Justin Curry & Angela Szesciorka news editors "I don't care. It should go to the hockey team." Katie Ward HHD, 02 Beacon by Ryan Russell advertising manager Daniel Stasiewski, COMBA 06, was named editor in chief of the Behrend Beacon for the 2004-05 school year on Wednesday. Stasiewski, who has been a writer for the Beacon since he was a freshman, is moving up from his current position of managing editor to take over the top spot. This is the first time in at least four years that two students ran against each other for the position. The two students running were Justin Curry, the SG A vice president-elect, and Stasiewski. On Wednesday, the Beacon Advisory Board met to appoint the new editor. The two candidates were asked the tough questions about the Beacon, and what Femandez-Jimenez still singing by Megan Loncaric and Adam Vosler contributing writers Juan Fem£ndez-Jim6nez grew up in the southern Spain region of Andalusia, which is located 200 miles south of Madrid. He came to the United States to visit in 1968 and 1969, and moved here in 1970. All of his family still lives in Spain. “We go to visit them at least three or four times a year,” he said. He didn’t plan on moving to and living in the United States. “I didn’t say to myself, ‘l’m going to go there and live,”’ said Femtmdez- Jim£nez. “I came because the paths were open and I took them without much thinking; the opportunity to come was “To campus activities and groups." Sean Hannan LA, 02 Have a suggestion for Question of the Week? Email your question to us at: behrcoll2@aol.com. appoints new editor in they would do if elected. They were asked what they perceived to be the weaknesses of the Beacon, how much time they were willing to give each week, and what direction they wanted to take the paper in. When all the questions were answered, Stasiewski was appointed to the post. “I’ve been on the Beacon staff since freshman year, and I’ve seen how many editors have done things in the past,” Stasiewski said. “I think there are some things that have worked and some things that haven’t. I have a couple new ideas in mind I’d like to try to send the Beacon in new directions.” Stasiewski, who is taking over for graduating Editor in Chief Lauren Packer, is looking forward to the opportunity to guide the Beacon in the there and I came." Femdndez-Jimenez took some classes at the University of Lyon in France, a foreign-student program, where he met some Americans. He decided he wanted to come to America, where he attended the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill and earned his Masters and Ph.D. He learned of an open position here at Behrend in the “Chronicle of Higher Education.” Before arriving, he had only known of Lake Erie. Femdndez-Jimenez didn’t know what the town was like. When he arrived, he interviewed, was offered the job here at Behrend, and accepted. What made Behrend so attractive was the camaraderie between all the faculty members; the entire faculty pretty much knew each other. I CONTINUED ON PAGE FOUR NEWS Friday, April 23, 2004 “To pizza." Woo Ran Kim DUS, 02 next academic year. “I hope that we can create an atmosphere next year where students can treat the Beacon as more of a club than just a newspaper,” Stasiewski said. “Right now, we have a pretty small staff, and I think part of that is the misconception that it (the paper) has to be taken for a class.” Any student in any major can write for the Beacon, and it’s a great way to build up a portfolio for whatever career field you are pursuing. No matter what career that may be, writing for the Beacon is certainly a step in the right direction down that path. Packer, who helped pick the new editor in chief, thinks the paper is in good hands. “The knowledge Dan brings and the experience he has gained Dedicated Teleservices Representatives 4 pm *7.00 Par hour Sales Representatives *7.50 Par hour plus commisaiora "I'm guessing speakers." Ryan Letterle CHEM, 04 by working on the staff for six semesters will be a great asset to both the Beacon and all involved,” she said. Curry, GAS 06, who will still be a member of the Beacon staff next semester, said he is disappointed that he lost, but he wishes Stasiewski the best and is looking forward to working with him next semester. Curry did raise questions about the election process, but they weren’t any questions on how or why Stasiewski got elected. “I didn’t appreciate Dr. (Cathy) Roan’s questions regarding my intent to run for editor in chief,” Curry said, “I found it compietley unprofessional and a true indication of her character.” Curry said Roan, an assistant professor of journalism and Beacon’s Spring Is finally her© and It's a time of growth. Stop by today to find out more about how you can grow your CJ"J uS! Extended Application Hours! Sunday, April 4Hi, II am.-2p.rn., Monday-Frlday, 8 a.m,-6 p.m. Provide superior customer service for one of our clients while converting calls Into completed credit card applications. Represent a leader In the fitness Industry by selling their state-of-the art equipment. We win rely on you to provide superior customer service whle converting incoming calls Into product sales. The Behrend Beacon • "Free gifts at sporting events • and bands." • Julie Marquiss, FNC, 06 • "When they bring in speakers." Andrea Bottom, DUS, 02 chief faculty adviser, asked why he didn’t discuss his intent to run with her before the meeting. Curry said he wasn’t aware of any requirement stating that he had to discuss his intentions with her. When contacted regarding the question, Roan said she knew of no requirements that candidates discuss their intent to run with her or any member of the advisory board. Stasiewski is excited about being the 2004-05 editor in chief, and he is looking forward to bringing about some great changes on the paper. Positions are still available on the Beacon staff for the 2004-05 school year, and anyone interested in joining or finding out more is encouraged to e mail behrcoll@aol.com for more information. Page 3