The Behrend beacon. (Erie, Pa.) 1998-current, September 29, 2006, Image 8

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    I The Behrend Beacon
Experience Erie: Get your feet wet
A day at the beach is a common off-campus activity for students during the first few months of school
By Ashley Bressler
staff writer
The sun is promised to shine a few more of its
warm rays before hibernating for the winter. As
most Penn State Behrend students are aware. Erie
does winter the Siberian way, so getting outside to
enjoy a beautiful autumn day before the snow starts
falling can act as a softened season transition. A
great way to soak in some final drops of sunshine is
to visit Presque Isle State Park, located fifteen miles
from Behrend’s campus. Even though the drive to
Presque Isle takes some patience, there is no admis
sion cost to the state park and no limit to the amount
of fun to discover.
Presque Isle is most commonly known for beach
es and boating, but it also offers
an extensive variety of summer,
autumn and winter activities. In
addition to using their clean,
white sand beaches, all are wel
come to take advantage of their
bike and hiking trails, boat
tours, fishing, public hunting
areas, kayaking, rollerblading
and swimming. Some of these
are best if saved for the warmer
months of summer, but as win
ter approaches, the state park
will be gearing up for its snow
loving crowd by offering ice
boating, ice skating, cross coun
try skiing, ice fishing and wind
skating. As it is neither time to
lay out on the beach in a bathing
suit or time to lace up the ice
skates, using the beach as the
perfect picnic spot after a walk Sara’s diner serves old-fashioned food items
around the park would be a per
fect autumn weekend adventure. be on the look out for Peninsula Drive. Turn right
If you have spent the whole afternoon at the park onto Peninsula Drive and follow it to the Presque
and are looking for a comforting treat, stop by Isle State Park entrance.
Sara’s Diner on the way back to campus. Sara’s is a For more information on how to enjoy an autumn
popular, 1950'5-themed diner known for its home- day at Presque Isle State Park contact Presque Isle
made meals and old fashioned milkshakes. They are State Park Department of Conservation and Natural
located at 25 Peninsula Drive and available for Resources at (814) 833-7424 or visit
dine-in or carry out orders. The most expensive To Find Sara’s seasonal and
item on Sara's menu is a Chicago Style Italian Beef weekly hours or for more details about their servic-
Deluxe including your choice of regular fries or es call (814) 833-1957.
onion rings and a regular drink for $6.39. Sara’s
also features an old-fashioned Coke machine, dis
pensing ice cold glass Coke bottles for $0.94. With
walls adorned with classic diner motif and the com
forts of their affordable menu, making a stop at
Sara's is a great way to warm any chilly, fall spirit.
There are a number of ways to get to Presque Isle
State Park, but according to, taking
1-90 is the quickest. When leaving the Behrend
campus, take a right onto the Bayfront Connector.
Merge onto 1-90 West and follow it until Exit 24,
Peach Street. Turn right onto US-19, Peach Street,
following it approximately one and a half miles.
Turn left onto PA-99 South, Interchange Road.
Then merge onto 1-79 North for two miles. Merge
onto US-20 West, West 26th Street or Exit 182, and
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International Film Series rolling out the carpet
Behrend’s Fall 2006 International Film series will premiere three films over the course of three weeks
* % .
Over the course of three straight weeks begin
ning on October 9 at 7 p.m. in Reed 113,
Behrend’s Fall 2006 International Film Series will
premiere three foreign films, starting with
France’s 2004 Cannes-winning drama Sequins.
Directed by first-timer Eleonore Faucher, Sequins
follows Claire (Lola Nymark), a pregnant, unmar
ried seventeen-year-old who, in dire need of a
familial bond, finds comfort with the elusive
Madame Melikian (Ariane Ascaride), a grieving
mother who’s lost her son in a car accident. New
York Daily News’ Elizabeth Weitzman calls the
film “a lovely, almost painfully intimate story of
female bonding...’’ Last year, Faucher’s debut and
lead actresses were nominated for a total of three
statues at the Cesar Awards, France’s version of
the Oscars.
Following Sequins, on October 16 is
Argentina's official choice for the 2004 Academy
Awards Foreign Film category, Daniel Burman’s
Lost Embrace. Set in Buenos Aries, it is the story
of Ariel (Daniel Hendler), a recent college dropout
who dreams of exploring the world. Stuck work
ing at his mother’s lingerie store, Ariel hopes to
receive his passport to travel, but must first con
front the return of his father, whom he hasn’t seen
in many years. Entertainment Weekly's Lisa
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By Sean Mihlo
student life editor
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Friday, September 29, 2006
Schwarzbaum says the film is "captivating." while
the Los Angeles Times' Kenneth Turan calls it "a
film of unexpected, almost indescribable off-cen
ter charm that deepens as it goes on.” In 2004.
Lost Embrace won awards at Berlin's
International Film Festival (for "Best Actor”) and
Bangkok's World Film Festival (for "Best Film").
Finally, Volker Schlondorff’s The Legend of
Rita will be shown on October 23. Bibiana
Beglau stars as Rita Vogt, a West German terrorist
in the 1970 s who, after deciding to abandon the
revolution, must survive in East Germany under a
false identity. In 2000, the film won big at the
Berlin International Film Festival, taking home
the award for “Best Actress” (both Beglau and co
star Nadja Uhl tied for the award). And in a 2001
review, Chicago Sun-Times critic Roger Ebert
gave The Legend of Rita a four-out-of-four stars
Sponsored by the School of Humanities and
Social Sciences, Behrend’s International Film
Series is free and open to the general public. All
films are presented in their native languages, with
subtitles in English. All films are shown at 7 p.m.
in Reed 113 during the aforementioned correspon
ding dates. For more information on the fall
International Film Series, contact Dr. Ursula
Davis at or Dr. Eva Kuttenberg at