I The Behrend Beacon Bryce's last gleaming By Bryce Alexander Sayers staff writer hit,so I (a NI cdu Editor's note: Atter it sear of forcing Bryce to write articles tor the humor page. he finally snapped. I must take full responsibility tor this. This article serves as both a tool for examining one man's descent into maddness, and as the only record of Bryce . s final words. My loyal readers, I have joked many times about many things. but it is very important that I address a very serious matter. I had a dream last night - technical ly it was this morning because I didn't go to sleep until around four a.m. In this dream I was with two friends, and I have no idea who they were. They were appar ently "dream friends - that my subconscious invented for this story. We were raiding some body's mansion and were carry ing medieval weaponry and pretty much massacring some guy's entire family. I knew we really hated this man. I remember there was this grandma who donned full metal armor and challenged us and one of us finished her off with a single blow from a mace - because everybody knows that armor is no match for a good mace. There were sonic easier kills and then we snuck into something like the dining room where our enemy, the man of the house, and his wife, were seated. Upon see ing our foe's wife I took inspira tion from Aeris' death scene in Final Fantasy VII: I snuck up behind her and stabbed her through the heart (with a realistic broadsword though; none of this oversized katana stuff). Her hus band was so cocky that he was completely apathetic to the death of his wife. He smirked and chal lenged us to a poker game. The stakes were our lives. The three of us played one hand against our enemy. If he won we died, if we won he died. I remember that our hand had three kings in it, and when we saw his, he didn't really seem to have anything that could • ( Bryce Saers/THE BEHREND BEACON After scribbling the end of the article, Bryce drew this and ran into the night. We hope for his safe return. New religious group off to eXtreme start By Eric Bell contributing writer ech I 65 edu A new religious extremist group has recently gained a strong foothold into the social scene here on the Behrend campus. This group, known as Behrend Individuals Toward Christian Heritage, or 8.1.T.0 or Behrend Chreritage for short, has combined right wing religious ideals with left wing extreme sports culture and then took those wings, strapped them to their arms with duct tape and jumped off of the top of an exploding shrapnel factory, blindfolded. Behrend Chreritage is headed by Behrend student and extreme sport enthusiast Pastor Zachariah "The Spicy Enchilada" McGrobbins, PSYCH 07, whose personal motto is "The power of Christ compels you to kick it up a notch." Pastor McGrobbins transferred here at the beginning of the spring semester. Upon arriving here dressed in a straight jacket and riding a motorcycle covered in live electric eels, he quick ly took off with his unique and patent pending style of religious devotion, and the Behrend com munity responded with unprecedented vigor. By the end of the first day of the organization's offi cial start, a projected 76 percent of Behrend stu dents were initiated. These figures are of course disputed as the official initiation process involves only making eye contact with a non-member to have heat that. hut he laughed and said he won. Then someone on our side shot him with a pistol they were hiding underneath the table and he died. In my dreams I have been a psychic, a ghost. a reluctant hunter of evil vampire hackers. and falling, hut never before have I been a mass-murderer. This frightens me because if lin a bloodthirsty monster then I can not love, and my goal in life is to make sweet love to Alyson Hannigan. I've been trying to keep this a secret, but I can no longer contain it: I love the hot redhead who played Willow on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I love her bewitching eyes. I love her hair. I love her lips especially when they say such cute and funny things. I would totally become a les bian if that's the only way Willow could love me. but 1 don't think I'd make an attractive woman. I would sell a kidney to Hitler knowing it would save his life if it would bring us together. When Megageddon erupts and the world is a swirling inferno of hate, it will he our love that quenches the flames of war and strife. I will create a television show that will be so good, and it will have the perfect part for her. It will he a show where she plays an angel. She will he the guardian of the one man who can save earth from Hell's army. That one man is not I, for