The Behrend beacon. (Erie, Pa.) 1998-current, January 31, 2003, Image 1

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    ft The Behrend Beacon
Vol. L No. 10
White House ratchets up rhetor iCrSigna Is
war with Iraq imminent
By Warren P. Strobel, Diego Ibarguen
and Martin Merzer
Knight Ridder Newspapers
War with Iraq appeared all hut inevitable Wednes
day as the Bush administration launched the "final
phase" of consultations with hesitant allies and po
litical foes, and United Nations members planned
the equivalent of a war council.
With U S. troops streaming toward the Persian
Gull. President Bush said:
"History has called the United States into action,
and we will not let history down."
A U.S.-led war on Iraq could start as early as the
beginning of March, several senior administration
officials said, and the White House flashed war sig
nals on many public fronts.
"It certainly feels around here as if the preposi
tion has changed from ‘if’ to ‘when.’" one State
Department official, speaking on condition of ano
nymity. saiil about the widespread feeling that Bush
has chosen war. "It certainly feels like there's a
green light."
Speaking one day after his State of the Union
address. Bush ratcheted up his rhetoric about the
Excitement runs high at the ASA Date Auction Tuesday night. The sisters raised
ASA S auction benefits charities
by Erika Jarvis
staff writer
Once again the Alpha Sigma Alpha sorority sis
ters managed to get a few people dates, and to raise
money tor the Special Olympics and S. June Smith
Center, all while having fun.
On 7 uesday. the sorority held its seventh annual
Date Auction in McCiarvey Commons. ASA’s big
gest philanthropic event of the year took in $716,
ehich will be split among the two.
The auction started off with a bang with local
radio station Star 104 supplying the music and the
President Bush presents his plan of action during the State of the Union Address.
threat posed by Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. danger to the American people, and we’ve got to
“He is a danger not only to countries in the re- deal with him," the president said during a speech
gion, but, as I explained last night, because of al- in Grand Rapids, Mich. “ We’ve got to deal with
Qaida connections, because of his history, he's a him before it is too late.”
Other top U.S. officials said that before actir
emcee, who got the crowd excited over the “hotties”
to be auctioned off.
It was a good night for the Theta Phi Alpha sis
ters when their "sweetheart" Ryan Maddick was
sold for $lOO, the highest bid of the night, to an
Alpha Sigma Alpha alumnus. Also, the ASA sis
ters couldn’t have raised all that money alone had
it not been for Ann Murosky bringing in $95 being
sold to her own “brothers" in the Tau Kappa Epsi
lon Frat.
The brothers kept raising the price on their
“Sweetheart” until they finally scrounged enough
money to become the second highest bidders of the
16 for the Special Olympics and S. June
A&E 9
SPORTS 10-12
Prizes awarded throughout the night included
dinner to local restaurants, movie tickets and a
grand prize of a ride around Erie in an Escalade
The sisters of Alpha Sigma Alpha thank ev
eryone who came out to help them raise money
and tor making the night fun and memorable.
If you're upset you missed this year’s date
auction, no worries. The sisters will be back
next year with new prizes and new dates, and
who knows?
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Reed Union Building
FEB 0 A 2003
alone or with a few allies, they would w ait weeks
but not months - for the United Nations to put teel
into its threat of “serious consequences" for Saddar
if he fails to disarm peacefully.
At the Pentagon. Defense Secretary Donal
Rumsfeld made his strongest effort yet to juslit
pre-emptive military action on moral grounds, eve
while conceding that Americans traditionally ha\
believed that “unless attacked, one does not attack.
“The question, though, is. in the 21 st century - wit!
biological weapons, for example, that could kil
hundreds of thousands of people - what does otn
do?” he asked. "Does one wait until they're at
Rumsfeld argued that, even with its best spy tech
nology, the United States may never gain "perlee
knowledge" of w hat Saddam may be up to.
“The only way you get personal knowledge is n
wait until Japan attacks Pearl Harbor." he said
“That’s when you get perfect knowledge." By thei
it’s too late, so a pre-emptive strike is justified. In
Meanwhile, Secretary of State Colin Powell agai
A despondent-looking Behrend studen
gazes out of the ice-glazed window of the Reec
by Katie Zellars
staff writer
Behrend students have probably asked
themselves lately why they came to Brie after
last week’s record low temperatures and
immense snowfall. Sophomore Jason Karns
summed up students' general attitude towards
the weather when he simply stated. "It sucks."
Last week a high-pressure system in Canada
pushed arctic air down, creating some record
lows. Last Thursday the wind chill dropped
down to minus 15 degrees. It only takes 15
minutes for frostbite to begin setting in at that
temperature. On Monday night the city dropped
down to zero degrees, the coldest it has been in
Erie in the last four years.
Also according to the WJET Channel 24
website, as of Wednesday, Erie's had a seasonal
snowfall total of a whopping 97. X inches.
These cold and dreary days can leave students
begging for a ray of sunshine. Many cases of
cabin fever develop across campus. Cabin lever,
or scientifically known as seasonal affective
disorder (SAD), can cause sleep problems,
depression, joint problems and behavioral
problems. There are ways to fight off or cure
SAD or cabin fever.
WJET meteorologist and Behrend professor
Tom Atkins recommends trying to stay active
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