The Behrend Beacon A View From The Lighthouse Smackin’ the gavel on stipends Well, fur the first time in years, an exciting SCiA election year has passed. As usual, people are com plaining of the results already. "Not qualified.. .shouldn't he there.. .how in the would did that person get elected'.’" are the words muttered by some Behrend students. However, some of the debate about the recent Student Government elections might be justified. Before Jen Miles and Clint Ski lien were elected to office two weeks ago. questions arose from opponent Demian Blair (you know, the candidate that slipped messages under your door and computer tricks to vour PC) whether or not Skillen should be eligible to receive his sti pend of 1/3 in-state tuition costs for taking on the responsibilities ot Stu dent Government \ ice-president. Last year, the Student Govern- ment was in the position for the first time in a long time of having a bud get surplus. SC.A deciiled that one of the things thev would like to do with the extra dollars is to otter sti pends. that is payment, for the jobs of president. \ ice-piesident, and sec retarv. Thev would receive 1/2. 1/ 3, and 1/4 otf of m-state tuition costs, respectively. 1 low ever, a short time later, the Senate passed some rules and regulations regarding the stipend. One ot' the stipulations was that anyone who was receiving pay ment for a job on SGA would have to carry a minimum GPA of 2.5. Another suited that the presidential candidate may not be the presiding officer of another student organi/a- Due vo confusion in SGA, which I vou can f iikl in detail on the lmnt I page, the requirements were lost and never officially recorded as part o! the by-laws. What does that mean? It essentially says that despite SGA's effort to hav e more qualified executive members, thev dropped the ball in following through. The w hole stipend idea was based on the fact that the SGA executive board would be more educated and dedi cated to the students of Behrend. By allowing tins past election to take * place with no considerations, besides having one sear ex perience on S(iA. our stu exact beliefs thev passed just this past fall. More ™ “ qualified.’ More deili cated? More respect- The Behrend Beacon published weekly by the students of Penn State Erie, The Behrend College Editor-in-Chief - Jason Snyder 'X/' ~Y Managing Editor j 1 Michael Frawley I \ News Editors g |M 1 Karl Benacci J Editorial Page Editor Features Editors Katie Przepyszny Doug Smith Advertising Manager Sports Editor 4 Kim Zu, k Matt Wiertel Business Manager Calendar Page Editor Kristin, Harakai Nicole Greene Office Manager Photo Editors Brail Wiertel Jeff Miller Kevin Bruner (assistant) Distribution Manager . Jeff Miller Associate Editors , Lihbie Johnson Advisors Becky Weindorf Robert Speel R o p VVVrmf Jim O'l.ouyhhn Pnstnl Information: The Beacon is Letter Policy: The Beacon published weekly by the students of encourages letters to the editor. Penn State Erie The Behrend Letters should include the address, College- First Floor, The J. Elmer phone number, semester standing and Reed Union Building. Station Road, major of the write,. Writers can mail Erie PA 16S6S. The Beacon can be lettereto Letters reached by cailim- (814) 848-6488 or must be received no later than 5 p.m. (814) 898-6019 (FAX). ISSN 1071- Tuesday for inclusion in that week s 9288. lssue - We re not here to say that Ski lien won’t be qualified, dedicated or re spectable. We’re just saying that no qualifications were needed to become your representative in SGA. If it is found that Skillen is not eli gible based on the new requirements that SGA is in the process of passing now, we believe that he must step down. It has nothing to do with what was understood going into elections. It has nothing to do with how much work goes into the position. It has to do with the qualifications that a stu dent holds to represent us. We want someone that we can look up to and respect. If both meet the require ments. we certainly respect that. If the absolute smartest person on this campus ran for president, but was already the president of another or ganization, we would say the same thing. Maybe we can respect them and praise their intelligence, but we can't rely on their dedication to the students at large. SGA has proved this year that they can make a difference in the way things are run at Behrend. The orga nization is becoming more open to students and ideas. In order to con tinue that, we need the qualified people representing us. If that’s what we have lor next year, we applaud SGA. If we don’t, SGA has a job to do. Smack the gavel on stipends and qualifications. The students count on 4t \ Editorial Deti Slow Wow, is it really almost the end of another school year? I feel like it flew by in one big blur. It is astonishing to look back and see all the changes that my life went through this year. But I’m not the only one; everyone on this campus has experienced changes too. Look back upon all that has happened, and I am willing to bet that you have changed in some way, shape or form. Whether you have changed physically, emotionally or spiritually, it has happened, and it is whether you recognize that change or not that makes all the