the character based on me is a totally awesomenotic vampire sidekick. When I dedicated myself to screenwriting, I told myself I was going to succeed because I want ed to get sexy with Lindsay Lohan, but then she bleached her hair, starved herself, and did coke. I realize now that when I thought I loved Lohan, I really loved Alyson Hannigan. The eye of my heart is legally blind; it can only recognize colors and basic shapes. By making this show, I will have saved her from the clutches of "How I Met Your Mother" and thus the circle will he complete. Alyson is currently married to it of this page iS foir Any resemblance td - r - T the guy who played Wesley in Angel. hut that's okay because Wesley became kind of cool at the end of the series. I'm sure he's understanding enough to let me live in their basement next to the furnace. Someday I'm going to he just like Link from Matrix Reloaded - dreadlocked and mak ing my debut in a sequel everyone hated. The saddest thing on TV ever was when Willow got messed up by dark magic and turned on everyone. I felt so relieved when Xander restored her sanity at the end of season six. Xander is short for Alexander, and that's my mid dle name. Xander and Willow were soulmates, so what does that tell you? If I get to pick my next life, I want to be a fruitbat. I used to think I wanted to go to Japan, hut I've heard so many scary stories about their movies that I am truly frightened. Also, I had a brief "Ghost in the Shell phase" that didn't end well. Nevertheless, I love video games and a select few anime, like HeUsing. If I could be any kind of Dracula, I would be Hellsing's Alucard. One of these days, I'm going to complete the zombie beam hidden inside the Fortress of Pandemonium (working title). Ever hear Temptation by the Tea Party? I hope that when I finally do have an acid-mushroom- Nyquil trip. I'm listening to Temptation. The song's too short though. Next Monday I'm buy ing Black and White 2. With thaLgame :; will i*44l.st b e com e - d. My fi r s T mind, sheril be m a kiNng at - resort to raging a notary or erAte*d itetiberb S y, nd w ls w 3 once, a4cAir- ( 44440tet e",7%6Az46T bring them into the group. The number of active members of this new group range somewhere in the mid to low teens. Advocates of this new religion have been trying to get their members to become more active and to understand that they are part of the organization. In an attempt to do so, they have been performing exorcisms while repelling down the exterior of the so-called "Million Dollar Staircase," which has been known to he haunted by the lost souls of those who were forced to climb the 438 story mon strosity when the elevator was undergoing repairs in March. New initiate Roscoe Douglas ENGL 02 said, "It's pretty cool, I guess. I mean, if you're into that sort of thing." Members, and by now that's all of campus, who wish to become more active in the group can meet for the tri-weekly meetings, the next being held this Tuesday at 3 p.m. Members will come togeth er at the edge of Wintergreen Gorge and do a final check of their gear. Once gear is checked, it is removed for not being extreme enough. Members will then plunge quickly down into the heart of the Gorge as they have to race to the meeting location at the bottom where Pastor McGrobbins is slowly lowered into a pit of flaming scorpions with knives. The first members to reach the pit must eat all of the scorpions in order to save McGrobbins and thus start the meeting. Cookies and punch are served after every meeting and "The Spicy Enchilada" hopes to see you there. MINIM ' • • . 4 ; • • • • .• • . . p • ••.' • 411101 k?, = ," • .• ac KKK . , t g he count It , it it Four years worth of real funny faculty quotables "Rememorable." "Half the books in the Behrend library need to be burned!" This isn't appropriate, but I'm going to say it anyway." "If you owe the bank one thou sand dollars, it's your problem. If you owe the bank ten billion dollars, it's the bank's prob- "Global thermonuclear war is a suboptimal outcome.- What do YOU get from Columbia?" You get the wrong idea fast I've got to watch out with wish I had my transparency machine; someone's taken it, so I don't." "It was unanimous. Nine to zero. You can't make it more unanimous than that." "Every time a Beatles record is played, money goes to Michael Jackson—who needs it." "It's the old Marxian princi ple—the means justify the ends." "Everything bad comes back Including in Washington." "And it was gross. It was awe- some. - rubs hands> "You know what I do on these days? "So I want you all to be really bad this weekend to celebrate." "I'm not a clinical psycholo gist, people.