The Behrend beacon. (Erie, Pa.) 1998-current, March 25, 1999, Image 2

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    page 2 - The Behrend College Beacon - March 25, 1999
Woodward cont. from page 1
journalism is an extremely competitive
field, too much trivial reporting is tak
ing place. He also commented that
journalists and reporters “don’t even
have a glimpse of some of the real sto
ries” that should be covered.
Woodward then answered questions
that inquisitive audience members
tossed at him. He was asked to give
his thoughts concerning Hillary Clin
ton running for Senator of New York.
He responded with just a few general
comments. He did however, offer
uniquely personal thoughts when he
was asked to comment on Oliver
Stone’s film Nixon. Woodward said
Harassment By
tions On Behrend Campus
by Jennifer Hemme
staff writer
There are nine on-going investiga
tions of harassment by communica
tions being conducted by Police and
Safety Services.
Harassment by communications re
fers to any message via telephone,
letters, and e-mail. It is a third degree
misdemeanor charge with the maxi
mum penalties of one year in prison
and a $2,500 fine for each offense.
Police and Safety has taken some
Members of NSBE set up for fashion show
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that the movie was 50% accurate and
50% pure fiction. He added that ev
eryone gets the psychoanalyst that
they deserve, and Nixon got the film
director he deserved.
Wtx>dward kept his speech interest
ing and even sprinkled it with humor
to keep the audience’s attention. He
has published seven #1 best selling
nonfiction books including All the
President's Men, which is an account
of die Watergate investigation and has
appeared on television shows such as
Larry King Live. Many students felt
that it was tut honor to listen such a
distinguished figure.
of the cases to court, already. Bill
Donahue, manager of Police and
Safety Services said, “Because of
technology, we’ve had a very good
clearance rate on these, much better
than we’ve had in past years. But,”
he adds, “they still continue to hap
Some victims have received sexu
ally harassing, profane, and name
calling messages. Some have also re
ceived messages that threatened their
safety. But Donahue says, “ one
has carried out these threats...”.
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“I thought it was really interesting.
He kept the audience’s attention, and
everything he said was well thought
out,” said Holly Ristau , 02 Chem.
“1 was surprised by his less than
subtle predilection towards support
of President Clinton. Most of what
he said seemed to be aimed at some
how justifying or defending Clinton
throughout the Clinton scandals,”
Ron Hayes, 06 Eng, commented.
“I enjoyed the speech, and I’m
thankful that Behrend gave me the
opportunity to listen to such an ac
complished journalist.” Keith
Ccrroni, 02 DUS.
He advises that if any students are
receive harassing messages, an accu
rate log of every one should be kept.
Students should also pay particular
atttention to the sound of the caller’s
voice and any background noise.
If a student receives the message
by telephone, he or she should not
bang down the receiver, converse, or
reason with the caller because this
can encourage more harassment. Tell
the caller ‘please do not call me
again’ and hang up.
by Mike Frawley
3/16/99 Student reported harassing phone calls
3/19/99 Student reported an attempted theft of fog lights off their vehicle
3/20/99 Student reported that her car had been keyed
3/20/99 Student reported that someone had gone into his room while he was at work and when
he returned his room was in shambles.
3/21/99 A non student was observed urinating on the sidewalk leading to the parking lot be
tween apartment buildings three and four. The male was arrested for disorderly conduct.
3/22/99 Student reported that his liscense plate was stolen
Rlice -Ajid Safety
R F> O R T :
Do you feel safe parking your
car on campus over night?
“Yeah because my car is not
the greatest.”
JoseOrama, 04, Hist
“Yeah, I don’t think there is a lot of crime on
“Yes, because there is nothing in my car to
Mike Kraynek, 02, Engi
“Yes, because Behrend’s a nice campus, the
majority of the people are nice, and the excep
tions wouldn’t stop me.”
“No, there is too many drunk people
runing around at night.”
Jessica Turos, 02, Psy
Sean Davis, 02, Hist
Carrie Kish, 04, Ps