page 4- The Behrend College Beacon. Thursday, November 5, 1998 The Behrend College Beacon published weekly by the students of Penn State Erie, The Behrend College News Editor Will Jordan Photography Editor Andrea Txttfino Associate Editor Mark Greenbank Business Manager Jamie Davis Advisors Robert Speel Jim O'ljntphhn The Beacon is published weekly by the students of Penn State Erie, The Behrend College; First Floor, The J. Elmer Reed Union Building. Station Road, Erie, PA 16563, The Beacon can be reached by calling (8 14) 898-6488 or (814) 898-6019 (FAX). ISSN 1071- 9288. :il Information A view from the lighthouse Proposed rehab center should win appeal The Gateway Program, a rehabilitation program for people who have been in prison, is appeal ing a decision by Harborcreek town ship to revoke their zoning certificate. Gateway had planned to open a facility on 38th Street, in close proximity to Behrend. Many citizens in the community are concerned that a rehabilitation center for former pris oners might be opening near their homes. Many have been vehemently fighting Gateway and are prepared to take them to court if Gateway wins their appeal. All of the people in the Gateway Program are residents of Erie. They have not committed mur der, sexual offenses, or arson. In similar facilities elsewhere in Penn sylvania, there have been no prob lems with the participants in the pro grams. The citizens who ate con cerned about the possibility of a re hab center near their neighborhood British Wrong on Pinochet Release By Marguerite Feitlowitz Special to Newsday Current photos of Augusto Pinochet depict him as the very es sence of a major British gentleman: white-haired, rosy-cheeked and regal in luxuriously sober civilian suits. He has praised London for its “civility” and "respect for rules.” For close to 20 years he has taken tea with Mar garet Thatcher, who declared the general’s recent arrest in her capital “outrageous.” The British High Court Wednesday ordered the release of the former Chilean dictator on the grounds that, as a former head of state, he has im- munity from prosecution in the United Kingdom. This decision, mis guided both legally and morally, ought to be over turned on appeal. Pinochet did not always look so refined as his current photos show; nor did he speak with such modera tion. Lest we forget, Pinochet was arrested in London for his brutality. Here is but one telling scene based on secret recordings made during the Chilean coup on Sept. 11, 1973 (first pub lished in Chile, then reported by John Lee Anderson in The New Yorker). As his troops stormed the presiden tial palace, Pinochet received word that President Salvador Allende wanted to negotiate. “The offer to take him out of the country is main tained ... but the plane falls, old boy, when it’s in (light,” Pinochet’s next in-command is heard to laugh. When, a few hours later, Pinochet learns that Allende has killed himself, he is vexed over what to do with his corpse: "Boy, even dying this guy caused problems!” Pinochet wanted his opponents lit erally to vanish. Over the 17 years of his dictatorship, more than 3,000 in- Editor in Chief Anne Rnjotle Managing Editor Avotlele Jones Features Editor Jon Stubbs Sports Editor Jason Snyder Layout Editor Mike Perkins Rose Forest Advertising Manager Erin Ftlini’er Carev Smith encourages letters to the editor. Letters should include the address, phone number, semester standing and major of the writer. Writers can mail their letters to Letters must be received no later than spm Tuesday for inclusion in that week’s issue. have a legitimate viewpoint. How ever. they are also taking a not-in-my backyard attitude. The rehab center has to go somewhere, and to Gate way, this is the best place. All of the participants will be Erie residents; the Department of Corrections is not bringing in convicted criminals from all over the state. The Gateway Program also has people involved with work re lease in their program. Why shouldn’t Erie be responsible for re integrating former prisoners into so ciety? Those in this program need assistance before returning to society. dividuals would be kidnapped, tor tured and made to disappear in an enormous program of state terror; much of it conducted out in the open. In 1986, a military patrol doused stu dent demonstrators with gasoline and set them on fire. The officer in charge was tried and convicted, but only for “denying first aid.” In exchange for a democratic transition in 1990, Pinochet got a blanket amnesty for any crimes committed during his rule. Fewer than 30 men have ever been tried in Chile for their participation in the atrocities. The overwhelming worldwide sup port for Pinochet’s arrest; for geno cide, torture and terrorism under Spanish statutes; marks an important moment in international law. Baltasar Garzon, the Spanish investigating magistrate who wants Pinochet to stand trial for the murder and torture of Spanish citizens during his reign, bases his extradition order on human rights conventions holding that cer tain atrocities (including the charges in question) are crimes against hu manity. Such crimes are defined by the 1946 Nuremberg Principles. They can be tried at any time, in any place. Historically, the application rate of these conventions