Stay safe while clicking the keyboard by Ryan Anthony staff writer Only one week of classes remains in the semester. This means either ,A: you blow off whatever classes you have left every day so you can bask in the sun and anticipate the quickly approaching summer, or B: you barely have time to read this newspaper because your butt is glued to your chair as you sit and type paper after paper, wondering how your professors could possibly have managed to squeeze three extra assignments into the last week of the syllabus. If you are like most students, choice B is correct. Shouldn't professors know by now that all these extra assignments cut into the quality of work? Regardless, if you selected B, chances are you will find yourself sitting in front of the computer for the next two weeks until you are done with finals and ready to go home. As long as the next couple weeks will leave you in a miserable situation, you might as well make yourself as comfortable as possible. Simply adjusting your position at your computer can get you through those long hours staring at the screen. Here are some hints to help you end your semester on a high note. The layout of your desk plays a big role in your comfort as you sit at your computer. An improperly placed keyboard or monitor could be the reason behind your sore wrists and stiff neck. When you set up your room at the beginning of the year, you probably did not give much thought to the arrangement that would be most comfortable; Good health is no laughing matter, or is it? Everyone enjoys a good laugh mentally. I've come up with a list now and then, right? We've all had of reasons to incorporate laughter a knee-slapping, uncontrollable, into your everyday life. roaring, tear-inducing, fall-out-of- The act of laughing has several your-chair fit of laughter at least physical implications. So you don't once in our lives. But what if I told want to "hoof it" on the stepper or you that laughter is shown to be a the treadmill at the gym? That's all factor in overall good health? What right. Did you know that 20 would you say if'you found out that seconds of laughing is equivalent to laughter might just be the best three minutes of cardiovascular medicine around? April is National exercise, according to The World's Humor month. Considering many Greatest Treasury of Health of the holidays and observances that Secrets? Laughing also gives the m ED iciN .i.,) E YOU WON'T FIND IN A DRUGST:ORE ..,- . , . ... • . ~ ... If you, don't go to;Other iile who laughs, lasts. Success is women you Let a smile be your —....-,•••• d. 8 • r ...... I s ~ Pettibone Pool e don't even know walling umbrella, because you're peupl. F ir funPrals . they -Mary around your house. going to get soaked won't s u -- to yours. - „,'‘ -Saturday Night L • anyway. - Unknown Live Sex is nobody's business -Unknown Most we bic ir ptual thftens` . are involved. standards. Up yours. except the three people We've upped our ~ -Unknown -Pat Paulsen Some guy hit my fender, ~,,i, -John A i ming , and I said to him, " k ., Be - , ~.. _ _ . Exercise daily. Eat wisely. fruitful andmultiply, ” My karma ran over , but People who think they are your dogma. Die anyw ay. not in those words. know every " fie U known - n -Un kn own -Woody Allen irritating to those of who dop -Unknown „ . , v• . k Healthy Living 0 1 1 • 411 M 11 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••111W•111111••••••10111M•11•••••1111111••••••••••••••• your goal was to squeeze as much stuff into your dorm room as you possibly could. A whole branch of science calls for you to rethink your desk arrangements. Ergonomics is the science of work. It examines how you can most comfortably get work done in an efficient manner. Sitting properly at your computer can ease your tense muscles. "My wrists get sore after I type for a while," said eighth semester student Fred Leyda. "When I was doing a bunch of research for one project I got a cramp in my hand from using the mouse." Other students complained about neck problems. "Sometimes my neck hurts because I hold it funny whenever I sit at the computer for a long time," said sixth semester student Heather Green. "My neck and back hurt after sitting at my computer for long periods of time," said Allison Jawdy, a fourth semester student. These are common complaints of people who use computers frequently. Carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis, or repetitive strain injuries as they are known, are frequently diagnosed in people who perform the same repetitive functions day in and day out. So what can be done to prevent repetitive strain injuries? Follow these guidelines to decrease your chances of straining your muscles the next time you type a paper. Sit up straight in your chair with both feet on the ground. Posture is the most basic, yet essential part of preventing repetitive stress injuries. The position of your entire body is important in creating a comfortable Sweat, and Tears abdominal muscles a wonderful workout by contracting and h Orr we Humor ness month is definitely one t deserves our attention. We owe it to ourselves and each other to take time out of our hectic college schedules to laugh. I'm sure you're wondering how humor and health are related. The benefits of laughter can be experienced physically, emotionally, and Above, Deanna Symoski sits with back straight and feet planted firmly on the floor as she types at the keyboard. Both are key elements of good posture. Below, a student at the kiosk in Reed exhibits bad posture with an arched back and crossed legs while working at the computer. relaxing, as well