The Behrend beacon. (Erie, Pa.) 1998-current, April 16, 2004, Image 6

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    Page 6
11 a.m.- Matchbox Players information
table, in front of Bruno's
11 a.m.- Stars for Make a Wish, in
front of Bruno's
Noon - Recreation council weekly
meeting, Reed 3
4 p.m.- NSBE bi-weekly meeting,
Reed 114
6 p.m.- "Halo" X-box tournament,
Reed 112/113
10 p.m.- Movie "Lord of the Rings
Return of the King," Reed 117
11 a.m.- Theta Phi Alpha pie fund
raiser, in front of Bruno's
11 a.m.- Athletics Formal ticket sales,
'n front of Bruno's
Noon - Intervarsity Christian
Fellowship weekly meeting, Reed 3
4 p.m.- Creative Writing Speaker
Series, Smith Chapel
5:15 p.m.- Student Video Festival,
Reed 117
7 p.m.- Trigon safer sex cabaret,
McGarvey Commons
ohn M. Lilley Library Finals Week Hours
April 23
April 24
April 25
April 26
April 27
April 28
April 29
April 30
•••••••••••••00.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
on sin , esmar mos mow
• Get yew omitting% activities,
All submissions must be received by Monday at 5 p.m. for pubi s * that week's iseue. Send submit*, lone
; to the attention of the Calendar of Events Pag e to beh
: box, bottom floor, Reed Union Building, near e-mail kiosk and
y rkait t 'to reilftes; °r callus con at
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you should include all possible information, subm s aka
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Mark Your
- 10 p.m.
- 10 p.m
1 a.m.
- 1 a.m
- 1 a.m
- 1 a.m
- 1 a.m
- 10 p.m
.8 p.m.
10 a.m
...noon -
..8 a.m
..8 a.m
..8 a.m
..8 a.m
8 a.m
I/ Saturday
11 a.m.- LEB officer transition, Kochel
6 p.m.- Gala - ABC, McGarvey
7 p.m.- School of Science dinner, Erie
8 p.m.- Band: "Poverty Neck
Hillbillies," Bruno's
0 p.m.- Movie: "Lord of the Rings
' eturn of the King," Reed 117
211 Wednesday
11 a.m.- Athletics Formal ticket sales,
in front of Bruno's
11 a.m.- Stars for Make a Wish, in
front of Bruno's
2:30 p.m.- Beacon advisory committee
meeting, Reed 113
4 p.m.- SGA governmental affairs,
Reed 3
5:15 p.m.- SGA weekly meeting, Reed
6 p.m.- Leadership Unlimited weekly
meeting, Reed 3
May 1
May 2
May 3
May 4
May 5
May 6
May 7
May 8
Friday April 16, 2004
10 a.m. - 1 a.m
...noon - 1 a.m.
.8 a.m. - 1 a.m.
.8 a.m. - 1 a.m.
.8 a.m. - 1 a.m.
.8 a.m. - 1 a.m.
.8 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Noon - School of Business awards
luncheon, Logan House
2 p.m.- Honors and Awards
Convocation, Erie Hall
3 p.m.- Pittsburgh Steelers basketball
game, Junker Center
6 p.m.- Protestant Campus Ministry
worship, Smith Chapel
7 p.m.- Alpha Sigma Alpha weekly
meetings, Reed 114
XJ, Thursday
I 1 a.m.- Athletics Formal ticket sales,
n front of Bruno's
1 a.m.- Stars for Make a Wish, in
ont of Bruno's
2:15 p.m.- College Republicans
eekly meetings, Reed 112
5:15 p.m.- Reality Check weekly
meeting, Reed 113
:15 p.m.- Lion Ambassadors weekly
meeting, Reed 112
' p.m.- Delta Sigma Pi weekly
meeting, Reed 3
Monkey mascot missing
Matthew Smith's Spanish class mascot, Jorge the stuff monkey, was reported miss
ing on April 8. He was last seen in Kochel 148. He is small and round with dark
brown fur and large black eyes and wears a blue shirt with yellow collar. "He was
loved by all the class and we miss him dearly," said a distraught Spanish II stu
dent. If you have any information concerning Jorge's whereabouts, please contact
Smith, at his office at 156 Kochel.
Rob Frank, calendar page editor
A Closer
The Behrend Beacon
11 a.m.- Athletics Formal ticket sales,
in front of Bruno's
11 a.m.- Stars for Make a Wish, in
front of Bruno's
Noon - Student Life Council elections,
Reed 114
5 p.m.- Battle of the Bands weekly
meeting, Reed 3
6 p.m.- Interfraternity Council meeting,
Reed 114
7 p.m.- Lives to Save: The Rescuers
Holocaust remembrance, Smith Chapel
7:30 p.m.- Outdoors club weekly
meeting, Reed 114
ig Friday
11 a.m.- Athletics Formal ticket sales,
in front of Bruno's
11 a.m.- Stars for Make a Wish, in
front of Bruno's
Noon - Recreation Council weekly
meeting, Reed 3
5 p.m.- Band "Phantasm," at Behrend
Auto Club car show, Wilson Picnic