students for the Republican Party and if they let two hundred strong activists in a small, intimate setting they'll agree to work harder. - There is no clear reason as to why the campaign would hold a non-publicized, collegiate setting event for a mere group of 200 supporters, who were already likely to cast a vote for the McCain - Palin ticket. The fact that many students were com pletely oblivious to her visit doesn't help either. While the people in attendance largely enjoyed the visit, a larger group of people seemed almost angered at the secrecy of it. "I thank you for your participa tion. God bless you all," conclud ed Palin. With a casual stroll off the stage. complete with a wink and a smile, she headed out the door she had entered just 12 min that she didn't leave any utes earlier. that anmhere Iliat's just frustrat ing and upsetting." -Brvsten Jones `eill , ll Al a\ m)s v‘l a. vv ell "It (loe,n't make me \\ ll\ \‘ mild come Collt2C L';111111ll• alld not pro \ idc tll (Tpurtimit \ for more sill 11C,11 !ICI speak. especial- I 1 hen election time is days .1\ said Polinski. - It seems ;1;,;i man pcoplc from our gener- IcaninL. tov, ;tat. ()barna. u, Ali not L\ ill making. an illcillpl I() pci , 4l,l(lc N't)t- I itow : 2ll .t 1.11.!L. portion ()I' stu tl,lll,. vere (1i , ,21 - tintleil over the .1(1\ man\ that had the pri‘elege of ,Iccey, to the event felt •Ufa SCIIIOI 11,1 Alines Illuth2lll it %.“t. ,hk , l I. I II \\ it, to the point and Ili 1,2;(1l hit home. - She cohered he er\ thing ‘‘ ell au (I stick .ilk In lust hashing ()llama. she really 1,11 II ctiscd ()i) the issues... I ~/I;~III, ~1 tii riiu' 111 ELECTION 2008 seeing her full schedule, I do not think that this visit was a last minute stop, - said Nate Boring, President of College Republicans at Behrend. "I think the visit ignited a lot of Republican votes. It's inspiring to be at the rally. to feel the power of the campaign. You don't feel like one vote when you are surrounded by 7.000 Palin ended the rally by enter ing the crowd to shake hands. powerful issues out of her speech. 'lt seemed to me that it was a last minute thing, so the setting was good." Both Miller and Graziani agreed that the inti mate setting was effective because it felt like she was really speaking to an individual. instead of a large crowd. "I really appre ciated that she took the time to come to Behrend," said Miller. When Obama visited the cam pus in May of this year, before the primary elections, the Junker Center overflowed with support ers that traveled from all over northwestern PA. The fact that the Republican party has strug gled to keep up with the Democrats' campaigning meth ods proves to be problematic to Polinski just doesn't understand. "It seems to me that the campaign really doesn't care about the college vote," he said. "It just doesn't make sense." :Ilk Governor Sarah Paha spoke to a crowd of about 5,000 at the Hayti - on, ( 'Olll cation Centel THE BEHREND BEACON Executive Board Rachel Reeves, Editor-in-Chief - rcrsos7@psu edu Connor Sattely, Managing Editor -cisso6o@psu edu Michelle Quail, Advertising Manager - mlqsool@psu edu Kim Young, Faculty AdvZser - kjyi o@psu edu Ryan P. Gallagher, News Editor Matthew Schwabenbauer, News Editor Jennifer Juncosa, Perspectives Editor Nick Blake, Sports Editor Christine Newby, Sports Editor Evan Koser, A& Editor Neil J. Peters, Asst. Arts Editor Penn State Erie, The Behrend College Reed Union Building 4701 College Drive, Erie PA 16563 Room 10H Telephone: (814) 898-6488 Fax: (814) 898-6019 Editorial Board Friday, October 31, 2008 Marcus Yeagley, Head copy Editor Mike Wehrer, Copy Editor Jeremy Korwek, Website Editor Keegan McGregor, Photography Editor klms323@psu edu Daniel Smith, Senior Photographer diss223@psu edu Bethany Long, Assistant Ad. Manager 1 )1 1503 7 ,a rr3ll edu
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