as the legs, back, respiratory, and facial muscles between bouts of the giggles. According to the website, Laugh Out Loud to Good Health, biking for 15 minutes or 10 minutes on a rowing machine is equal to laughing approximately 100 times. Laughing can also dramatically improve your mood and put a smile on a glum face. There are many beneficial effects of humor on the emotions. Laughter is just the physiological response to humor. Humor can lighten your mood and provides an easy way to get in touch with your feelings, and break from stressful situations such as the pressures of work, relationships, or illness. Laughter releases hormones into the body that produce and overall feeling of "happiness." Laughing can also boost the body's immune system. While laughing, Gamma-interferon cells, which are disease-fighting proteins, are increased. T-cells and B-cells are released as well. It also in creases the concentration of salivary overlook, National qnd fnr lif e •April 2001* immunoglobulin A, which protects the body from infectious diseases in the respiratory tract. When merry, the body's blood pressure is reduced because vascular blood flow and oxygenation increase, which promotes healing. Coughing and hiccuping induced by laughter can dislodge mucus plugs that have built up in the respiratory tract. Some also believe that laughter plays a key role in preventing heart disease, which is thought to be caused in part by fear and anger. So now that you know why laughing is good for you, what can you do to make it a part of your everyday life? You should start small. Tell a friend a good joke, but be sure that it is a joke that will not offend the receiver. Smile often and at others. Smiling is contagious. Try laughing at things you would ordinarily not find humorous. Be optimistic, and if you find some thing amusing, don't try to suppress your response. Most of all be sure to spread the joy to those around you. Laughter loves nothing more than company. working environment. Make sure your head is as upright as possible and your forearms and upper arms are at a 90-degree angle, with your forearms parallel to the ground. The positioning of your hands is important as well. Keep your hands and wrists as flat as possible so that they form a straight line with your forearm. Bending your wrists to the right or left as you type will cause unnecessary strain. As you sit at your computer, you may realize that keeping your wrists straight is difficult to do. If you experience pains while typing, look into purchasing an ergonomic keyboard that is shaped to allow you to properly place you hands as you type. Something many people fail to realize is that padded keyboard or mouse pads are not for resting your wrists as you type or scroll with the mouse; the pads are there for rests when you are not typing or scrolling. Resting on pads while typing forces your fingers to do most of the work. Not only can this cause problems for your hands, but it can also cause your wrists to become unfamiliar with the typing motion. When using your mouse, be sure to keep it close to you. Reaching across a desk causes unnecessary movements that can be damaging over time. Also, try to adjust the mouse setting so that the pointer moves as quickly as you are comfortable with, thus eliminating extra wrist movement. Another thing people commonly do is to keep icreatiii by Rob Wynne wire service editor Creatine has quickly become the lat est trend in the weightlifting world. two. Offering optimal results within a short ali! period of time , this lean mass budder w M 4061t did L avoids some of the medical problems *lame of that steroids create. Mark McGwire study, wit. used the stuff, and he hit more than while on thF, 65 home runs last year. Look closely Creatineknt at his forearms sometime - they are mance irtai about as big as an average person's build Inn thigh. Other regular consumers will to ir most likely notice a muscle mass 40 increase as well. time But, as with any other supplemeot, J cry there are always sonic downsides, of ► Based upon some personal experience & and a little bit of research, I hope to offer a little bit of information for thotL who may be deciding whether or they want to invest in the stuff. First, creatine is no more expensi than a jug of whey pmtein. Far o' . $2.5, I was able to purchase a of the popular Metßx Creatine.. a smaller canister, but only one per 16 oz. of water was needed. orange flavor was not quite but I usually managed to the hatch. From there, it was gym what I exploded That's probably one of mediate resporutes 'lessence, this *MOW to practice t seta, offering a • muscle faihne. a muscle studies lean _ .4s to explain ot)e's laims regarding increase mass are likely linlcogl to of wi• "Sometimes my neck hurts because I hold it funny whenever I sit at the computer for a long time." -Heather Green, a sixth semester student their hands on the mouse the entire time they are using the computer. When you are not using the mouse, remove your hand from it and relax your arm in your lap. You will be amazed at the strain you can take off your arm by doing this. Finally, place your monitor at a comfortable position in front of you. Having the monitor off to the side or tilted the wrong way can have painful consequences. Long hours in at a desk are going to be unavoidable for many students in the next couple weeks. Next time, take a minute or two to make yourself comfortable before you start your work. If you know you will still be sitting there a few hours later, you will be happy you took every precaution to make yourself comfortable ahead of time. WWI