difference. If someone at the beginning of last fall semester had tried to tell me that I would have to deal with the biggest changes in my life ever during this school year, I would have laughed in their face. Amazingly though, my life is almost 100% different than it was this time last year. At first, I wasn’t really partial to these changes, but eventually I accepted them and I have in Mi My reality. As the semester winds down, and the Beacon's columnists spout out their views for the last time in their three-week cycle of editorials, I feel obligated to end my rants and raves by asking you to "Join Me in Reality" just one last time. I realize my reality isn't the reality of other people, so next semester, I will write under a different title. But first, I welcome you to my reality, my world and my pet peeves that keep this world from being “fair..." Life isn’t fair. The most qualified people don’t always gel the job; the best looking ones do. The hardest working people don’t always get rewarded; the loudest ones do. Modesty is a short road to failure. Cockiness is a ladder for success. But don’t worry. The qualified but less attractive, hard working but quiet individuals will be recognized someday. And it will be for something more than just wealth. It will be lor happiness. Blacks and whites still aren’t equal. Society won't allow it. Men and women are equal. Society just The Wa The right perspective What is wrong with the American people these days? Time after time, issue after issue, the American public and media continually make irrational judgments on crucial maters. More alarming is that American youth are now getting in on the act and not surprisingly, they are repeatedly misled and misinformed. If you read the Beacon on a regular basis you will notice that the staff editorials now take on more relevant issues than in previous semesters. Besides the one editorial that instigated a heated debate on a local radio talk show, most of the staff editorials have represented the opinion of the majority of the staff. 1, being the only strong conservative on the staff, usually have a vastly different vantage point than the rest of the staff members. The differing opinions isn’t what bothers me, rather it’s the haste at which they make up their minds on issues of relevance. Take the editorial where the staff supported the removal of the Confederate flag in South Carolina. Unlike others who rely on the media as their only source of information, I look to other outlets to find the actual truth minus the liberal media bias. The Confederate flag issue is a Have something to say, then send us a letter April 21, 2000 down and savor the flavor learned from them. 1 hope the same is true for everyone else. Some people may fear change, and I was one of those people, but change is meant to teach us something, whether we want to learn or not. So how is this relevant to anything? Look at it this way, everyday I am sure that you hear someone you know talking about how busy they are, or how stressed they are. I complain about the same things. However, how often do you hear them talking about In R . .for the last time constantly complains about it. Men are stronger...women are nicer. Women are grumpy once a are grumpy all month. Women will happily have your baby, but won't let you forget it for the rest of your life. Men will give women the necessities to have a baby...but won’t ever forget that the woman had the baby, for the rest of their life. It Ou Baseball was America's pastime. Football is its future. Sports are the most important entertainment in the world. Political debates are the most boring entertainment in the world.. .unless Ross Perot is involved. Michael Jordan is the greatest perfect example to illustrate my point. Contrary to popular belief. South Carolina isn’t the only state in the Union that has a controversial symbol or holiday. The Clinton administration and his media cronies want the public to believe that the people of South Carolina are bigoted insensitive thugs. But the mass media agents don’t point out all the facts, and as a “truth detector” it is my obligation to inform you of this hypocrisy. Take the Democrats. They paint the Republicans as pro-intolerance bigots and claim that the flag is a sign of hatred and intolerance. Now wait a second, who actually saw to it that the flag was raised? Unless you listen to Rush Limbaugh or watch the Fox News Channel, you would have no idea that a Democrat actually had the lIP I what they are doing to change the situation? Probably almost never, and that’s the part that they should be focusing on. Remember how I said that this school year is one big blur to me? The fact of the matter is that during the school year, 1 was too busy, or too stressed, or too whatever to even slow down to look at what was right in front of me. And by rushing through life, 1 missed so much that I didn’t even notice that things were different or things were gone until my life had changed. So maybe it is time to decide what is important to you and to take some time and slow down. Sure, it is the end of the semester and everyone has a terrific amount of work to do. In the end though, isn’t everything just small potatoes? Take a step back for