I The Behrend Beacon Weekly Weather Monday: Partly Cloudy. High 71/Low 57. Chance of Precipitation 20% Tuesday: Scattered T-storms High 71/Low 56. Chance of precipitation 40%. Wednesday: Showers. High 63/Low 52. Chance of pre cipitation 40%. Thursday: Few Showers. High 63/Low 52. Chance of precipitation 20%. Source: wealher.com The Behrend Beacon is constantly searching for innovative writers. If you have any interest, contact Rachel Reeves at rcrsos7 @ psu.edu. J Granada Apartments ; •Mujcreek Mall area. .. 17 min. from Behrend « Bring in ms coupon and RECEIVE ft OFF ONE MONTH'S RENT! Call today for details ! 814-8684681 GRANADA.HOMESANDLAND.COM SGA funds team uniforms Continued from page 1 explained junior lacrosse player Rob Helm, who is the president of the men's club lacrosse team. "Most of our games are played at our opponents' fields, due to poor conditions of the Behrend Fields in the spring. We already have somewhat newer ‘home' jerseys, and our away jer seys look like something you would get at an eighth grade football practice." Kovalcik, also on the budget committee chair, said that throughout the years SGA has not funded uniforms and three years ago the lacrosse team asked for money to pay for the uniforms, but their request was denied at the time. “The whole point of SGA is to help clubs,” said Kovalcik. “We are going to try and fund as much as we can. Hopefully this will help clubs out who need it. It is not specifically to club sports, but mostly." SGA funding for uniforms will help club sports out, not only for this season, but also into the future. “If SGA will help us out and pay for them, then we can spend our club money on having home games on the Behrend Fields,” explained Helm. “It costs money to hire referees and buy equipment needed to host a game, and the more money we can use, the better the program we will have for future student athletes." New club uniforms will help the club financially and also increase the populari ty- “At Club Rush, men's lacrosse had a uniform on the sign up table, and over 10 people signed up simply because our home jersey's looked sweet." said Helm. "If we can match our home jerseys with new away uniforms, the team's morale will improve, causing person to person adver tisement about joining, and in turn will attract more fans to our games." 1 & 2 BEDROOM UNITS 22rad Annual Hprambee Dinner Let’s Pun together n n Octob * r m