The Behrend beacon. (Erie, Pa.) 1998-current, January 24, 2003, Image 8
Page 8 The Behrend Beacon ~8 a.m. - Martin Luther <ing cel ebration, Reed Wintergarden ~8 a.m. - Prayer Box - Protestant Campus Ministry, Reed Fundraising Card Table 1 -8:30 a.m. - Police & Safety permit Selling, Erie Hall Concession Stand -11 a.m. - Finance Club meeting, Reed 112 -6 p.m. - Lion Ambassador dinner, Logan ~10 p.m. - Movie: “Knockaround Guys,” Reed 117 28 Tuesday 2&Wednesday 30 Thursday ~8 a.m. - Prayer Box - Protestant Campus Ministry, Reed Fundraising Card Table 1 '10:30 a.m. - ROTC, Reed Fundraising Table 2 -11 a.m. -1 Betcha Will, Reed Fundraising Table 1 -11 a.m. - Delta Chi DVD player raffle, Reed Fundraising Table 4 ~11 a.m. - Come Eat With Commuter Council, Reed Wintergarden -2 p.m. - LEAP meeting - Sea Grant, Reed 112 -3:30 p.m. - Campus Ministry Women’s Group, Smith Chapel ~9 p.m. - Alpha Sigma Alpha date auction, Reed Commons The Rhythm of Life Series at Penn State Behrend, will feature muMs, poet and per former on HBO’s Emmy-nominated drama series “Oz,” on Tuesday, Feb. 11, at 7:30 p.m. in the Reed McGarvey Commons. The event is free and open to the public. The Behrend Sailing Club will be having a meeting on Thursday, Feb. 6, at 7 p.m. in Reed 112. All our welcome Get your meetings, activities, announcements, etc. on our Calendar of Events Pagei i All submissions must be received by Monday at 5 p.m. for publication in that week’s issue. Send submissions • to the attention of the Calendar of Events Page to; put information in our campus mail- i box, bottom floor, Reed Union Building, near e-mail kiosk and next to restrooms; or call us at 898-6488. While * • you should include all possible information, submissions may be edited due to space constraints; please • contact the Beacon for special requests. • Mark Your Calendars ee mgs Mu 99 Zl(§/S/r(f/M Sailing to attend. 25 Saturday ~8 a.m. - Prayer Box - Protestant Campus Ministry, Reed Fundraising Card Table ~10 a.m. - Martial Arts Club, Junker Center ~11 a.m. - Lion Ambassadors, Academic 69 ~1 p.m. - Ballroom Dance Club, Junker Center ~3 p.m. - Men’s Alumni Game, Junker Center ~4 p.m. - Laser Tag, Reed Commons ~6 p.m. - Women’s Varsity Basketball vs La Roche, Junker Center ~8 p.m. - Men’s Varsity Basketball Game vs. La Roche, La Roche ~10 p.m. - Movie: “Knockaround Guys,” ~8 a.m. - Prayer Box - Protestant Campus Ministry, Reed Fundraising Card Table 1 -10:30 a.m. - ROTC, Reed Fundraising Table 2 -11 a.m. - Delta Chi DVD player raffle. Reed Fundraising Table 3 -11 a.m. -1 Betcha Will, Reed Fundraising Table 1 -11 a.m. - Intervarsity Christian Fellowship questions, Reed Fundraising Table 4 -11 a.m. - Ticket Sale - Valentine’s Dance, Reed Fundraising Table 3 -5:20 p.m. - SGA meeting, Reed 114 -6 p.m. - Alpha Phi Omega meeting, Reed 3 -8 p.m. - Alpha Sigma Alpha rush party, Backroom Club Friday, January 24, 2003 tfiSunday ~8 a.m. - Prayer Box - Protestant Campus Ministry, Reed Fundraising Card Table 1 ~12 p.m. - CEO interview, Logan ~6 p.m. - Protestant Campus Minis try Worship Service, Smith Chapel -7:30 p.m. - Catholic Mass, Smith Chapel -8 a m. - Prayer Box - Protestant Campus Ministry. Reed Fundraising Card Table 1 -10:30 a.m. - ROTC, Reed Fundraising Table 2 -11 am. -1 Betcha Will, Reed Fundraising Table 1 ~11 a.m. - Delta Chi DVD player raffle, Reed Fundraising Table 4 -11 a.m. - Ticket Sale - Valentine's Dance, Reed Fundraising Table 3 -12:15 p.m. - Lion Entertainment Board meeting, Reed 113 -12:15 p.m. - College Republicans, Reed 112 -12:30 p.m. - Commuter Council meeting, Commuter Council Office; Reed Building -5:15 p.m. - Reality Check meeting, Reed 112 -5:30 p.m. - Political Science DC Trip, Reed 3 '6:30 p.m - Lion Ambassadors, Reed 114 -7:15 p.m. - Intervarsity Christian Fellowship meeting, Reed Commons -9 p.m. - Delta Sigma Pi meeting, Reed 114 -9:30 p.m. - Movie: “Red Dragon," Reed 117 f~\ A Closer Look The seventh annual date auction will be held on Jan. 28, at 9 p.m. in the Reed McGarvey Commons. Students can bid on who ever is being auctioned off, starting at a $5 minimum. Door prizes will be given out and there will be a 50/50 drawing. All Penn State stu dents are welcome to attend. Must show ID and a $2 donation is requested at the door. Proceeds go to Spe cial Olympics and the S. June Smith Center. Sponsored by the sisters of Alpha Sigma Alpha. Come Eat with Commuter Council Come eat with Commuter Council on Tuesday from 11 a.m. -1 p.m. in the Reed Wintergarden. There will be free food, and all are welcome to attend. Come join the sisters of Alpha Sigma Alpha for a rush party on Wednesday at 8 p.m. Get to know the girls through a night of fun and excitement. Please meet at the RUB Desk at 7:45 p.m. for all who plan to attend. GO ASA! Erinn Hansen, Calendar Page Editor Monday -7:30 a.m. - CEO interview, Logan -8 a.m. - Prayer Box - Protestant Campus Ministry, Reed Fundraising Card Table 1 -8 a.m. - CEO interview, Smith Chapel -10:30 a.m. - ROTC, Reed Fundraising Table 2 -11 a.m. - Delta Chi DVD player raffle, Reed Fundraising Table 4 -2 p.m. - CEO interview, Smith Chapel -5 p.m. - Career Development Center Hosting Eberly Science Co-op ses sion, Reed 114 -9 p.m. Reed 3 31 Friday ~7 a.m ~8 a.m. - National Society of Black Engineers Summit, Reed 113,114 ~8 a.m. - Prayer Box - Protestant Campus Ministry, Reed Fundraising Card Table 1 -10:30 a.m. - ROTC, Reed Fundraising Table 2 -11 a.m. -1 Betcha Will, Reed Fundraising Table 2 -11 a.m. - Delta Chi DVD player raffle, Reed Fundraiser Table 4 ~11 a.m. - Ticket Sale - Valentine’s Dance, Reed Fundraising Table 3 ~6 p.m. - National Society of Black Engineers Summit, Reed 117 -10 p.m. - Movie: “Red Dragon," Reed 117 Date Auction Rush ASA! behrco!l3 @ - Delta Sigma Pi meeting, - Union Steward Election, Reed 114