The Behrend beacon. (Erie, Pa.) 1998-current, November 12, 1998, Image 4

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    page 4- The Behrend College Beacon. Thursday, November 12 , 1998
The Behrend College Beacon
published weekly b\ the students of Penn State Erie, The Behrend College
News Kditor
Will Jmihw
Photography Editor
Audicii /aljino
Associate Editor
Mark Creenbank
Business Manager
Jitime Dans
Robert S/htl
Jim () 'l.auyhltn
Postal Information
Thu Heacon is
published weekly by the students of
Penn State Erie. The Behrend
College; First Floor, The .1. Elmer
Reed Union Building. Station Road,
Erie, PA 16563. The Heacon ean be
reaehed by calling (814) 898-6488 or
(814) 898-6019 (FAX). ISSN 1071-
A view from the lighthouse
Goo Goo Dolls concert
a success
Monday night's Goo Goo Dolls
concert seems to have been a success
in many different ways. The concert
was sold out, and most agree that it
was a good show'.
Although it costs a great deal to
bring a band of this caliber to Be
hrend. it was well worth it. Partici
pation from the student body, usually
a problem, was high for this concert.
Bchrend also received a good deal of
local attention from radio stations and
other media. Any event that excited
the students as much as this concert
is worth repealing. It raises school
spirit and student participation. It also
gives students reassurance that their
students activity fee money is going
toward something that they are inter-
ested in
Putting this concert together re
quired a lot of work and time on the
Good medicine
includes safe abortions
By Douglas W. Lauhe
Special to Newstlay
The murder of Dr. Barnett Slepian
has east an ominous shadow over phy
sicians and other health-care workers
who provide legal abortion services.
Undoubtedly, that's one goal of the
sniper who shot the Bultalo obstetri
cian in his kitchen two weeks ago. But
this act of terrorism is also an attack
on our nation's women and their right
to choose what is best lor them.
Historically, American women
have been at a disadvantage. Fortu
nately, our nation has finally taken
great strides to redress that imbalance.
Although reproductive choice is not the
sole marker of social equity, it repre
sents a significant part of women’s abil
ity to make decisions for themselves.
To ensure that women don’t lose
ground, there must be a cadre ot health
care providers willing to support
women's reproductive lights.
While it is true that the number of
abortions has declined steadily since
1980. it is also true that the number of
health-care providers who oiler abor
tion services has declined even more
rapidly. This disproportion threatens
women directly. Available data sug
gests that only one in six resident phy
sicians in family medicine had clinical
experience providing first-trimester
abortions. Only 5 percent of these resi
dents will provide abortion services
once they establish their own medical
A recent nationwide survey ol ob
stetrics-and-gynecology residents oi
lers even more compelling evidence of
their reluctance to offer abortion ser
vices. Alter all. about 90 percent of the
physicians who provide abortion ser
vices in this country are obstetrician
gynecologists. It is very important for
this group to bolster the diminishing
ranks of legal abortion providers.
Currently, all U.S. residency train
ing programs are required to make
abortion techniques available lor any
one who wants to learn them. The in-
struction is voluntary, not a require
ment. In a survey of about 4.5(H) resi
dent physicians in training, a third have
availed themselves ol this training, and
Editor in Chief
Anne Rajatie
Managing Editor
Avndele Jones
Features Editor
Jan Stubbs
Sports Editor
Jason Snyder
Layout Editors
Mike Perkins
Rase Forrest
Advertising Managers
Carey Smith
teller Pali
encourages letters to the editor.
Letters should include the address,
phone number, semester standing and
major of the writer. Writers can mail
their letters to behrcoll2(
Letters must be received no later than
spnt Tuesday for inclusion in that
week’s issue.
part of the Office of Student Activi
ties. Also, many students worked or
volunteered at the concert. All those
who participated should he congratu
lated on the success of the event.
While shows of this type are prob
ably only possible once a year, this is
an activity that should definitely be
continued. It is an excellent way to
raise participation m other events on
campus and attract positive attention
to Behind..,, ~ ,
about the same number have said that
they would provide abortion services
in their future practices. Of those who
plan not to provide abortion services,
three-quarters stated that they would
not do so because of personal beliets.
On the other hand, the prospect of
successful medical abortions - that is,
abortions done by prescription drugs
like the RU-486 pill - almost doubles
the rate of resident physician:- » train
ing who say that they would offer these
services to patients. One wonders
whether the relative ease of writing pre
scriptions as opposed to doing a minor
surgical procedure is the reason lor this
change in altitude.
Certainly there is less stigma at
tached to giving prescriptions than per
forming an oil ice surgical procedure.
And, at least in most areas, it can be
done more privately than a purposeful
surgical intervention. But that shows
that their unwillingness to perlorm the
procedure is not necessarily based on
moral principal. And with some en
couragement, perhaps more physicians
would offer women this important ser-
But the question remains: With
out a cadre of physicians adequately
trained in abortion techniques, will the
increasing threats of terrorism curtail
oup current environment of sale, legal
The Ordinary College Student
A return to the Eighties
People say that things lend to co ,V| e
back around again. It seems to me
that the 1980 s are trying to come back
in some way. Obviously the 'Bo* will
never be back in full force, but cer
tain aspects have been popping back
up recently.
