The Behrend beacon. (Erie, Pa.) 1998-current, April 01, 1999, Image 2

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    Thursday, April I, 1999 - The Behrend College Beacon - page xxvixivxxiv
Escaped mental patient stalks Behrend
by Will Jordan
editor in chief
Have you seen this man? If you
haven’t, consider yourself lucky. He
is an escapee from Western Psych
Hospital and is suspected of hiding
somewhere in Wintergreen Gorge. His
name is Royce Cleaver. He was
committed for having multiple
personality disorder. At different times
he can be the queen of England, a
transvestite named Sheryl, A 1 Capone,
Pee Wee Herman, Dr. Kevorkian, and
Shania Twain.
Cleaver was committed on April 1
of last year and he escaped on August
18. Stories around the hospital say that
one minute he would be parading
around giving orders and threating
; Only known picture Cleaver
other patients in Italian and the next
minute he would break out in song.
Cleaver recieved several treatments
of electroshock therapy. That is what
gave him the permanent part in his
hair that can be seen in the
accompanying photo.
Cleaver escaped from Western with
the aid of two other patients who
posed as orderlies. “He said that he
was going to bring back a nude
picture of Bea Arthur for me,” said
one of the patients who wished to
remain anonymous.
Cleaver is considered to be very
dangerous due to the violent nature
of his personalites A 1 Capone and Pee
Wee Herman. “He would become
very violent when someone said the
word of the day,” one orderly stated.
Reports have said that a man
H aue you seen us?
dressed as a woman had been seen
riding the EMTA into the city of Erie.
“He was wearing a white blouse,
white sweater, pink skirt, and he was
in desperate need of a shave,” said
one eyewitness. This person is
speculated to be Cleaver’s alter ego
transvestite Sheryl.
When Cleaver becomes the queen
of England, he is completely passive.
He can be seen waving to the people
passing him as he rides down the
street in a taxi. He became Dr.
Kevorkian when he was in the
hospital. He would manipulate other
patients into thinking that he could
set them “free.”
Cleaver is very unpredictable and
at times can be very violent. If you
ever see him call the proper
authorities immediately.
This is a picture of a dog licking itself
V.'- "«.X
Call Public Safety
the Bacon staff
F«y cooks needed!!!
What is your feeling on
the adult dinner theater
planned for the area
across from Logan House?
“I plan to attend frequently. Those poor
strippers need money.”
“I hate that it will be only female
strippers. Where are the
“I look forward to seeing Dean Lilley on
“Me like boobies”
“Silicion peaks as far as the eye can
___i -Ayodele Jones,l2,D.U.S
“I have finally found my calling!!!”
f— — v 4jfA .
" :ii; ll|l^M
-Joe Blow, 11,
Underwater Basket
-Natalie Gagliano, 9,
-Sarah Michelle Gellar
new director of H & SS
-Provost and Dean John
-Will Jordan, Bacon editor-in-chiel