- "Since Justin's not taking notes, he gets to be the mon key." "We'll learn more of the details when you figure them out." - Look at the White House, here..." (The Capitol Building was showing) It all goes to charity! I'm not going to take a cut—unless I can get away with it." `Why am I telling you this? I don't know." "Plagiarized it from the Internet, that's all I did.' Real judges—as opposed to district justices." `Men tend to like things that go boom." "Like most all human endeav ors, freedom is overrated." "One guy, who I won't name, but his first name is 8en..." "I know this is pretty boring. But I also know it's important I know that because I'm writ- ing the test." "Maybe it's spring, or maybe it's the drugs." The Life of a Comic, as told by Herbert Filby Ugh! I'm 00. thirsty! Maybe if I imagine a Mmm.... - ' 4 Nimm?? http://HerbertFilby.com By Chris Strayer contributing writer "Prejudism." "Are there any questions that I probably can't answer?" "You are all being trained to perform a service, and get paid for it...if you get a job." "Nobody ever says 'having sex.' I find that odd." "I'm a political theorist so most of the real information is in the digressions." "I don't know what would be the equivalent for your resi dence halls. Playing loud music at an inappropriate time on a school night, or maybe that's normal...l don't know. Shooting someone, maybe." "I knew a guy, I married him later in life, but then I didn't..:' "So cannibalism isn't bad if you're in a cannibal society...or if you're Roman Catholic." `Politics is about bunk." "It's okay to use your brain Don't be nervous." "It's alright in my class to have an independent thought—most of the time. "Air conditioning is crucial to politics in this country.- "Congressional offices always have a lot of interns. They like unpaid labor.- "Never trust a politician named `Buz.' They're all corrupt...in my experience "No one watches TV to be educated. They want to watch scantily clad women and men carrying hammers and banging on things." "It was all lecture. He doesn't get into Q and A like I do." (discussing a videotaped class taught by Newt Gingrich) `...not that anything Iran does makes any sense anyway..." "In the eighteen hundreds, it didn't matter...if Senator Kennedy looked good on TV!" "House Transport and Infrastructure Committee is a nice way of saying House Pork Barrel Committee." "So all you who are PoliSci majors can grow up to be Vice President and shoot a guy in the face...and get away with it." "It's time to catch up, or you may fall behind." "Here's your chance to beat "Don't be mean. Just let me be mean." "It's time to catch up, or you may fall behind." "Andrew Jackson, the slave owning Indian-killer who's portrayed on our ten-dollar bill as a national hero." "Just say yes." *sPrr*l' BLECHI ,YUCK!, Friday, April 21, 2006 "Contriversity." "...One a.m. in the evening." "See, I already wrote the exam I wasn't going to rewrite it. I'll browbeat you into taking "The outer membrane is called—boing!—the outer membrane!" "Plants are multicellular organ isms; they've got an infinite number of cells, depending on the plant. ' "A sophomore was in my office yesterday—looking up "hydrolyze" on dictionary.com; I smacked him upside the head." "Don't ruin your life self advised at Gannon." "There's a blood drive this Thursday, according to my men's r00m..." "It's my new toy. I like it." "And you wonder why all biol ogists have drinking prob lems." (sympathizing about unclear notation) `You are not trying to target an audience that speaks like President Bush." "Whoever finds the bill pays "Notice. I said this before, now it's in words." "Some people see sex, they get all clouded up and smiley." "I wouldn't trade this for just about anything...except three hundred forty million dollars, which I didn't win last week." "Fall out of disfavor." "They're involved in mating— I don't know how, I forgot to read that section." "They dichotomized people into these three things." "See how it comes in from the left? I'm proud of that." (talk ing about Powerpoint) "In this class you will hear a lot about my wife...it's not bad, depending on how you look at it." Professor—" Who can tell me something we talked about last class?" Student—" Elephants." Professor—" And your outrageous ways to get them off." "Fat Tuesday...isn't that a Jewish holiday?" "Do you need the Heineken Remover?" "That's pretty much self explanatory in and of itself." "The opportunity to communi cate your message is only skin deep." "Here's your chance to beat your boyfriend or girlfriend!" r guess this rules out the possibility for an imaginary Mike Sharkey Awl., 13, 2006