The Behrend beacon. (Erie, Pa.) 1998-current, February 14, 2003, Image 8

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The Behrend Beacon
14 Friday
~8 a.m. - Tau Kappa Epsilon -
Sprint cellular phones, Reed
fundraising table 1
~8 a.m. - Prayer box - Protestant
Campus Ministry, Reed
fundraising card table 1
~10 a.m. - Lion Ambassador
chocolate covered pretzel sale,
Reed fundraising table 2
-10 p.m. - Movie: “Punch-Drunk
Love,” Reed 117
18 Tuesday
-8 a.m. • Prayer box, Reed fundraising card table 1
-8 a.m. • Greek god and goddess, Reed fundraising table 1
•8 a m - Research - Tom Wortman. Academic 69
-11 a.m • Alpha Sigma Alpha founders (able. Reed fundraising table
-12 p m - Logan Senes - Moscow Chamber Orchestra. Reed
-12:30 p m - Commuter Council meeting. Commuter Council office
-12 30 p.m - Research - Tom Wonman. Academic 69
-12:30 p.m - Leadership unlimited recruitment, Reed fundraising
table 2
-2 p.m. - Protestant Campus Ministry, Smith Chapel
3 p.m - Student Activities meeting Reed 3
-4.45 p m. - Campus Ministry Women's Group. Smith Chapel
5:20 p m. - Panhellemc meeting, Reed 114
-6 p m. • Chapter president's meeting, Reed 114
~6 p m - Ping pong tournament, Reed Commons
~7 p.m - Sailing Club meeting, Reed 112
7pm- Greek week, Erie Hall - Gym
-7:30 p.m. - Movie "Goonies." Reed 117
Come meet the Senators and voice
your opinions at the SGA Open House on
Wednesday, Feb. 26, from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. in
the SGA office located in Reed. Come and
see what SGA is about. Free pizza and pop
The Winter Olympics will be held on
Feb. 23 from 12-6 p.m. on the ski slope
behind the Science building. Events include
blindfolded snowman building, a Behrend style
Biathlon Iditarod, and a sled race (Loild your own
sled). Teams of six to eight people can be made and
it is only $1 per person. Free food and hot chocolate
will be provided. Sponsored by the
Outdoors Club.
Get your meetings, activities, announcements, etc. on our Calendar of Events Page! j
All submissions must be received by Monday at 5 p.m. for publication in that week’s issue. Send submissions
to the attention of the Calendar of Events Page to; put information in our campus mail
box, bottom floor, Reed Union Building, near e-mail kiosk and next to restrooms; or call us at 898-6488. While
you should include all possible information, submissions may be edited due to space constraints; please
contact the Beacon tor special requests.
Mark Your
WlfillE!iir OI y (Tl Pi G a
15 Saturday
~8 a.m. - Prayer box, Reed
fundraising card table 1
-10 a.m. - Martial Arts Club, Junker
-11 a.m. - Alpha Sigma Alpha
Alumni brunch, Logan
-1 p.m. - Ballroom Dance Club,
Junker Center
-8 p.m. - Valentine’s Day semi
formal dance, Reed Commons
-9 p.m. - Comedian - Gary
Greenberg, Bruno’s
-10 p.m. - Movie: “Punch-Drunk
Love,” Reed 117
-8 a.m. • Greek god and goddess, Reed fundraising table 1
-8 a.m. • Prayer box, Reed fundraising card table 1
10 a.m. - Student Affairs directors meeting, Reed 113
-12 p.m. - Leadership unlimited recruitment. Reed
fundraising table 2
-1:30 p.m. - Student Affairs staff meeting, Reed 113
-3 p.m - Erie county counselors meeting, Reed 112/113
•4 p.m. - Bruno's employee meeting. Reed 3
-5 p.m. - Student Activity Fee proposal writing workshop.
