The Behrend beacon. (Erie, Pa.) 1998-current, April 30, 2004, Image 6

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    Page 6
The Behrend Beacon
Roos, Daquelente named royalty
bv Ben Raymond
staff writer
On I cbruary 1 1. the Junker Center
resonated with cheers during the first
basketball homecoming. Both men and
women's basketball teams took home
\ ictories and students Dave Daquelente
and Jeannie Roos were awarded the
honor of being the first King and Queen.
A total of 582 people were in
attendance for the basketball games
against Lake Lrie College. The night
was more than basketball games. There
were other activities in the main hall like
Tarot card readings and caricature
draw inns.
After performances from the dance
team and the cheerleaders at halftime,
the nominees took the court for the
Students were nominated from a
number of clubs and organizations and
voted on by the rest of the student body.
After all the votes were tallied the
runners up were announced.
Tabatlui Chase and Josh Smith came
in a close second place. Screams echoed
from the stands as Daquelente and Roos
stepped forward to receiv e their crowns
and new titles.
"I was speechless,” said Roos,
PSYCH 06. with a huge smile on her
' This is really great. I think that this
is a good idea although I'd like to see a
little more structure for next year.” said
Daquelente. PSYCH 06.
This was the lirst year the Behrend
has held a homecoming event for
basketball In years past there have been
homecomings for soccer and softball.
These events weren't quite as successful
as hopes had been. Hus year's event
Meek and Streaker
take home crowns
by Justin Curry
news editor
Isiah Meek. ACCTG 06. and Katie
Streaker. INTPLO4, were crowned the
new Mr. and Ms. Penn State Behrend
on Thursday. April K. in the McGarvey
l lie Mr. and Ms. Penn State Behrend
pageant is hosted annually by social
sorority Alpha Sigma Tan.
Last year's crowns were awarded to
Adrienne Schermer and Dave
"1 hud an awesome time during my
reign as Mr. Penn State Behrend." said
Mavilunav. PLF.TBD OH. "and I'm
happy to pass my crown on to one of
our own."
Masdunas was referring on the fact
that he and Meek are both members of
the track team
"I was nervous at first, when I saw
all of the people." said Meek, "but I still
went all the way and worked the crowd,
and 1 really got excited.”
And work the crowd he did. Meek's
appearance during all three scenes was
preceded and followed by a roar of
ea , were crowrK new .
Penn State Behrend Thursday evening in McGarvey Commons. The Mr. and Ms. Penn State
Behrend Pageant is sponsored by social sorority Alpha Sigma Tau.
was a result of haul work by members
of the ()luo Hall ( ouncil. who hope to
form a homecominu committee next
meat idea. It reminds
”1 think this is a
me a lot of high
school and that's
Kevin Porte
COMM 02.
It onlv took
ten determined
work i n u
students who
came together
and planned and
set-up the two
days of events.
The students
coll e c t e d
donations from
various local
businesses and
sold close to 100
tickets for the
Homecom i n u
da nee
Friday night at
the Av alon Hotel
in downtown
" The kids did
a really good job
with the fuml
raising and jusi
entire thing up.
and I'm sure
they will do an
even better job
2004 Homecoming Queen Jeannie Roos and King . jve
Daqeulente were crowned on February 4 during half
time of the men's game against Lake Erie.
for next year."
said Resilience
cheers from those in attendance
"It felt really great to pass on the
crown." said Schermer. COMBA 06.
"Katie did an awesome job. and obvi
ously. it showed."
Streaker felt similar to Meek at the
beginning. "I was so nervous." Streaker
said, "but I am really grateful to the
judges for selecting me, I didn't expect
this at all
Both Streaker and Meek were well
accommodated following their corona
tion. Both received a Penn State
sweatshirt blanket, a leather Penn State
portfolio and a S2S gift certificate to
Millcreek Mall anil 525 in gift certifi
cate to local restaurants.
All in all. 10 contestants were up for
the title of Ms. or Mr. Penn State
Behrend. The 10 had been selected fol
lowing hist week's change wars
The other eight contestants w ere Amy
Fri//ell,.lenn Schvvant.Courtnev Straub.
Karin Vejlstrup. Matt Arch. Matt
Martone. Brad Shamitko. and Matt
During the pageant, contestants were
judged on their outfits, neatness, appear
ance. presence, and the songs they chose
Friday, April 30, 2004
I.if'c Coordinator Jaime Russell
Plans for another homeeoming next
year have yet to be made, but with the
support of the student body this eould
be the start of an annual event.
to walk the runway to.
All ten had to answer two questions
as well, which weighed heavily on the
decisions that judges Chris Fox, Diana
Malinowski and Scott Soltis made. The
questions were “What is your favorite
thing about Behrend and why?" and “If
you could put three things in a time cap
sule, what would it be and why?”
The pageant was emceed by AST
President and Sweetheart Dianne
Simgelski and Jefferis Peterson. Follow
ing the opening of the event, the 10 con
testants showed off various outfits in
three categories; casual, beach, and for
mal. All formal wear was donated by
David's Bridal and American Commo
dore Tuxedo Rental. While the judges
decided who the newly crowned would
be. George Morgan gave a rap perfor
mance. highlighting the main aspects of
Alpha Sigma Tau and its current active
"The formal wear section was defi
nitely my favorite,” said Streaker. “1 ab
solutely loved my dress.”
