The Behrend beacon. (Erie, Pa.) 1998-current, September 29, 2006, Image 7

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    Friday, September 29, 2006
Jackass Number Two: No brains needed
Paramount's Jackass Number Two debuted at number one at the box-office last week with 28.1 million.
By Joshua Lane
contributing writer
There is a point in the middle of the Jackass
Number Two where Johnny Knoxville looks to his
friend Ryan Dunn, who is having second thoughts
about placing his "special spot” on a block of ice
until it adheres to the surface, and says, “Don't
think about it dude, just do it!” Knoxville said those
words so last 1 almost missed it. If you think about
it, performing any stunt that would require a friend
of yours to utter those words in order for you to
muster up the courage (or stupidity) to do it, should
probably not be a stunt you do at all. Nontheless this
is the essence of Jackass.
In a movie w ith no plot, no acting, no writing and
therefore no script, you have to really look at the
intent of the movie in order to judge it. The obvious
goal is strictly to entertain the audience and ulti
mately make you laugh. Jackass Number Two deliv
ers that goal and then some. If you even chuckle at
the television version on MTV. 1 promise you will
not be disappointed at the theater.
from beginning to end, this film does everything
that it should do. It will show you the most repul
sive. disgusting, offensive, hilarious things, done by
Music programs prosper at Behrend
By Heather Heenan
staff writer
At Penn State Behrend, students have the oppor
tunity to participate in many of its musical activi
ties. The pep band, concert band and jazz ensemble
practice regularly during the week in McGarvey
Commons. Dr. Gary Viebranz, Lecturer in Music
and Director of Instrumental Ensembles, is in
charge this year and anticipates a lot of student
Music provides an outlet for students. Depending
on the beat and
tempo, music can be
what you want it to
be. The music pro
grams at Behrend
are expanding each
year as more stu
dents join. Each
year there are more
games and perform
ances for the stu-
dents to participate
in. As the program
grows, so does stu-
iterest and
Viebranz was hired primarily to start this music
program; he started and developed it on campus.
According to Viebranz, music is his “endless quest”
and he enjoys the concerts and performances.
He has been involved in music for over twenty
years and involved in the Behrend music program
for eight years. The best part of this whole experi
ence for Viebranz is playing and experimenting
with the instruments. In the past, the program has
traveled to Paris and Austria. This program offers
free performances, music at basketball games and
cultural enrichment.
There is no music major at Behrend, but there are
music offerings under the arts programs. The extra-
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n r
a group of guys who embody the title of the movie.
Much like the first installment, Jackass Number
Two is a series of “stunts,” although I think “random
acts of stupidity” is a better term, performed by
Knoxville and company. Only this time they take it
to the next level. I won’t go into exact details of the
stunts in the movie, because that would ruin the ele
ment of shock that the movie is entirely based on.
However the film does involve many sharp objects,
reptiles, fecal matter (of various kinds), rocketry,
shopping carts, large doses of alcohol and above all
else lack of brain matter.
You can leave most of your brain cells at home,
when you see this movie. Just bring the ones that
make you breathe and laugh, that’s all that’s neces
sary. There is another quote from the movie worth
mentioning. It comes shortly after Ryan Dunn
branded a likeness to the male reproductive organ
on Bam Margera’s hind quarters. Barn’s mother
April looks at Ryan and asks, “Why would you do
that? Why would you do that to your friend?”
Ryan’s reply sums up the entire reason for the
movie, “Cause it’s funny.”
Jackass Number Two: Pass or Fail?
curricular music program is open to anyone. Most
students come into the program with a background
in music and already have instruments. Some high
schools will give students instruments, but Behrend
will loan them to students if needed.
There is nothing specifically in place right now
for any honor students who wish to take a music
class. Although, Viebranz said he is willing to think
about it if there is any interest.
Pep band practices on Wednesday from 6 p.m. to
8 p.m.; concert band practices on Monday and
contributed PHOTO important to con
tinue to perform in college. Even if one didn’t join
their first year at college, that doesn’t mean he/she
still can’t join. If a student has a background in
music, it is a good way to expand his/her experi
Students are encouraged to join the music pro
gram, enabling them to meet new people and to
broaden their musical horizons on campus
If you have any other questions you can reach Dr.
Gary Viebranz in 143 Kochel, by e-mail, or telephone 814-898-6108.
Wednesday from 4
p.m. to 5:15 p.m.;
and jazz ensemble
on Tuesday and
Thursday from 4
p.m. to 5:15 p.m.
A typical practice
consists of warm-
ing up, getting
everybody playing
and involved and
paying attention to
Viebranz adds
that it is very
P-Drive: What’s public and what’s private?
By Logan Stack
staff writer
I noticed that my P-drive has “Public” and
“Private” folders. I assume anything I don’t want
to share should be in “Private”, but how public is
the “Public” folder, and how do people access it?
Lisa Mangel, Biology Professor
Dear Prof. Mangel,
As expected, the “Private” folder is more pri
vate than “Public”. The only actual difference is
the default permissions. When your P drive was
created, these two folders were put there for you,
and their permissions were configured. The
Private folder has next to no permissions for any
one but you and the administrators.
The Public folder is a bit different. In students’
accounts, it allows anyone to see what files they
have in there, but people can’t actually open them
or run programs in there. It’s kind of like seeing
the title of their book without being able to read
the text or make annotations. Professors seem to
have read permissions set by default, which - to
continue the analogy - allows anyone to read both
title and text.
To grant permissions, secondary click (that’s
right-click for right-handed mouses) on an item in
your Public folder. This creates a menu; click on
“Properties” and it’ll bring up a window with
information about your file. Click on the
“Security” tab. Therein you will see a list of users
who have various permissions to use your file.
You can’t modify these; they’re set by the admin
You can add new users, though. Click “Add”
Student Li
Friday, September 29
Musician Dominic Gaudious performs in Bruno’s at 8 p.m.
Wednesday-Sunday, October 4-8
“Eerie Horror Fest” kicks-off at the Erie Playhouse, with
special guests including Dawn of the Dead director, George
Thursday, October 12
Penn State Behrend All Majors Career Fair, beginning at
Noon until 4 p.m. at the Junker Center.
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The Behrend Beacon I
and a box pops up that lets you add usernames.
Type the names or usernames of those you want to
add. When finished, click "ok”. If you got the
names right, it will add them to the list. If you got
them wrong, it will give you a dialogue to try to
help you find the correct names. If you want
everyone to be able to read a file, use the name
“everyone". Once they’re on the list you can
change permissions, and let people read or write to
the file at your choosing.
Some teachers use this to make drop-boxes for
their students. Each student in the class gets write
access to a drop-box, or their own personal drop
box folder with read/write access. Make sure you
don’t have one drop-box with read/write, or the
students will be able to see their peer's assign
Students can access a teacher's P drive using a
program installed on some (but not all) lab com
puters. It’s in Start > Programs > Datadisk and
Other Utilities > Courseware Data Disk - the stu
dent types in the professor's username (“lam26” in
your case) and it then shows up under their - drive
in My Computer.
Students can access each other's P-drives (and
professors' if the more-convenient Courseware
Data Disk isn't available) in a slightly more eso
teric way. Open My Computer, and type in the
address bar “Wpsbdfilesvr”, this will show directo
ries for students and faculty. Not many students
have files in their Public directory, or have both
ered to set permissions to let you read them. So
browsing through Public directories gets boring
Students can mount their own drives from home
gives instructions on how.
Do you have a computer question? Then ask
ASCII! Send an e-mail to and you
may see it answered in next week’s column.
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