The Behrend beacon. (Erie, Pa.) 1998-current, December 03, 1998, Image 3
Thurs Astronomy Open House - 7:30p.m. @ Otto Behrend Creative Writers Speakers Series - 7p.m @ Reed 117 SPC Movie: “Studio 54 ” - 10p.m. Mon All submissions for the calendar should be made available to the Beacon by s:oopm on the Monday before publication. Please send via inter-office mail to the Beacon Calendar Editor, drop it off at the Beacon office, or send it to The Beacon cannot guarantee publication of events due to space constraints. The Beacon also reserves the right to edit any material submitted for publication. The calendar is intended for Behrend notices and events. Events The Christmas Star at Penn State Erie will be seen on DEC. 3. What did the wise men actually see in the sky over Bethlehem two thousand years ago? Dr. Roger Knacke, direc tor of the School of Science at Penn State Erie, The Behrend College, will discuss theories of the star of Bethlehem on Thursday, Dec. 3 at 7:30 p.m. in the Otto Behrend Science Building. His lecture, which is free and open to the public, continues the College's 1998-99 Open House Nights in Astronomy Series. Knacke is a NASA-funded scientist who has written extensively in the fields of planetary science, interstellar matter, and star and planet formation. His presentation will consider whether the star of Bethlehem may have actually been a comet, a meteor, an exploding star, or a gathering of planets. Knacke will examine the star's description in the Bible and correlate it with astro nomical evidence to suggest plausible explanations for what the star might have been. Computer simulations of the sky over Bethlehem at the time of the birth of Jesus will be included. The level of Knacke's lecture is suit able for both children and adults. As tronomical observing sponsored by the Penn State-Behrend Astronomy Club and the Society of Physics Stu dents will follow the lecture, weather permitting. For more information about the program, please call the Penn State Erie School of Science at 898-6105. Distinguished Author Tint O’Brien will read from his selected works at Penn State Erie The Behrend College, on Thursday, December 3 at 7:00p.m. in the Reed Lecture Hall. His appear ance, which is free and open to the public , continues the Creative Writ ers Speakers Series. O’Brien's visit to Behrend coincides with the publi cation of his new novel, Tomcat in Love. A previous work, In the Lake of the Woods, was selected for hon ors by the New York Times Book Re view and Time magazine, and re ceived the 1995 Cooper Prize for His torical Fiction from the Society of American Historians. O’Brien had been praised for the “sheer brilliance” of his technique and called one of the best living American writers. The Creative Writers Series is sponsored by the Mary Behrend Cultural Fund and the Clarence Eugenie Baumann Smith Fund. For more information please call the Penn State Erie School of Humanities and Social Sciences at 814-898-6108. Friday and Saturday, DECEMBER 4TH AND STH, will be "SPIRIT DAYS" when the Women's Basketball Team will be hosting the Winter Clas sic Tournament with games at 6 and 8 p.m. Friday, and 1 and 3 p.m. Satur day. Everyone wearing their SPIRIT DAY T-Shirt will receive a free Pepsi Flu shots through the Health and Wellness Office are currently being offered to any student. The cost of the injection is only $lO.OO. Students can obtain the shot at any time, ex cept Wednesday mornings, or Friday afternoons, and are welcomed on a walk-in or appointment basis. This injection fights the respiratory flu and combats fever, chills, headache, dry cough, and muscle aches. Restric tions may apply to individuals with particular allergies, or other medical conditions. To obtain further infor- mation on this injection, please con tact the Health and Wellness Center at 898-6217. Auditions for the Studio Theatre's spring production, The Visit, a dark tale of mystery and corruption, will be held Monday, Dec. 7 from 7-9 p.m. and Tuesday, Dee. 8 from 5-7 p.m. in the Studio Theatre at Penn State Erie. There are roles for up to 15 actors of all ages. Materials for reading will be provided at auditions. Production dates are Feb. 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, and 27 at 8 p.m. and Feb. 21 and 28 at 2:30 p.m. Rehearsals will begin as soon as the new semester starts (Janu ary 12). Please have a copy of your spring schedule available at auditions. For more information call Director Tony Elliot at 898-6279. There will be a Kwanza Celebration and dinner on Sunday December 6th at 7p.m. in the Dobbins Gazebo. This is the fifth annual celebration and all are welcome photo courtesy of public relations Writer Tim O’Brien will read his work tonight in the Reed Lecture Hall. Calendar of Events Basketball (W) - P.S. Behrend Winter Classic - 6p.m./Bp.m. Bruno’s: Karaoke - 8:30p.m. Hanging of the Greens - 7p.m. Mini Concert: S.W.A.M.M.P. Band - Bp.m SPC Movie: “Studio 54 10p.m. A Tues Calendar Fridays 8 FJML Saturdays 8 P.M. & MIDNIGHT Advanced reservations only €MMJL BiOWi i g ssat5 sat Basketball (M) - P.S. Behrend Winter Classic - Ip.m./3p.m. Euchre Tournament Finals Nintendo Tournament Finals SPC Movie: "Studio 54“- 10p.m Q Wed &mmmmmm mm mm COtipOTt mm, mm mm mm mm I $1 OFF STUDENT ADMISSION I l» mmmmwmm COUpOtl ■mm mm wmm mm mm -ft ROADHOUSE THEATRE 145 W- 1 lUi St. Box Office Phono 4SS-SASA v*®SET^ PH .899-9012 3516 BUFF. ROAD WESLEYVILLE THE VERY BEST PIZZA & WINGS COLDEST BEER! GREAT FOOO WING .25 EACH PIZZA LG.6.75 SM. 2.60 TACO’S WED. 3/1.50 TACO PIZZA LG. $7 SM. NEW TACO FRIES $1.60 16.0 z DRAFT ALWAYS $1 RED DOG 12.0 z BTL. $l. ALWAYS THUR. PONYS 3/2.00 FRI. SAT. 16oz BUD 1.35 8-12 “SOMETIME YOU NEED A LITTLE ALIBI” Thursday, December 3, 1998 - The Belirend College Beacon - pa, UVION STAGE II! ' .;gavp BJM*® 11 ' cmn*t conf&MiS FOR ANY MIDNIGHT SHOW A Sun Kwanzaa Celebration and Dinner - 7p.m. Dobbins Gazebo Catholic Mass - Bp.m. Reed Comm SPC Movie: “Studio 54 ” - 9p.m. 10 Thurs