Meek agrees. “I think that the formal
section was what put me over the top,”
he said "I was the only one who was
wearing a white
tux, and I think
that stuck out in
the judges’
lost pledging privileges for this spring adviser to the board which means he
semester and is on continued helped to advise die board on issues
administration warning until the end of due process and points of order
of the fall 2004 semester. This within their constitution,
punishment is a result of an incident Tim IFC judicial board found
that took place on Sept. 12,2003, at member* of Doha Chi not guilty and
3316 Buffalo Road, the Delta Chi found members offttu Kappa Epsilon
fraternity house,
The incident involved five brothers According to Rizzo, dm sanctions
of Tau Kappa Epsilon, four brothers me defined within the scope of their
Chi and members of the constitution,
baseball team. Both Tau Kappa “I don’t fefak dm punishment fit the
Epsilon and Delta Chi declined crime. Let’s |sy that I just hope it
comment on specific names of the doesn’t give people any negative view
Individuals involved. because if you look at aflthe good
, All three of the groups are things we do for fee community, for
recognized by Penn State Behrend so our organization, for Greek life in
fee University became involved. general, it far outweighs few little
First, all individuals went through ■
the student affairs process to Steve Funaiock, Delta Chi president,
determine if a punishment was issued a written statement on what his
“All the people who were involved “As the president of Delta Chi lam
from my organization had to go
through student affairs. They were chapter feels that the school's Judicial
found not guilty,” said Jon Stafford. System did not do an adequate job with
Tau Kappa Epsilon president. the investigation. We feel the sanctions
Next, the issue was taken to the ffanr tat dwctfipaaizatioa and the
hsferfeateroity Council (IFC) because individuals were insufficient. These
flelta Chi and Tau Kappa Epsilon are sanctions are hard to enforce and
both governed by IFC. therefore we do not believe that they
‘Chris Fox, for instance, submitted will be foftowed. I also do notfeink
fee information as an incident feat he feere was an tfehce of truth- to fetfer
thought that the IFC judicial board testimonyandour standpoint should
should look into. The IFC J-board Wdeterttfeiihg
Vice President makes the decision like’fliHe
Whether or not it should go on to the are-g<in||| |e 'given out on serious
hearing board,” said Chris Rizzo, issues, what is the point of the
director of student activities in the ■ syfeemf,” wtomFtoaiock. -
Reed Union Building. The office of is - unique
Greek Life reports to him. . becapfe it ia two fecati^
Delta Chi and Tau Kappa Epsilon d&dWvetifey fhdt Gretas
jvere accused of violating substantial
university policy for off campus
According to Fox, coordinator of
student organization and program
development, behavior or actions of
m individual or member of an
organization, has a significant effect
'Oh-the way the member represents
their organization.
~ According to Fox, even when
ijftieribets of the Greek community me
off campus, they still represent their
organization and therefore if they do
something wrong, their organization
executive board made the
decision that the information given by
Fox should go to the IFC judicial
board. The IFC judicial board is
choked by the Vice President of 0C
and the vice presidents from each
fraternity cnapter.
just took care of everything." With the
addition of the chairperson position,
however, came a little added stress.
Commenting before the pageant. Wa
ters said. “I've been flipping out all day.
I’m really getting nervous."
Even though she might have felt
stressed out before the event. Waters
feels that the chairperson was a good
addition to the program, as well as the
fact that the sisters had a year's experi
ence to go on with the pageant.
This is sec
ond year for the
pageant. Pro
gram chair
Emily Waters,
that “last year's
"I feel that this year was a lot easier
than before.” said Waters. "We were able
to build off of our successes from last
year, and work on some things that
needed worked on.”
The sisters’ first inclination of success
came after the change wars, which were
held the first week of April. The first
round of contestants, 20 in all. went head
to head to see who would make the top
program was
very unorga
nized, very
thrown to
gether." This
year’s planning
began months in
advance,and the
sisters worked
on a timeline for
Throughout the week, the sisters col
lected double of what they had last year,
reaching over $3OO.
All money raised through the event
goes to the sorority's philanthropy, the
Pine Mountain Settlement School in
Harlan County, Ky.
the event
“Last year,
we didn’t even
have a chairper
son,” said Wa-
ters, “everyone
by Courtney Straub
Greek page editor
Fraternity Tati Kappa Epsilon baa
Justin Curry & Angela Szesciorka
news editors
'll'tao iwwwijj plscc on Dec. 4,
2003. Many members from both
fraternities were present at the
hearings. Rizao served in the rote as
"This is definitely going to become an
annual event at Behrend," said Waters,
“We got a lot of positive feedback from
last year’s pageant, as well as a decent
Last year’s attendance was around 100
people, and Waters was hoping for more
this year, which she received, with the
majority of the Commons being packed.
Once the event was over and done
with, Waters was “relieved, yet happy.”
“I think that the AST sisters are awe
some. They're some of the sweetest and
nicest girls I’ve met," said Streaker. “I
met the majority of them tonight, and I
leel like I’ve known them for a while
Meek feels that the pageant was a great
success this year. “I think that with a
year under their belt, they knew were
they doing,” said Meek.
When asked if they had any advice for
the recently crowned duo, Masilunas and
Schermer offered the following advice.
“Always remember, don’t hate ... par
ticipate,” said Masilunas.
“Live it up,” said Schermer.
Streaker and Meek’s titles will be up
held until next April, when they will pass
them on in the third issue of the pageant.