Friday, September 29, 2006 Freshmen and upperclassmen senator and club representative candidates Manal Malik Zac I don’t think it takes a position on the SGA to make a difference on cam- pus. Anyone can go to events, support clubs and students, and get their voice heard. Regardless of whether or not I become a senator, I plan to continue being involved with stu- dents and organizations on campus. However, being a senator would help me take problems I might find directly to the SGA so they can be quickly heard and resolved. We are the stu- dent government associa tion, and it’s important we focus not just on clubs, but on all the students * Behrerttk'' - *'"' • Molly Thomas DELIA CH! I am a sophomore here at Behrend and I have found that I would like to get more involved in the student affairs that affect me and the rest of the college. I want to help make die important decisions on what to do with the funding that is allotted for student activities, to better represent the student population, and help voice their opin ions. If you elect me, I promise to do the best job possible in bring ing up any idea and making good decisions that will benefit the general population. Matchbox Players The Matchbox Players is Behrend’s only theatre organization. Every semester, we diligently work to provide on and off campus theatrical entertainment. We promote, encourage, and execute vari ous activities on a regular basis. Also, Matchbox contains a diverse group of students; we have members of different ethnicities and majors. Most important, we understand our responsibility on and off campus. Our activities and our behavior reflect upon ourselves and the campus, so we do our best to provide well coordinated, well performed, and well attended events. Anyone interested in writing for the Beacon News section, please contact Chris LaFuria at for more information. I am an international stu dent here, and I have been at an American school my whole life. I want to become a freshmen senator because I truly care for this school and want to make a difference. 1 am willing to work extra hours and get the voice of the Penn State stu dents out there. I am always willing to meet new people, hear new ideas, and most importantly, get down to work! I have many ideas about what we can do here, including a night called International Festival, Battle of the Bands, and many Mentz My name is Molly Thomas and 1 am running for freshman senator in SGA. In high school, I was involved with a variety of organizations, most of which, I helped with public ity and public relations. I am currently involved with the Lion Entertainment Board and I would love to continue promoting events and getting the student body involved in diverse activi- ties. On campus activities and networking with peers is so underestimated these days, but it really is a bene ficial part of the college experience and I want to do all that I can to support it here at Behrend. NEWS Michael Stephe