The Behrend beacon. (Erie, Pa.) 1998-current, December 08, 2006, Image 2
2 I The Behrend Beacon New Martian photos suggest flowing water LOS ANGELES, California: New images from the Mars Global Surveyor provide evidence that there was flowing water on the Martian surface as recently as a few years ago. Although the new pictures do not actually show the flow of water, comparing the new photos with old ones of the same craters shows changes in the surface that appear to have been caused by flowing liquid. "This is a squirting gun for water on Mars," said scientist Kenneth Edgett, who works at Malin Space Science Systems, which operates a camera on the Global Surveyor. The discovery is important because it is further evidence that Mars once could have or may cur rently support life. It also could have an impact on future manned space missions to Mars having a level of self-sustainablilitv. "This underscores the importance of searching for life on Mars, either present or past," said Bruce Jakosky, an astrobiologist at the University of Colorado at Boulder. "It's one more reason to think that life could be there." While the photo evidence strongly suggests flowing water or a liquid of some kind, it isn't defini tive. "Nothing in the images, no matter how cool they are, proves that the flows were wet, or that they were anything more exciting than avalanches of sand and dust," said Allan Treiman, a geologist at the Lunar and Planetary Institute in a published email. Scientists recently lost contact with the Global Surveyor, and are attempting to regain contact. SGA report: Dec. 2, 2006 By Jerry' Pohl calendar page editor SGA unanimously passed the Spring 2007 brought to the attention of the SGA members that Budget after appeals. most notably including the elevators on campus have expired certifica 52958 for Psi Chi. The appeal was failed 6-11-3. tions. SGA advisor Ken Miller announced that the SGA will he holding a Spring Club Rush January address of The Behrend College will soon be 24, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Dee Sieberkrob has resigned as changing its address from 5091 Station Road to 1 SGA Elections Director. Someone new is needed College Drive. to preside over campus democracy. SGA Vice The Behrend Beacon is looking for writers for the spring semester. Anyone interested can stop by the Beacon office for more more details. Quotes on Civility "The record of a generous life runs like a vine around the memory of our dead, and every sweet unselfish act is now a perfumed flower." Robert G. Ingersoll, American lawyer, politician and public speaker Jana Nal ‘Nampic Center CI (1833-1899) SAY GOODBYE TO BOOKS BOOK BUYBACK-- WHERE: BEHREND BOOKSTORE WHEN: STARTS NOW FINALS WEEK (DEC. 18 DEC. 21) HOURS: BUYBACK HOURS-MON - TIIURS BAM - BPM STORE HOURS--MON TOURS BAM - 6PM BRING US YOUR BOOKS: IN CURRENT EDITIONS IN GOOD RESALABLE CONDITION & HELLO TO sss President Ken Middlemiss is raising awareness for THON canning. an off campus fund raiser to benefit kids with cancer. Senator Zack Mentz Equals:,'7, \lOl-i t\i c i Ohio woman indicted for microwaving baby DAYTON, Ohio: A woman has been charged with aggravated murder for allegedly killing her infant daughter by putting her into a microwave oven. Medical examiners determined that a microwave was responsible for the death after noting that there were massive internal heat injuries but no sign of external marks or burning. "The Montgomery County coroner came to the conclusion that the injuries sustained by this baby could have only been caused by being placed into a microwave oven and having that oven turned on and cooking the baby to death," Montgomery Country Prosecutor Mathias Heck Jr. said at a news conference. Heck also decided that he would pursue the death penalty if China Arnold, 26, was convicted, but declined to discuss issues such as motive or other details. Defense counsel Jon Paul Rion was confident that Arnold would be found innocent, and that the blame lies on the babysitter who was in charge of the child the previous night. "China has the moral courage and the confidence in her God that the truth will come out in this case," Rion said. "We will seek every single way possible to communicate to our government and to the jury in this case that China is innocent of all the charges Arnold is currently being held on $1 million bond Continued from page 1 The results to Seto's study were shocking to most, according to Corty. It was determined that of the group of men who were charged for possessing child pornography, 60 percent showed pedophilic tendencies. Only 35 percent of the men who had actually sexually assaulted children showed such behavior, and the same was found for the men who assaulted adults. "It appears that being arrested for child pornography makes you twice as likely to have pedophilic tendencies. Looking at child pornography is illegal, so the people who risk possessing it must find it arousing or they would probably just look at regular porn," said Corty. Absolute conclusions cannot be drawn in any situation, as there will always be exceptions, but the reality of this specific situation is a matter of controlling unhealthy sexual urges. For those individuals who have pedophilic tendencies, acting on them by viewing child pornography or sexual abuse of a child can be avoid ed with the help of either medication, therapy or through support groups. "I believe we can control our lives. If a person is addicted to smoking, they can resist the urges and quit. The same goes for losing weight. People fight urges all the time, so this shouldn't be any different," said Corte. There are a number of support groups that are available for individuals who have issues controlling their sexual desires, such Sex Addicts Anonymous (S.A.A.) and Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (S.L.A.A). Through these groups, many individuals have been able to find the help and support they need to overcome their compulsive sexual desires. To find out more about Seto's study go to SANTA'S SPECIAL SALE FOR STUDENTS 20% OFF CLOTHING, IMPRINTED GIFT ITEMS, SUPPLIES, CARDS, TRADE & REFERENCE BOOKS STOP BY THE STORE FOR REFRESHMENTS ENTER TO WIN A $lOO.OO GIFT CARD AND Source:, Yahoo! News BEHREND BOOKSTORE THURSDAY DECEMBER 14th 7PM - 10 PM OTHER PRIZES Friday, December 8, 2006