The biggest one that comes to mind
immediately is The Phantom Menace.
For those of you who aren't fully
aware, and shame on you for not
knowing, The Phantom Menace is the
title of the new Star Wars prequel
movie. While the original Star Wars
trilogy was popular in the late 1970 s
through the early 1980 s, it was still
around long enough for many of us
to remember. Personally, I was ex
cited when the action figures were re
released a couple of years ago. Un
fortunately. I was sucked into this
marketing gimmick and bought far
too many of the same figures I origi
The Beacon
Live from Guyana
For the holidays:
The holiday season is quickly ap
proaching and like many, I am anx
ious to return home. These holidays
provide an opportunity for students to
spend time with loved ones and not
so loved ones in an atmosphere of
food, happiness anil giving.
When November comes around,
students are eagerly counting down
the days that are left in the semester,
except me. Oh don't get me wrong. I
love to go home as much as the next
guy or gal but I just hate, rather I dis
dain or maybe even better I loathe and
abhor (did I say hale already I, the way
in which I have to net there.
Unlike you lucky students who live
aeouple of miles from good ole' Penn
State Bchrend. 1 live in New York
..City, vyhich is an eight hour drive one
way, I am unable to drive this route
(because 1 don t know how lo drive)
so I must resort to an alternate means
■l' transportation -- Greyhound or
Anitraek. While the drive is only
eight hours long, on C ires hound and
Anitraek, my trip home is lengthened
to a journey which lasts ten to twelve
hours, I know. 1 know, this is the sea
son to he thankful lor till that is given
to us hut there is just no way that I
can give thanks, when I've been
clutching my poeketbook for twelve
hours from the guy who looks like
Slick Willie on last night's episode ol
America’s Most Wanted.
Before 1 plunge into a dark abyss
and describe to you the "colorful" and
reproductive choice?
Following the murder of Slepian
in Amherst, N.Y., it is understandable
that fewer physicians in training w'ould
want to provide abortion services. But
training in this technique must be main
tained as an option for obstetrics and
gynecology residents-in-training. The
reasons for this go well beyond reli
gious or moral arguments. It is an ethi
cal obligation to be lair to more than
half of our nation's population.
We must not return American
women to the back-alley days ot ille
gal abortion when rates ol mortality
and morbidity were unconscionably
high. We don't have to look too far to
see what that means. Today, abortion
is almost universally illegal in Central
and South America, where death rates
attributed to pregnancy complications
nally had. So yes, Star Wars mania
will beg'n again this coming summer.
Anotk r more timely event is the
exciting victory of former profes
sional wrestler, governor elect Jesse
“The Body" Ventura, in Minnesota.
I’m sure many of us remember the
good old days of professional wres
tling, before Hulk Hogan starred in
Thunder in Paradise , and joined the
WCW looking like the poster child for
skin cancer and tanning beds around
the world. Good old Jesse “The
Body”, who cleaned up his act a bit
by losing the feather boa, and quit
battling it out with the likes of King
Kong Bundy, Jake the Snake anil The
American Dream will take over the
governor's seat in Minnesota. Sup
posedly lie's now calling himselt
Jesse "The Mind" Ventura. Whatever,
t’!! always remember him as the to
bacco chew ing commando in Preda-
“unique” characters that ride “da bus"
let me explain why I must resort to
this enchanting form of transporta
tion. There is only one train that runs
daily from Erie to New York and it
leaves at 5:45 a.m. I don’t know
about you but I have a rough time
waking up in the middle ol the morn
ing to go and catch a train, case in
point this is why 1 travel by Grey
hound. Greyhound offers greater
But be encouraged, you can soon receive a break from
your post if you decide to retreat to one ot the lovely
bus stops which provide a wide array of four course
meals, in other words beef jerky, Doritos and a can of
flexibility in terms of arrival and de
parture times and you can practically
leave from the Erie bus station en
route to New York City on at least five
different times during the day. Don't
get me wrong, this is not a paid ad
vertisement for Greyhound or any
thing 1 am just pointing out the only
benefit that Greyhound does possess.
One should feel a sense of regard
and honor because Greyhound is not
only popular among college students,
but it somehow manages to attract all
levels of society even the guy (with
one tooth) who has been smiling at
you for the past 534 miles. Don’t
worry, if that’s not enough to run a
(such as bleeding or infection) are be
tween 10 anil 20 times higher than ours.
Roughly a quarter of these deaths are
a result of illegal abortions.
Therefore, it is not only our social
responsibility to ensure that there are
physicians trained in this legal proce
dure but also our responsibility to pro
vide these services in a safe environ
ment. To go back to the dark ages of
medical practice would threaten the
lives of American women. For it is they
who are ultimately the target of the
assassin who shot Slepian. We doctors
must not forsake them.
