p Thurs SPC Movie: “The Mask ofZorro ” - 10p.m Mon ive Band, Goo Goo Dolls, 7p.m. Erie Hall All submissions for the calendar should be made available to the Beacon by s:oopm on the Monday before publication. Please send via inter-office mail to the Beacon Calendar Editor, drop it off at the Beacon office, or send it to BEHRCOLL3@aoI.com. The Beacon cannot guarantee publication of events clue to space constraints. The Beacon also reserves the right to edit any material submitted for publication. The calendar is intended for Belircnd notices and events IdMslilfcl The Office of Catholic Campus Min istry invites all to attend their weekly Catholic mass every Sunday at 8:00 p.m. in the Reed Commons. Nov. 6,7, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 at 8 p.m. and Nov. 8 and 15 at 2:30 p.m. Crimes of the Heart is the Pulitzer Prize-winning play that established playwright Beth Henley as a major voice in the theatre. Tony Elliot, in structor in theatre at Penn State Erie, is directing the production. Set en tirely in the kitchen of the Magrath home in Hazelhurst, Mississippi, the play examines the lives and loves of the three sisters: Lenny, who at 30 is the oldest; Meg, 27, the middle sis ter; and Babe, 24, the youngest. As the town looks on, Lenny does her best to hold the family together, in spite of destructive and even homi cidal tendencies of her younger sis ters. The production includes six Penn Stale Erie students: Jamie Lojewski. a sophomore liberal arts major from Erie plays the oldest sis ter, Lenny; Amanda Pieper, an under graduate studies freshman from Lake City is Meg, the middle sister; and Nadia Drozda, an undergraduate stud ies freshman from Pittsburgh, is Babe, the youngest. Rounding out the cast is Jessica Dows, a freshman science major from Edinboro, who plays the sisters’ cousin, Chick; Dallas Skeens, a sophomore liberal arts major from Erie, who plays Doc, Meg’s old boy-, friend; and Josh Iszkula of Lake City, who plays Babe’s lawyer, Barnette. Tickets for the production are $3 for students and $5 for general admission. To make reservations, please call the Studio Theatre box office at (814) 898-6016. The Communications Club will hold a panel discussion with previous Penn State Behrend Graduates to talk about job opportunities, relevant courses they took here, and other helpful tips. This meeting will take place Tuesday, November 10th at 7:00p.m. in the Reed Commons. For further infor mation contact Lori Viola at 898- 6692. Nationally known stock market ana lyst, Ralph Acampora, will speak here at Behrend on Thursday, November 12 at 7:30 p.m. in the Reed Lecture Hall. Acampora has been the direc tor of Technical Analysis at Pruden tial Securities since 1990. His pre sentation is entitled "Elves, Bulls, and Bears.” Acampora is a regular panel ist on the television show. Wall Street Week with Louis Rukeyser, and is of ten consulted for his opinion by the Wall Street Journal, Barron's , Busi ness Week and the USA Today. He has appeared on the NBC Nightly News, CNBC, CNN, CNN-FN and other business stations. For more in formation please contact the switch board at 898-6000. The Logan Wintergarden Series will continue with a performance by An die Musik, a world-class chamber music ensemble of strings, oboe, and piano, on Thurs day. Nov. 12 at Penn State Erie, The Behrend College. Guests are invited to bring a brown-bag lunch to the noontime concert, which takes place in the Wintergarden of the Reed Union Building. All perfor mances in the Logan Series are free and open to the public. An die Musik draws its name from "To Music," Schubert's composition in praise of song. The group, formed in 1976 by pianist Constance Emmerich and vio linist Eliot Chapo, now includes Emmerich and violinist Frank Al mond, cellist Daniel Rothmuller, vio list Richard Brice, and oboist Ronald Roseman. Its unusual combination of instruments allows the ensemble to explore a vast range and variety of classical, romantic, and contemporary music unmatched by more tradition ally-configured ensembles. Music at Noon: The Logan Wintergarden Se ries at Penn State Erie brings world class musicians to the college to per form in an informal setting. The se ries is made possible through a grant from the Harry A. Logan, Jr. Founda tion. For more information, please contact the Penn State Erie Office of Student Activities at (814) 898-6171. Flu shots through the Health and Wellness Office arc currently being of fered to any student. The cost of the injection is only $lO.OO. Students can obtain the shot at any time, except Wednesday mornings, or Friday after noons, and are welcomed on a walk in or appointment basis. This injec tion fights the respiratory flu and com bats fever, chills, headache, dry cough, and muscle aches. Restrictions may apply to individuals with particular al lergies, or other medical conditions. To obtain further information on this injection, please contact the Health and Wellness Center at 898-6217. The Office of Police and Safety the Alpha Sigma Alpha sorority and Omnicron Delta Kappa are continu ing their yearlong clothing drive to benefit those in need. The groups will continue to collect items through Fri day, November 13. The organizations seek men’s, women’s and children’s clothing in good condition. Blankets, sleeping bags, toys for children, brand new sealed toothbrushes, and boxed or bagged diapers are needed as well. The items collected will be distributed Saturday, December 5 at Shiloh Bap tist Church on a first come, first served basis. Boxed or bagged items may be dropped off at the Police and Safety Office, or at the John F. Kennedy Cen ter, 2021 East 20th Street, Shiloh Bap tist Church, 901 East sth Street, and Booker T. Washington Center, 1720 Holland Street. Calendar of Events 6 “ Bruno’s: Circle Six, Band - 8:30p.m. Fall Play: Crimes of the Heart IM Deadline: Bowling - 4p.m. SPC Movie: “The Mask ofZorro 10p.m 10 Tues Fall Play: Crimes of the Heart Nationally known stock market analyst, Ralph Acampora will , _ speak here at Behrend on Thursday November 12 at 730 Members of Della S ' 9ma P ' s,and ,ron ! °' ' he ' r I™, p.m. in the Reed Lecture Hall. His presentation is entitled painlin9 duri " 9 Honlecommg ' rheir wlndow won ~rS’ P " 2e “Elves, Bulls, and Bears.” Calendar Sat Fall Play: Crimes of the Heart IM Bowling Tournament Bruno’s: Hypnotist, Mark Pittman - 8:30p.m SPC Movie: “The Mask of Zorro“- 10p.m. 11 wed Fall Play: Crimes of the Heart INK THE LOGAN WINTERGARDEN SERIES Thursday, November 5 , / 998 AIM I*l H MI Slk THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12 BRING YOUR LUNCH TO Till PLNN STATE BEHREND WINTLRGARDI N AND ENjOY WORLD CIASS PERU. )R.\\ANCI 5 IN AN INFORMAL SETTING. ADXUSSk >\ IS I Kl I pennState The Behrend College Beacon - page 3 A Sun Fall Play: Crimes of the Heart SPC Movie: “ The Mask of Zorro ” 9p.m. 12 Thurs Fall Play: Crimes of the Heart Logan Series: An Die Musik - 12p.m. in Wintergarden Speaker: Ralph Acampora - 7:30 Reed Lecture Hall SPC Movie: “Mafia ” - 10p.m. Erie photo by John Davis The Behrend College
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