Saturday, April 19,-2007 Students prepare for primary Bv Marcus Yeagley staff writer mjy.SOI 2<» With the Hurry of coverage surrounding the Democratic presidential primary, one key question is begging to he asked: are students being lost in the maelstrom? The primary is Tuesday and with practical mat ters beyond voter registration yearning to be addressed, such as transportation, the voting loca tion and the ballots (the currency of elections), are any student organizations doing anything to assist the process'.’ Not everyone who attends the Behrend campus has an accessible vehicle to use to go vote, but SGA has stepped up to provide a solution, with a stall driven shuttle van. "Students have cars, but still half of the students who live on campus don't." said Dr. Ken Miller, the Director of Student Affairs. "We just want to be sure that people have an opportunity to vole if they want to." Starting around 9 a.m. until sometime between 5:30 and 6 pan., a van driven by volunteering Behrend staff members will make round trips to the Brookside Volunteer F : iichoiise. the voting location for nearly all Behrend students who har e registered in Erie. The Brookside Firehouse is on Athens Road, which is just off of Station Road. It is less than one mile away from campus Is your campus experience upside-down? Let the Beacon know! Our Student Life section is designed to let YOU know what's happening! Rates Per Person 1 -$lO5O 2 -$BOO 3 -$750 4 -$675 it L" <~\r But even with transportation provided, will stu dents take advantage of it'.' Have they decided on who they wish to cast their votes lor? General trends seem to point to a lack ol decisiveness, even with voter registration is way up from previous pri- mary periods. Katie Miller, a communications and media stud ies major, remains undecided. Miller, who admits she has not kept up-to-date on the politics, is considering voting due to the state's recent importance: "This is the third time in fifty years that the primary in Pennsylvania has mat tered." she said. "I'll think about it." When asked if the SGA shuttle will increase the odds of her showing up at the firehouse on Tuesday , she stated that "I may very well might go because it will be easier for me to do that." Miller, who has a pacemaker and is currently on her parents' insurance while she attends college, expressed that the key issues for her were social security and medicare, both ol which she may use to decide w ho she will cast her vote for. If students are not registered in E.ric. they must vote hv absentee ballot, a mail-in method, of which unfortunately, the deadline has already past. It should be noted that students who make it to the firehouse on Tuesday should be aware that it their ballot is not found there, they can till out a provisional ballot. The provisional ballot is a tem- porarv ballot that will be counted after it is researched whether the voter w as indeed eligible to Spacious 3 and 4 bedroom APARTMENTS AVAILABLE THIS SUMMER 2008! j Finals Week Library Schedule! J Monday, April 21 - Thursday, May 8 j Monday - Thursday, 8 a.m.-l p.m. Friday, 8 a.m.-lO p.m. Saturday, 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Sunday, 10 a.m.-l a.m. Friday, May 9 - h-_-----------------------J j HIV ( rnirmiivig & Tilling Q [ kv * (Vnlklchiul VV\I K-IN i LINK’ • N«»App, 'srtln*.nl N a v^r> l a‘( mi r»ii lktW»lk|drtmftil Ml£t Utnf SttfMfld Stfcrt . . c-vt t \• «# ’*■?.* V. I I'M-", Sfi*tM t IMIhI JH% V. Id MB3 • I .Ml JKU \ppo(nlimiiHai) N* rrutdf *1 lie Nlmliij} k»cjil*iHn; \f k ' ■ *.*T ) Iv.i! ih I K? ItW * *it»s <. * hltfvK h Vr. K w-k s\ in I 8 '! i < .