The Behrend beacon. (Erie, Pa.) 1998-current, September 28, 2001, Image 2
Page 2 N EWS Liz Hayes, News Editor The Behrend Beacon Friday, September 28, 2001 :... . WEEKEND WEATHER a l i • i ► r, OUTLOOK . to ' ' . : ...- ; . .:‘,,,:',,,..., ' , 1, - . ..,. . , . • , - '.. '. ..,,, 00 , : , .6.‘.,.:4 , ,i; , 4 .•. •.i - -, t•:;•• , .. c ..,,,,,,.... •: ', .', : 4 1 ', , . • • - , ••• -..:• ~, Y'• '',:; 1: ' , ?•54 ~••• • , ,--,-. .1 , ,:, i-, :• - ; - .• , ..i • SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY ,' :., . ~.4....,,,., , , • , ..ct,„;;.: . ~,-,,, ,-:, , . , • 2 . s•, 04 • „..- ~.•• . • , . 1/ k ,•''' '• . .-,:- , ,-- ”:. - . '..„....:- i .1 '.,,,,, '(, , Wi, ::. '.' ; „... - 4 , - d i a t ? 7 ---- :-:17 4 Z.- 4 , .. ... •,, .- A , . : .... 7 .., , v , ..:,,,; iiit- ' ' --- - - ; . j ...! . 1 1 . '''',.• 6A:' ! . ~, ~ , A . ' 00 ; AV !, , '" ~ r .., ' ..44 . . 4 k ...• A . •,,,,, 'Vr t.< ...,-, , :.; ~ „-;,... Partly cloudy Sunny Sunny ,4 ~,,,;,.„, ' ' '' ' . l er - A ."; ' / ' z I‘;: i g 1 .;',' 0 High: 63° High: 66° High: 68° .. ~ # . 7 ..: .. .. ' I I I . •Z ' Low: 46° Low: 48° Low: 48° t ' ''''',, .-J :, ip.: .4 . . - .... y .... 4f. - . ' • .4 - ....,t . ,..., , :!..N ~tt. . - 1 , . , ti , ' ' - N BEHREND BRIEFS . 4,,,, , .... ~:e• .., .., , ~. 0 1 ~ ••• ~(,' A to' '' '. ''''' '.' ~.,:.:,;•.. 4, , , a k , 1 ,'''..:',.` ~,,,,,..,., New Registrar appointed \- ~.. , ,'' --- ... ~ 1 ._,........_ _ . ~.......__._.._. ' ''... r- , . ' ) , . ... , AIL _ _ _ _ ... . 1 Dr. Mary Ellen Bayuk has replaced Robert Schenker as Behrend's Registrar. Schenker's -. --.7 1212 -----' ' I 1 - - ; - ' 6 \ 0 . retirement officially begins today; Bayuk began working at Behrend earlier this month. -,- i ? i 0.; years Bayuk has 14 of experience as a Penn State Registrar. She has worked at McKeesport li ' ' % •I - . VI II • ...7 4. . • , i • and New Kensington. II . 1 PHOTOS BY MIKE BELLO :;•:, .;:- ,;,,,,.. : 0 Bayuk also taught English as a second language at King Saud University in Riyadh, Saudi 1 4 , ,i ~ -,,,. ,: ~ 1 1 1 , nto , z h x Arabia. .:% • v., ei: , . , Look out, Britney you aren't the only one with a new t ''' .;,,,:.: (..,. . l i ,:, Film Series goes Brazilian video out. DMX and Sisqo acquired a whole new crew " • r V . :. for the "What These B**ches Want" video. They just don't ) . P' '4 :l, outs* '"4111/:' know it yet. But we're sure Jimmy Ofikuru (left) and 1 , :.. . . 1 .. ~ "Orfeu," the second film in the 2001 International Film Series, will be shown on Monday, • • - i s Marvin Telp will send them the demo. However, we aren't ',l . . , . , . . ' Oct. 15. The film will air at 7 p.m. in Reeo 117. A , sure that those "B**ches" really want these guys. After :1 • ' "Orfeu" is the story of the mythical Greek love affair between Orfeu and Euridice. While i > " -- '' - p all, isn't the trend in music videos to show a bit more skin m'' ri i i filmed in modern style, it uses the traditional story. , it _ these days? And what happened to all the scantily-clad i,. ' , . l The film is set in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, during Carnival. Orfeu, a legendary musician, is a -0 ~ ~. . . , ladies shakin' that, um, bum, for the camera? On second i l ' highly-esteemed citizen in a violence and drug-ridden shantytown community. He falls in r • ' thought Britney, don't look out too hard. love with Euridice, an Indian girl, and causes her to play the role of victim in this tragedy. A T.:.Wi : ' len 1: •_ ; li , ...., :.. ,_,,,_ 72 .,,_..,..„- 7 ,..., ~-n-- - - ~ : . . ;:e IJI *. • AK, ; , ,-,: . ,'•, ' , --.' **Sall ' ~ _,_, '''. ~ ,; li `... ~ , a . ,. Girls have Math Options Math Options II will be held on Saturday, Oct. 13, for girls in seventh through 10th grades. FROM FRONT PAGE This program gives girls and their parents the opportunity to explore college and career op portunities in the fields of science, engineering, technology, and computers. Various workshops will be held on this date in the McGarvey Commons from 8 a.m. to 2:30 AVIATION p.m. Math Options II is intended to address the problem of a lack of women in the scientific and Additionally, cockpits could be made more difficult