The Behrend beacon. (Erie, Pa.) 1998-current, September 16, 2005, Image 3

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    Friday, September 16, 2005
Creative Writers Series to start Thursday
Thursday. September 22. poet Jeffrey McDaniel will be perform
ing his original poetry for students and the public in the Smith
Chapel on the Behrcnd campus at 6 p in. The reading will be held
in the Smith Chapel worship space and is prececded at 4 p.m. by a
reception in the Smith Chapel living room.
Jeffrey McDaniel's contemporary writing style and electrifying
performance atmosphere guarantees a fun and exciting experience
for anyone. His topics touch on issues including gender, racism,
violence, drug addictions, dating, failed relationships and "What it
is to be a young American in the United States." says Sean
Dougherty, lecturer in English. McDaniel is a funny and extraor
dinary performance poet who is "over the top." claims Dougherty.
Dougherty also states, "If you are going to see one Ipoctry] read
ing in your life you should see this one."
McDaniel does an excellent job of memorizing his work
and bringing it to life using an intriguing delivery with a wide
Behrend Briefs
The Penn State Child Care Center has earned accreditation from the National
Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). the nations leading
organization for early childhood professionals. The Penn State ehrend Child Care
Center provides for children from six weeks to six years.
Michael Christofferson, associate professor of history, and Sharon Gallagher, lec
turer in English, have been nominated to apply for the National Endowment for
the Humanities (NEH) Summer Stipends program for 2(M)6. They were chosen
from a number of faculty members seeking nomination.
Erie Corty, associate professor of psychology, has been apppointed consuming edi
tor to The Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy.
Melanie Dcppcn has been promoted to supervisor of Broadcast Operations at
WPSE Radio.
Lauri Entcrline has begin her new responsibilities as Disabilities Services
Coordinator/DUS Advisor.
Mehmet Maleok, lecturer in computer science, had his paper, titled “Backward
behavior of solutions of the Kuramoto Sivashinsky Equation,” published in
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. His co-author is I. Kukavica
of the University of Southern California.
Rob Weissback, associate professor of engineering, and Carrie Payne, coordinator
of placements and internships, attended the Career Summit at Norfolk Southern,
in Atlanta. Ceorgia, August 24-26. The director of Career Services at Penn State
University Park also attended.
Police and Safety
Officers were dispatched to 088 alter a studenet fell ill. H/W staff assessed her at
the scene before she was transported to H/w.
While driving east on Stadium Drive, officer witnessed a vehicle striking a parked
car in Nick Lot North. Driver of striking vehicle was issued a citation for careless
Duty RA reported that someone set off a fire extinguisher on the third floor west
wing of Ohio Hall.
Do ijou want to see ijour article in print?
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Then it sounds like ijou want to write fop the Beacon.
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By Jenna Gregory
staff writer
ijou interest*
in writin9 news?
array of “funny voices." Fellow poet and colleague Thomas Lux
states that “Jeffrey McDaniel has stunning metaphorical abilities
and he delivers this gift straight to the reader through his singing,
crazy, gorgeous, and relentless heart. He is one of the best young
poets on the planet."
McDaniel’s accomplishments include Lollapalooza in 1994, a
poetry tour through Europe and he also teaches creative writing at
Sara Lawrence College in Bronxville. N.Y. McDaniel is also the
author or Alibi School, The Forgiveness Parade, and most recently
The Splinter Factory. McDaniel's poetry has been showcased in
The Best American Poetry 1994. An Anthology of New
(American) Poets, The New Young American Poets, Ploughshares
and American Poetry: The Next Generation.
The Creative Writers Series is co-sponsored by both the School
of Humanities and Social Sciences and the Clarence and Eugenic
Baumann Smith Fund. For more information on Jeffrey McDaniel
or other upcoming events please contact the School of Humanities
and Social Sciences at (814) 898-6108.
Imani Winds kicks off season
By Tanya Doggwiler
staff writer
Imagine a world-renowned
musieal ensemble entertaining
students and faculty at Penn State
Behrcnd. At this year’s 16 sea
son of the Logan Musie Scries,
there is. The Imani Winds
Quintet is scheduled to open the
scries with a noon performance
in the McGarvery Commons on
September 20.
The Imani Winds Quintet is a
dynamic group, bringing together
European, African-American and
Latin musie. Imani. which trans
lates to “faith" in Swahili, is only
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Submit all ideas and articles to
McDaniels shares his poetry at the Creative Writers Series this fall
one of the words to deseribc the
goals of this group of individuals
The word “renowned" is used
due to their aetions outside their
musical performances. They
have established, through their
own success, community out-
reach and residency programs
and a reputation that you would
call inspirational. On top of out
standing reviews from big name
newspapers such as the
Washington Post, the New York
Times, the Philadelphia Inquirer
and many others, they have, in a
short period of time, received the
CMA/ASC'AP award for
‘Adventurous Programming
The Behrend Beacon I
and the CMA/WQXR award for
their latest CD “Umoja," which
is described as “soulful” in a
review on
To prepare those of you who
have yet to experience the pio
neering musical talent of the
Imani Winds Quintet, the
Philadelphia Daily News state
ment is simple and concise
The playing glows with confi
dence, a spirit of freedom and the
momentum of exciting music
making. Go hear this exciting
group of performers who create a
unique sound world and offer a
startlingly original musical Ha-