a moment and take a detour. Ok, yes, you caught me; I worked the title of my column into this entertainer of all time. Ricky Martin is the strangest entertainer of all time. It’s pop, not soda. This is Erie, not Pittsburgh. Wearenotjust 138 miles north of Pittburgh. We are less than one inch south-east of Lake Erie. A first grader learns about the five great lakes before they hear of the home ot the Steelers. Stop using Pittsburgh as a reference point to explain where Erie is. It’s by the lake, not by the three rivers. Living in Butler, Bridgeville, or upper/lower/eastern/ western Burrell does not make you a resident of Pittsburgh. It makes you a resident of a city that is near Pittsburgh. If you have a car, you need a good job. If you have a baby, you need at least two good jobs. The welfare system isn’t fair. But then again, life isn’t fair (see above). WWF wrestlers have more pull in this world than U.S. politicians. U.S. politicians have more scandals in the world than WWF wrestlers. Vince McMahon vs. Bill Clinton. McMahon’s lame appears every Monday, Thursday and Sunday on hi To Be flag raised over the capitol. That Democrat would be the former governor of South Carolina, Ernest Hollings, who since has become a United States Senator. But the hypocrisy doesn’t end there. What about the Arkansas holiday to be celebrated on Saturday that is dedicated to honoring the Confederate flag? Why isn’t President Clinton rebuking the members of his home state on this one? Hypocrisy at its height folks, but it continues. In Tennessee, home of the inventor of the Internet, Alpha A 1 Gore, they celebrate a holiday that is seldom heard of, one that arguably could be more offensive than confederate flag day in Arkansas. See, in Tennessee they celebrate Nathan Bedford Forest Day in memory of a former leading member of the Ku Klux Klan. Never heard of it, well that’s just the way the media wants it to be. The media and other groups believe that the American people shouldn’t have the ability to decide who is telling the truth and who is pandering to the public for votes. Instead of being objective and candid with the public, the media feels that it is their responsibility to filter out the truth before delivering it to the masses. editorial. Unlike some of my fellow columnists, 1 decided to utilize my last editorial of the semester to explain my title. It may sound like a complicated title, but it's really not. It’s all about procrastination and taking chances. Things in life may seem like a big deal now, but five years from now how important is it going to be that you received a ’B’ on your BiSci test'.’ It s all small potatoes. Also, take that detour down the side road that you have never been down before. And I don’t mean a literal road, more like that proverbial “thing you have always wanted to do." As Nike says, just do it, why wait any longer'.' Take a chance to do something that you have never done before, learn from all the changes in your life and most importantly, slow down, it’s all about Detours and Small Potatoes anyway. Have a rockin' summer! national television. Clinton's tame happens with interns under the desk in the Oval Office while on the telephone. There will never be a semi-vertical parking lot between Perry and Dobbins. Unless, of course, you enjoy watching cars roll over and crash into buildings. Behrend will never fill up the Wintergreen Gorge with millions of tons of dirt to make land Hat enough for more parking. And even if they did, students would still have to make that long, hard, tiring 20-loot walk to Hammermill for class. The Beacon will always contain some controversial material. But news is news, opinion is opinion. We will never get more than three letters to the editor in a week w ithout a Bitchin’ by Mike the week previously. Mike Frawley is not the anti-christ. at least I don't think he is. Lastly, the Beacon is not out to get you. It’s here to keep you honest, keep you informed, and keep you reading. That's my reality, and I’m slickin' to it. I say let the flag tly. The flag, just like the American flag, is a symbol ol our past and heritage. Should we take down the American flag because some people are offended by it? How about the flags of other states that display confederate symbols? Apparently we are to forget our history in order to please some crazed idealists. I am sick and tired of people wanting to rewrite history in order to make it politically correct. We can’t do that, but we can learn from our history and the only way to do that is to view it unedited and objectively, minus the media bias. Talking about objective—that is something I have not been all semester. I felt that the readers of this publication already were familiar with the liberal perspective, therefore 1 was compelled to reveal the other side of the story; as Rush Limbaugh wrote — reveal “the way it ought to be.” Due to time constraints and other conflicts, I will not be returning next semester to set things straight every three weeks. I have thoroughly enjoyed my tenure as a columnist and I hope that the readers of this paper enjoyed reading my column as much as I enjoyed writing them. So from the right, this is Matt Wiertel saying so long and farewell. PAGE 8