to penetrate. their bags multiple times if they deem it necessary. Undercover technological fields at a time when these careers are in high demand. Armed, undercover marshals may be aboard each flight. Intelligence marshals abound and the same tight security methods are used The cost of the event is $l5 for students and $l5 for one parent or $25 for two parents. This agents could use improved methods to prevent further attacks. Instead universally throughout all EL AL airport hubs. price includes lunch and refreshments. Call the Center for Corporate and Adult Learning at of under-trained employees working for minimum wage, federal agents This intense security may not sit well with Americans accustomed 898-6103 to register. might he in charge of maintaining airport security, while bomb sniffing to privacy and speedy flights, but it is what has kept EL AL from dogs could search for explosives in airports. Gray mentioned all the succumbing to hijackers for so many years. preceeding as possible improvements to the airline system. Gray says that it will he very difficult for the airlines to repair New scholarship for PEPP grads "What I hope happens is that a reliable fusion of many beneficial confidence in the system. He suspects that this could have been techniques becomes implemented," said tray. prevented had there been flight marshals on board those flights or had Central High School graduates enrolled in the Penn State Educational Partnership According to Gray, the most secure airline in the world is Israel's intelligence agencies been able to piece together information about Program are eligible for a new scholarship. Erie residents Herman C. Weber Jr. and his EL AL airline, which has been at war with terrorism for decades. Armed the planned hijackings, but he acknowledges the difficulty of the work wife. Lynn T. Weber, created an endowment to fund this scholarship. Israeli soldiers stand guard, ready to question passengers and search ahead. Students enrolled or planning to enroll full-time at Penn State Behrend who were PEPP graduates are able to receive this new scholarship. PEPP is a partnership between Penn State, the Erie School District, the corporate commu nity, and the Erie community that benefits disadvantaged middle- and high-school students. These students participate in workshops, mentoring programs, and field trips. The goal is to happenings. The site, money to put into a Penn State Behrend Relief Wellness Services. "We really do appreciate the convince these "at risk" students that college is a possibility. is the principal of Weber Murphy Fox Architects, Inc., and a member of index.html#prof. The banner across the top Fund," said Chris Rizzo, director of student effort that everyone is making to help out, but Herman asked visitors to refresh their browser in order activities. "Around campus faculty and students we are asking students to wait until the October Weber Behrend's Council of Fellows. Lynn Weber is a former director of development at Behrend. to get the latest national news on the attacks. have both been donating. blood drive because any more blood will be a Also, tips were posted on how to deal with the "It's amazing how these organizations, surplus that won't help [the victims]. tragedy. regardless of who they are, have pulled together "[The Blood Bank] will be needing more ERlEgranted money for website Throughout last week and continuing this as a team to raise money for the disaster relief blood in October for surgeries of the victims and week, efforts are still ongoing. The number of fund that SGA has set up," Rizzo added. As of for surgeries in the Erie area, as well." The Economic Research Institute of Erie received a $lO,OOO grant from the Erie Commu blood donors has skyrocketed; students are last week, the campus had riased more than Behrend also has a personal counseling staff nity Foundation to develop a website. This site will collect local economic data and make it . . . . both and participating in on- off-campus blood $2,000, Rizzo said. The money will go to victims available for those directly affected by the available to the public. drives. Some Penn Staters are even