Laube is chairman of the Department
of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Medical School. The views in this ar
ticle are his own.
tor and the Captain America wanna
be in The Running Man.
Last year seemed like it was the
year of ’Bos movies. With films like
Giosse Point Blank, and the Wedding
Singer, songs and music from the
1980 s underwent a rebirth. Why is it
that songs from the strangest decade
are so popular ? All it is is just a bunch
of lyrics that don't make sense and
repetitive sounds from a keyboard. I
guess that’s why in today’s era of
complex moody and emotional mu
sic those simpler tunes sound so good.
Thankfully, most of the wacked-out
manner of dressing has not come back
into popularity. 1 don't think anybody
would appreciate seeing some of
those eyesore costumes again. It’s so
much simpler to just throw on a pair
of jeans, a t-shirt, and some shoes and
not have to worry about running out
of glint i m cover myself in, or using
go Greyhound?
chill down your spine the bus driver
will probably turn up the air condi
tioning, so that the temperature on the
bus is a nice cool and "comfy” thirty
two degrees. If the situation arises in
which you should be squeezed into the
corner window because your "next
door” companion decided to bring his/
her entire life's possessions, please do
not worry. The gook (crumbs) in the
corner is only the remainder ol little
Johnny’s lunch, so there is no cause
for alarm. Greyhound has a policy of
only removing items which have fully
passed their disgusting stage, so your
still safe.
As if you don’t have enough to be
concerned about, you also have to
make sure that your luggage is not
"accidentally” left at the wrong ter
minal or that someone or something
does not "mistake” your luggage for
their own. But be encouraged, you
can soon receive a break from your
post if you decide to retreat to one of
the lovely bus stops which provide a
wide array of four course meals, in
other words beef jerky, Doritos and a
Letter to the Editor
Community member expresses concern
about planned Gateway facility
Dear Editor:
Eight Facts Why: NO TO GATE
8. Inmates verbally assaulted a
woman while she was walking by
Gateway. She called from the nearby
store for a ride home so inmates
would not see where she lived. She
was afraid of being raped.
7. Police are called about every other
week for a Gateway incident.
6. Police arc posted in the Neighbor
hood following an escape. Inmates
escape frequently.
5. An inmate was gone lor 3 hours,
he lost his behavioral Gateway
points for the day. He told them he
was lost.
4. Inmates WALK by themselves to
local businesses to work and find
3. At the Neighborhood monthly
meeting a prisoner confessed that the
inmates talk about breaking into the
homes near the Gateway facility.
Gateway permits no inmates at the
meetings now.
three cans of colored hair spray be
fore going out ol the house.
I'm sure some ol us appreciate the
reruns ol decade old cartoons on Car
toon Network. It was great to see
slums like the Thundereats and
Roboteeh again, and reali/e how
cheesy they really were. Too bad they
don't air shows like Silver Hawks.
Transformers, and the Co Hals.
Hopefully they'll start them up again
I liked the eighties and all that went
on. Well, almost everything. Even
though I didn't fully understand all
that went on and still don't. I'm glad
that certain aspects of my childhood
remain and are being renewed.
Greenbank is the associate editor of
the Reaeon. His column appears cl -
en three w eeks
ean of soda. After carbo-loading and
regaining some of your energy you are
ready to hit the road, only to find that
somebody's kid has decided that your
seat is their new place of residence.
Being the kind person that you are,
you politely inform the parent of the
matter hand, only to hear "don't tell
me how to raise my child.'
As you pull into your final destina
tion, your spirit begins to soar as the
color returns to your lace ( several
hours of re-circulated air can have a
very debilitating effect on human
skin) and you reali/e that you are fi
nally home. After removing your gar
bage (as any law abiding Greyhound
traveller would) and checking the seal
to make sure you didn't leave any
thing behind you gratefully leave the
coach. You see the bright smiles of
your loved ones wailing lor you at the
gate and you quickly grab your lug
gage only to find that the handle has
been broken by the ever courteous
baggage handlers. But what do you
cure, you don't have to sink into the
underworld of travel lor another lour
whole days, and if there's a god
maybe Uncle Oliver can drive you
back to school, but don't forget the
15 c / cancellation fee.
Jones is managing editor of the dea
con. Her column appears every three
2. Shots were fired in the’Gateway
parking lot when an inmate escaped.
1. The children wait with and are put
on the school bus by a security guard.
These residents near the Pittsburgh
Gateway facility would like it to be
moved. The above information
came from their local paper and the
residents. They are afraid of public
ity because their homes will decrease
in value. One resident stated. If your
contract with the State Department
was worth hundreds of thousands of
dollars or even millions over the
years all that currency is not worth
the lost of life, a dismemberment, a
rape, or other heinous crimes. The
people in this community are pris
oners in their homes. They MUST
have burglar systems, guards, and
special police response for their
safety. Come to the Harborcreek
Municipal Building on Nov. 17th at
7 PM. Show Gateway we do not
want their inmates in the old Kanty
Prep building. These inmates will
threaten the salety of Behrcnd stu
Cindy Carlson
Wcsleyville resident