has been .dismal, their force having been vitiated by is sues of sovereignty and realpolitik. The Spanish prosecution is an attempt to move into a new era. Garzon cites no fewer than nine human-rights con ventions. But his case also derives from Spanish law, which underwent major modernization after the death of dictator Francisco Franco. The Spanish penal code declares both ter rorism and torture “universal crimes.” The Spanish constitution forbids am nesties of the type given to Pinochet. The most innovative feature of the Spanish case stems from the charge of genocide, defined in the 1948 Con vention as systematic acts intended One flew over the albatross ’ nest Republican actions cause Democrat victory at polls Tuesday’s elections were not what most people suggested they were go ing to be. There were predictions of the Republicans gaining eight to ten seats in the House of Representatives. However, the Republicans actually lost seats. Candidates supported by the Christian Right lost races through out the country. The prediction by Republicans of President Clinton’s effect on Demo cratic candidates were dismally wrong. Despite the fact that Clinton’s approval ratings have maintained a high percentage and the majority of the American people don’t want Clinton impeached, Republicans still expected a reaction against him by the voters. The Beacon The Behrend Review Campaign finance needed Thank God it’s over! With the election having taken place two days ago, we will see no more television campaign ads until at least next March or April. I don’t know about you but every time 1 see another campaign ad, with a candidate proclaiming that he or she is for jobs, schools, and lower taxes, with warm fuzzy music in the background, I feel like I’m going to vomit. However in this era of capital intensive campaigns, which ever can didate runs the most ads, digs up the most dirt on his or her opponent, and spends the most money will probably wun the election, regardless of whether or not they are the most quali fied candidate for the job. In 1952 when General Dwight Eisenhower was running for presi dent, he became the first candidate to fully utilize television as an influen tial campaign tool. While his oppo nent Adlai Stevenson ran television ads which feature him sitting in front of a fire place discussing his views on the important issues of the day, Eisenhower’s ads merely had the jingle of “I like Ike! You like Ike! Everyone likes Ike!”. The big differ ence between the two is that Stevenson’s ads were long and bor- “to destroy, in whole or in part, a na tional, ethnic, racial or religious group.” Under Pinochet, “subversives,” “leftists” and “com munists,” were officially defined as “alien” and targeted for elimination. So Garzon is accusing Chile. (Garzon also accuses Argentina, in a parallel investigation, of “auto-genocide,” a term coined in a 1994 UN Report on the Khmer Rouge massacre of fellow Cambodians.) "Genocide has attained its moder nity, that’s what this argument is about,” I was told by Carlos Castresana, the lead prosecutor for Spain’s case against Argentina. “More and more, it is the very repres sor who ‘organizes’ and ‘defines’ the (persecuted) group. The enemy is a construct of the repressor’s mind (rather than an ethnic, religious or racial group).” Support for this view comes from the genocide conviction handed down last summer by the UN ad hoc tribu nal on Rwanda, in which the Convention’s reach was extended to include rape. Garzon has formidable adversaries at home, including Attorney General Jesus Cardenal and Eduardo Fungairino, chief prosecutor of the National Court. Fungairino publicly defended the Chilean and Argentine dictatorships as a “necessary interrup tion in civilian institutions, so that peace could be restored.” For that statement, Parliament nearly im peached him last spring He and Cardenal have softened their rheto ric, but not their positions. In an interview with me last sum mer, Fungairino expressed frustration Editorial Voters seemed to want the focus on real issues rather that the sexual life of our president. Newt Gingrich said on the Today Show Wednesday morning that it is the media, not the Republicans, who are obsessed with the Monica Lewinsky scandal. However, im peachment proceedings are now un derway due to a very large majority of the Republicans voting for them. Though Pennsylvania was not one of the states that benefited from the support for Democrats - we retained our Republican governor, senator, and representative- voters throughout the country have said what the polls have been saying. Voters like Clinton for today’s ing, and Eisenhower’s ads were short and entertaining. Now don’t get the idea the “I like Ike!” ads alone lead to Eisenhower’s landslide victory, but they did demonstrate the power that television has over people. The 1952 Presidential election was a major turning point in American politics. From there after any candi date seeking election to major office would need to utilize the media for all its worth. This meant television campaign ads. And television cam paign ads cost a lot of money. So can didates not born into wealthy fami lies would need to raise money any way they could even if it was not ethi cally or morally right. An example of