giving direct in New York City and Washington, D.C. Money tragedies. Numbers and more information are ERIE was founded in 1982 as an outreach center of the School of Business at Behrend. Its assistance: Penn State Hazleton sophomore will be collected through today. available at purpose is to collect, analyze, interpret, and disseminate information on the Erie County Young An traveled to New York City as a Although the campus considered holding a support.htm. economy. volunteer paramedic. For more information, visit ERIE's website at blood drive . . - . ' 'III -;'"il 'I Behrend has planned several fundraisers and during the past . • . ': • : It ./ 7 - , ,Li - - _ . • . •- --- ~ , . r . s . :Nx - Vv. • - a blood drive scheduled for Oct. 17. In a few weeks, ,- - • „,,,,./'- 4 N., , 'a, Chemistry program approved statement issued by Ken Miller, Director of Behr e n d "it 14, Student Affairs, Behrend is already coordinating decided to wait , A. A . - ..!, :. ' e The chemistry program at Behrend has met the American Chemical Society's guidelines for relief efforts for victims of the tenrorist attacks. until October i . ° ~, 1 iit- -- ----; . approved schools after a rigorous three-year evaluation process. Behrend is one of 619 col- "In the coming days and weeks you will hear for a drive that• ' ,• - ~,,, ~,,....„- t... ~ . r 41tt '" ~-; leges to achieve ACS approval. of a great number of disaster relief efforts being was already "`. '' ',,` ./ lf' , `' During the evaluation process, Dr. Roger Knacke, director of the School of Science, and Dr. coordinated by fellow students, student planned. "The .. , ~ ' .': - -! 2:; , ,,,,,,:,--4figt i i. '....;:::, Mary Chisholm, associate professor of chemistry, received a series of recommendations that organizations, and College offices," Miller says need for blood , . . .• 4 .. . , would need to be implemented before approval could be granted. Among the recommenda- in the statement. "Plans for blood drives, has been met in ..., .„„ : ,7‘ l ,.!* * -: " . *-• tions were strengthening the analytical chemistry component by adding another faculty mem- fundraising activities to assist disaster victims New York ' ~.,, Attg atarAssiv. i bi tstow ;,,,. ' -, ' , ;, - 7*K`'', - .•-:: ber with expertise in this area. Also, some upper division labs were upgraded. . and their families ... are all in the works. already," said ~ Once these requirements were met, ACS made an on-site review of the program and granted Information on how to get involved is P a t t y ,' ~ za*A _ ~_,,, ~, , - ~ '. , Q:, approval. This approval is not granted for a specific amount of time; Behrend will have to forthcoming and I encourage you to do so." McMahon, PHOTO BY KRISTIN RODGERS report curricular offerings every year with details on all chemistry graduates who wish to " Currently we put together a fundraiser with coordinator of Behrend students participate in a candlelight vigil in the apartment have ACS-certified degrees. Behrend will also have to prepare an extensive report every five SGA, and about 25 organizations are collecting Health and quad last week. years. THE I4XIAK Worrumwei Sucks POLICE AND SAFETY 200$-2002 . Nellp REPORT . 11011111401111 w usic at rnoon Ns.' 9/20/01 01:58 A caller reported a broken light at the bottom of the Dobbins Stairwell. Full-size 9/21/01 10:00 A student reported an incident of possible harrassment by SOLID BRASS. mattress communication. 9/22/01 16:45 A concerned mother called regarding her 15-year-old son; he received an '. . FRIDAY OCTOBER 5 NOON • • Slt w/ frame e-mail inviting him to a Behrend-related party with alcohol on Cooper 4 Road. The Gorge State Police were notified. 4, • Bringyoar lunch to the Pero Stile Behrend Wintery/dal and Worth: $5OO 9/25/01 13:10 A complainant reported his vehicle was damaged while parked in the aft wrotid-dass pear:arm han irikviarsciiidp Admission il< trey hn Ilw r I 1. " ' dil eif - P&S Parking Lot. . PENNSTATE i• e l b tiii 0 ;7,-; 01" Siill for: $lllO 0 , 9/26/01 00:00 Pedestrian crossing sign boards were stolen. Erie ( 9 1:4 4 c/ Call: 434-2058 ' 9/26/01 11:00 A student reported someone tampering with his locker. _________ _____