page 2 - The Behrend College Beacon - October 29,1998 Group effort for Halloween Bash By Rose Forrest layout editor Many organizations at Be hrend have gotten together to throw the First Annual Hallow een Bash. The event will be held on Friday, October 30, and run from 9:30 till 12. There is a donation of $2 or two cans the week before and $3 or three cans at the door. All proceeds will benefit the city mission and tickets can be purchased all week in front of Bruno’s cafe. Plenty of entertainment and free refreshments will be pro vided. The event will be DJayed and there will be games and prizes, including one for best costume. Ideas such as a pumpkin carving contest are being kicked around. One definite ac tivity planned is a maze that students can walk through wearing alcohol The musical sun The sun’s musical ability was discussed at Thursday's Astronomy Open House By Sarah Edwards staff writer “The sun is playing music" was one of the topics Dr. James LoPresto. professor of physics and technology at Edinboro University, discussed in his presentation entitled “Sunspots, Sunquakes, Solar Tornadoes, and Neutrinos.” This presentation was one part of the Penn State Behrend Astronomy Series which took place on October 22 at 7:30 in the Otto Behrend Science Building. The sun can play music. That is what the new study of Helioseismology predicts. Dr. LoPresto stated that Helioseismology allows you to watch the sun shake and vibrate. Tues is El Remember to cast your vote simulation goggles to make things in- teresting One purpose of this bash is alcohol awareness. Carrie Runski from Panhellenic Council explains, “it is a Halloween get together where there is From these actions scientists can in fer that the sun is actually playing acoustical music in its interior. In side the sun there arc over ten mil lion modes or notes used to make vi brations. Scientists involved with Helioseismology say that they can determine what is going on inside the sun from the vibrations [music] the sun plays. Dr. LoPresto says that another part of the sun. known as sunspots, are one of the easiest facets of solar activity to see on the sun. These sunspots oc cur on the sun when there are strong magnetic fields. Each granulation or sunspot is about the size of Alaska. In the last part of the discussion. Dr. LoPresto gave a quick descrip tion of sunquakes and solar torna- day, ection November 3 Day! no alcohol present to show students that they can have a good time with out being intoxicated." Behrend Health and Wellness di rector Patty Pasky McMahon is in charge of the bash. Besides sponsor ing an alcohol awareness activity, the organiza tions involved hope to provide a fun and inter esting countdown to cel ebrate Halloween. Karl Gressely, President of Commuter Council, a group actively involved, exclaims, “hey, its a chance to show off your costume. You can win money too." The Com- muter Council also ' wants to remind students that all pro ceeds benefit charity. does. He said that the energy re leased from a sunquake could power the USA for 20 years. The sunquake erupts with a force of at least 11.3 on the Richter scale. Solar torna does on the sun are big swirls of gas. They whirl at 313,000 miles per hour and seem to form in the oppo site direction of tornadoes on earth. The picture that Dr. LoPresto pre sented of a solar tornado showed that the tornado was thinner on the top and thicker at the bottom. This was the first time in the six years that the Behrend Astronomy series presented the sun as a topic. The next astronomy scries entitled “The Star of Bethlehem” will be on December 3rd. ——————————l News 10/20/98 Complaint of possible theft by deception 10/22/98 Complainant reported that a suspicious looking male had pulled in behind the child care building and was sitting in his car. He then left his car. Officer found that the man was most likely a hunter tracking an animal. 10/24/98 Individual picked up his firearms 10/24/98 Individual dropped off his firearms 10/24/98 Report of an individual who had passed out in the Commons. Upon arrival, male was alert and refused any further treatment. 10/24/98 Lost her purse - she believes in B-lot. We checked, no luck. We re contacted her on 10/26/98 and she said she found it in one of her closets. Thanked us for our efforts and concern. 10/25/98 Observed two males in camouflage acting suspiciously in parking lot G near the pump house. Two paintball guns and assorted accessories were confiscated from them a short while later. Charges are pending. Police .And Safety RHPO R T : What was your best Halloween costume? “I was a lady of the night back in 1989.” -Shannon D. Jones, 08, Psychology “I was Alf.” -Chris Buchanan, 01, Political Science “I was a pumpkin.” -Becky Gray, 01, Elementary Education “A spider.” “My friends wrapped me up in toilet paper and I was a mummy.” -Carrie Spaulding, 05, Biology -Patrick Bulger, 03, 2PLET
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