Reed 3
-5:15 p.m. - Lambda Theta Alpha meeting, Reed 117
-5:20 p.m. • SGA meeting, Reed 114
-6 p.m. - Ping pong tournament, Reed Commons
-6 p m. - Alpha Phi Omega meeting. Reed 3
-7 p.m. - Greek sing - Greek week, Bruno's
-8:30 p.m. - Joint Residence Council meeting, Reed 112
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Friday, February 14, 2003
16 Sunday
-8 a.m: - Prayer box, Reed fundraising
card table 1
-11 a.m. - Behrend Auto Club -
Daytona 500 party, Bruno’s
-6 p.m. - Protestant Campus Ministry
worship service, Smith Chapel
-6 p.m. - Association for Women in
Communications meeting, Reed 3
-7:30 p.m. - Catholic Mass, Smith
-8 p.m. - MIS Club speaker - Mike
Gildea, Reed 117
20 Thursday
8 a m. - Prayer box. Reed fundraising card table 1
-8 a.m - Greek god and goddess. Reed fundraising table 1
9 a m - Campus Ministry Breakfast Club Smith Chapel
11am - Labyrinth. Smith Chapel
12 pm - Leadership unlimited recruitment. Reed fundraising table
12 15 pm - Society of Undergraduate Economists meeting, Rued
12 15pm - College Republicans, Reed 112
12 15 pm - Finance Club meeting. Reed 3
12 30 p m Pie eating contest - Greek week. Bruno
2 30 p m - Bruno's employee meeting. Reed 3
-6 p rn. - Doghouse dinner & delirium. Bruno's
-6 p m - Ping pong tournament Reed Common 1
-7 p m • Lion Entertainment GoarcJ meeting. Henri 1 13
7 15 p rn - Intervarsitv Christian Fellowship meeting. Smith Chapel
-7 30 p.m - Men's Varsity Basketball vs Medaillo. Junker (J*nter
• 9 p m - Delta Sigma Pi meeting. Reed 114
930 pm. - Movie 'Jackass the Movie." Reed 117
A Closer
are Coming!
SGA has positions open for the 2003-2004
academic year. These positions include, president,
vice-president, secretary, and 11 senators. All who are
interested in campaigning must pick up a petition at the
RUB Desk, starting Monday. All candidates must have 50
signatures from the current student body, and you cannot
have the same signature twice.
Petitions are due by March 5.
Bruno’s invites you to his kennel for a Doghouse Dinner
and Delirium featuring “In All Seriousness” comedy troupe and
a special appearance by faculty and staff on Thursday,
Feb. 20 at 6 p.m. Dinner selections include Baked
Catfish with Pesto & Roasted Red Peppers, Black “Lab” berry
glazed chicken, or “Lady & the Tramp” linguini with
vegetables. See Mike Lindner for tickets, which are $5 for
a-la-board, $13.50 for diner’s club, and $l5 per person with
cash. Bruno’s promises a howling good time!
Seating is limited.
Erinn Hansen, Calendar Page Editor
17 Monday
-8 a.m. - Greek god and goddess, Reed
fundraising table 1
~8 a m. - Research - Tom Wortman, Aca
demic 69
~8 a.m
table 1
-9 a.m.
Reed 3
-12 p.m
back lawn
-1 p.m.
Reed 3
-1:30 p.m
~6 p.m
~7 p.m. - Women’s Varsity Basketball vs
Grove City, Junker Center
~9 p.m. - Delta Sigma Pi executive board
meeting, Reed 3
21 Friday
~7 a.m.
~8 a m. - Greek god and goddess, Reed
fundraising table 1
-8 a.m. - Prayer box, Reed fundraising
card table 1
~11 a.m. - Leadership unlimited recruit
ment, Reed fundraising table 2
~5 p.m. - Relay race - Greek week, Reed
back lawn
~10 p.m. ■
Reed 117
Doghouse Dinner
behrcoll3 @
Prayer box, Reed fundraising card
- Learn about Behrend program,
- Tug of war - Greek week, Reed
- Learn about Behrend program,
- Negri meeting, Logan
- Ping pong tournament, Reed
- Sleeping bag weekend, Reed
Movie: ‘‘Jackass: the Movie,”