this is the 1972 reelection campaign of President Richard Nixon. The Committee to Re-Elect the President, or CREEP, spent an all-time record of $65 million, some of it illegally, to reelect Nixon. If adjusted for infla tion that would be well over $lOO million today which would still be an all-time record. Following the 1972 election, Con gress passed a campaign finance re form law. Under the law there were five major points: I. Limits were placed on how much any individual with the notion of crimes against hu manity. “The whole concept is vague,” he said. “We know what is murder, or car theft or rape. But what is a crime against humanity?” He contends Spain has no jurisdiction in the case against Pinochet because the crimes were not committed on Span ish soil. A special nine-judge panel of the Spanish National Court will vote on whether to uphold Garzon’s extradi tion order. They should not be swayed by the lamentable decision in Lon as president, and they don’t like Re publicans trying to impeach their president. They also don’t appreciate the push of Republican family values, which could explain the loss of so many of the Religious Right supported candi dates. The unacceptable investigation of Bill Clinton’s life has gone too far in many voters’ eyes. Whether they agree with Clinton’s moral decisions, and polls show that they do not, vot ers realize that his personal choices have not affected his ability to do what he was elected to do. Voters sent a message on Tuesday. It is a wasteful and counterproduc tive thing to consume the reform or interest group could contribute to any campaign or candidate. A $lOOO.OO limit for individuals and a $5000.00 limit for interest groups. 2. Any party that received more than 25% of the vote in the last presiden tial election would receive full public financing in the next presidential elec tion. And also any parties that re ceived between 5%-25% of the vote in the last presidential election would be partially reimbursed after the elec tion and receive partial public financ ing for the next election. 3. Limits were placed on the overall spending for Congressional campaigns. 4. Limits were placed on Candidate self financing. 5. Limits were placed on spending allowed by so-called “inde pendent” groups that were not offi cially connected which a campaign or a candidate. Unfortunately though in Buckley v. Valeo (1976) the Supreme Court ruled points 3,4, & 5 of this campaign fi nance reform law unconstitutional. While the Court ruled that points 1 & 2 were constitutional, it was of the opinion that points 3,4, & 5 violated the First Amendment Right to free speech. While the opinion of the Supreme don. As they review the briefs and evidence, they should consider that France, Germany, Italy and Sweden are also prosecuting on behalf of their respective nationals “disappeared” during Latin America’s Dirty Wars. They should remember also that if they are to be effective, human rights conventions must be rigorously inter preted, revised and extended in light of the moral imperatives of unim peachable evidence. And as they weigh Chile’s com government’s time attempting to im peach a president that the majority of Americans want to see finish his term. Voters are concerned with is sues that affect them directly: educa tion, taxes and Social Security. Americans are smarter than the Re publicans took them for. Whether they like Clinton’s personal morals or not, they voted for the party that pro vided them with a president they can count on to run their country. Rajotte is the editor in chief of the Beacon. Her editorial appears every three weeks politics Court in Buckley v. Valeo (1976) was legally accurate, it was never the less the wrong decision. By this ruling the Supreme Court opened American politicians up to the exploitation of those who finance there political cam paigns. And thus unwittingly sold American politicians out to the spe cial interests. The only way to correct this grave error by the Supreme Court is to im mediately pass a Constitutional Amendment on campaign financing. Any proposed Constitutional Amend ment of campaign financing should include all the previous points the Supreme Court ruled unconstitutional in Buckley v. Valeo (1976), provisions against donations by foreign nation als or governments, and most impor tantly, a time limit on how soon cam paigning could begin prior to an elec tion. Unfortunately though since any such Amendment would probably drastically change the political estab lishment, significantly decrease the amount of influence of the special interest groups, and dry up the money; it will most likely never happen. Testrake is a junior majoring in po litical science. His column appears evety three weeks in the Beacon. 'plaint of “judicial harassment,” they should heed their own prosecutor, Carlos Castresana, who told me this: “(These trials against Chile and Ar gentina) are an offering from one court of law tothe victims of repres sions who have been unable to find justice in their own countries. It is from Spain to Chile, not Spain against Chile. Our emphasis is on the future. To all those who would commit atrocities we say: ‘There will be no safe haven, no place for you to hide.’ </*'
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